Welcome to /motu/ General -- the most powerful thread in the universe!
Previous Thread:
>>9313406 The new Netflix show has dropped:
https://mega.nz/folder/nJ5QELJa#ixQZSCXUPCNX0EkrwMmpNw Amazon Prime Live Action She-ra supposedly in development, it is unknown if it will be a new take, heavily based off “that recent one” or a some what faithful adaptation to filmation or mini-comics...
Powercon has concluded.
Sun-Man is officially coming to Origins, along with Pig-Head and Digitino
Mattel Creations Click Wars has ended and everything sold out I hope you got your order in
This included:
- Powercon 2021 Exclusives (This is probably your next to last chance to grab at a decent price)
- Sun-Man exclusive box set
- Tri-Klops mini-comic version
Coming In Spring/Late Winter:
Wun-dar and Kol-Darr (He-Man's old friend from that one filmation ep)
Recent News:
>> Scott got btfo'd by mattel: origins will continue into 2022, motu not going away in 2023 >Origins Jitsu WITH CHROME, Terror Claws Skeletor, Flying Fists He-Man, Clawful >Mattel Creations Wun-Dar & Kol Darr >Stridor >Sun-Man coming as both convention exclusive as retail version, latter yet to be seen >MCX Monstroid w/ minicomic Adam, She-Ra and Hordak >Wave 3 Revelations; Fisto, Stinkor, Pope Tri-Klops, cultist Trap-Jaw, DX King Grayskull, punished Mer-Man >Non-Revelations Masterverse figures? >/motu/ General pastebin featuring all your /motu/ news needs! Stay up to date! https://pastebin.com/861y0g94 (embed)
>Archived threads: https://archive.nyafuu.org/toy/search/subject/%2Fmotu%2F-Masters%20of%20the%20universe%20general/ Thread Question:
If you could introduce a new gimmick to Origins what would it be?
>>9317104 When can I buy that evil-lyn!?
TQ: Being in store and able to purchase without hassle.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9317115 Toys for the show need to be shelves yesterday
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
These 3 boys are truly my holy trinity for non-exclusive retail releases for 2021. Webstors gimmick is a bit janky and Mosquitors head is slightly finicky but fuck do they look good.
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>>9317118 You can buy all the he man and skeletors you want already, sometimes you can even get lucky and find a battlecat. No hassles man.
One interesting detail after binging the Netflix show is that Evil-Lyn isn't in love with Skeletor this time. When Keldor is freed from suspended animation, she says something to Kronis about "lots of orphanages to choose from" and Keldor innocently asks "Did you two become a couple while I was in suspended animation?"
>>9317137 tfw BBTS still hasn't shipped my Origins
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>>9317115 The bat wings are cool, hopefully they are removable. The orko looks fun too, i may pick a few up since im getting masterverse stuff.
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Stinkor is in my pile of loot at bbts. Woo. Fuck you retail and all the He-man and Skeletor pegwarmers!
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9317140 It's still possible they were since the story says the story began 10 years prior and we don't know all the background for Keldor getting cursed and why he was all by himself at that point without Cronis or Evelyn. But it's not stated either way, and wasn't stated at all in the 80's cartoons.
>>9317137 Bbts got in my Webstor and Stinkor. Still waiting on Green Goddess and Mosquy
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>>9317143 I think an anon this week said full waves are going last, but i really dunno. I hope they wait two weeks, just started a new job and i dont wanna borrow money to get them and mosquitor. Im finally going to catch up on the deluxes then, wave 6 and mosquitor and ram man/buzz saw/ ba heman all in one box! It makes my head hurt lol.
How difficult is it to mod/customize Origins heads? I wanted a Tri Klops but, and this has nothing to do with me being a vintage autist because I'm not one, I really don't like the gritted teeth on it.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9317177 Could always try a Masterverse head on him when the new Tri-Klops comes out.
So this was part one or full season?
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I have a question for anyone who knows "Classics" lore shit more than I... This General Dolos from the New show...is Dolos the real name of a known character?
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9317191 I have no idea, but I'm hoping it was just part 1, because it ends on a cliffhanger. And there's a number of toys that haven't shown up yet.
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>>9317179 I like the Masterverse head even less.
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>>9317199 The cliffhanger feels like the lead in to the start of the live action movie
Blade and Saurod in part 2 please?
>Snake Mountain located in the heart of the Fright Zone >Evil-lyn's attack called "Wings of Horokoth" BRUH!
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>>9317196 Ben Affleck hates him
>>9317137 >>Me when I've got the gas Anonymous
>>9317207 I'd love to see someone make a little gas mask for him like the MOTUC had so he doesn't have the doofy all-black mouth.
