When observing large enemy installations at night, no one seemed to notice that pristine white armor was easily caught by the massive floodlights overlooking the facility. At least the 41st Legion had camo... (2/2)
I took the previous shot to experiment with some silhouette action, while this one was taken with a very faint light behind the camera, so as to better distinguish Cody, Rex, and Echo amid the darkness. This method is tricky for getting sharp images, and I'm just relieved that I was able to get the figures in as much focus as they are seen here. Still had fun, though.
>>9334126>>9338425>>9342744>>9351015>>9352433Very nice!
>>9333092>>9344555>>9351015Good use of setting and lighting, anons!
>>9351316Had a feeling that would happen. Really cool figures, by the way!
>>9351753These are all really cool, anon!