>>9284546>What do you buy?My tastes have jumped a lot over the years. I started off with dragon statues, then moved on to looking for actual toys of them; ended up getting a bunch of Lego Elves sets because the dragons were cute and poseable. When Mega Construx came out with Crystal Creatures, I grabbed up a bunch of those to get the few dragon ones, then went into the boy's line Breakout Beasts to find them some buddies.
At some point years ago, I ended up with two 'Busou Shinki' characters from a yard sale - a squirrel girl and a ferret girl, both who were really adorable (and who I no longer own, sadly); I now have a few Polynians because they reminded me of them.
More recently, I've gotten into Transformers - my brothers used to have a lot of them as kids, and when we were cleaning out my parent's house, I found some of their old stuff. Turns out, I only really liked the ones that turned into animals; I'm not too crazy about the car and jet types, but after hanging out on /tfg/ for a few years to learn more about them, I've picked up some of the 'mainstay' characters, like Optimus Prime and Megatron. I still prefer the animal ones, though - and Battle Unicorn is the coolest idea ever!
Oh, and I have plushies. Lots and lots of plushies. Monster Hunter ones are my favorite.
>Do you know other women that collect?In person? Yes, actually - one of my former coworkers. She also likes\d Transformers, but only the G1 stuff; she's the one who convinced me to start coming to this board ages ago. 'She' now identifies as a 'he', though, so not sure that counts?
>Why isn't it more common for women to collect? It seems like there are women who collect stuff, but not so much toys.We're expected to be grown-ups at some point - stop having fun, give up your social life, start thinking about getting married and pumping out babies. It's all my mother would ever pester me about; I have no plans of spawning or marrying, though, so I'll keep my toys and life, thanks.