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>>9317227 Masterverse one will likely come with a gas mask.
>>9317207 Looks like I gotta get some paint and paint his teeth. Wonder why they didn't? They were already applying white apps.
>>9317115 Shame we'll never get a Masterverse in this look.
>>9317239 We're getting a He-Man, so we might!
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9317239 There is hope. If we're getting figures from the show in Masterverse I can't see why it wouldn't be possible it would go beyond just He-Man.
>>9317237 >Wonder why they didn't? Muh vintage accuracy. Old Stinkor had no paint on the teeth, so new one doesn't get it either
I expect to seethe when Mantenna comes out
>>9317256 I miss wave one and two's slight deviation from perfect vintage accuracy...
>>9317260 It's so weird how they'll update some but not others.
Like, even in the newly revealed toys, Clawful has a wide open mouth, differentiating him from the old one, but others that would benefit from updates don't get them
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>>9317267 Fisto having a straight redo is the biggest one that bugged me so far. His face is just so bad and you can see through the included comic that they had it in mind at some point to update it since he doesn't look like a Ralph Bakshi dwarf in it. I hope the skin tone atches pretty well with the Masterverse one so i can do a headswap.
>>9317207 How "fun" is Stinkor?
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>>9317227 >>9317237 >>9317256 >muh perfect white teeth What? are you too fine for tooth blackening?
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>>9317237 He's been eating the Black licorice again
>>9317245 I hope they retooled the body and make a more bulky chest for the CGI one
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>Beast Man and Trap Jaw adopted cool names >they named themselves >Evil-lyn has the dumb corny codename >Skeletor assigned her that name It's the little things
>>9317143 >>9317161 I'm in a uniquely privileged position in that my local toy store always gets these in and it tends to be early more often than not. But there is also typically a $2 markup on basic and $5 on deluxe but I'm fine with paying the convenience tax.
>>9317278 He's a cool goy. You gotta hold him right up to your nose to get the smell but it is there. I like him a lot though, fully recommended. Him and Webstor are the two must haves of the wave. Beastman is an easy pass if you already have the LoP set and Green Goddess is a backlog figure I've told myself "I'll get around to".
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I love the new show so much guys
>>9317328 >Stinkor >He's a cool goy. Anonymous
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>>9317345 He really is a cool goy. I keep him in a zip lock baggie to try to preserve the smell.
Heads up, alot of Mer-man wank incoming. As part of my King Mer-man head canon (merman becomes a heroic warrior following the horde invasion and subsequent defeat), I came up with some characters to further populate his corner of Eternia with. I decided to make these as a means of embodying his former villainy. They're rogues from Merman's past. Tai-Phoon retains a deepseated hate boner for Merman because he inherited the crown instead of him. Toy wise, he recycles most of his parts from Jitsu and Clawful. He'd be clownfish themed to a degree, as his body would be orange with white tigerstripes decorating his arms and legs. As for Sky-Tide, he recycles Sy-Clone's body. Initially I intended him to reuse Clawful's legs, but I later drew him with Skeletor legs instead. He's kind of a chimera of various marine predators. Eels, sharks, and Stingrays mostly. Think of him as a flying sea vampire with electric sting powers. Since he recycles Sy-Clone's torso, I decided that it would instead feature a lenticular sticker of a gnashing shark like mouth. Color wise, Sky-Tide is red and white with some yellow accents for his trunks and gloves.
More refined pic of Merman's enemies
Then there's this guy, Tidal-Grave. He's the ghost of the former king of the ocean, the one who preceded Merman. He kind of acts like a mentor and voice of reason to Merman. I based him on that one custom merman skull head thats been floating around. Toy wise he'd essentially be a total reuse/repaint of Merman, but cast in a color changing plastic with a new head and a shiny silver skirt to further his ghostly appearance.
And finally, here's a shitty sketch of King Merman fighting his new enemies
>>9317425 >HEEEED MY WARNING MER-MAN... What a helpful ghost
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>>9317435 Every Prince Adam needs a Randor for guidance right?
>>9317425 Holy shit, I love that. Have you considered doing something inspired by Phishbonez? Doesn't even need to be undead, maybe some sort of deep sea bioluminescent fish.
>>9317242 >>9317245 But will they keep the lanky proportions and long arm to look scree accurate or reuse parts to make them more realistic? I want the screen look.
>>9317412 I love these, anon
>>9317245 Why are we getting ANOTHER revelations-man? for shelfwarming?
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9317316 >>9317445 It's funny, yesterday anons were saying they didn't want the screen look, because they didn't care for the style.lol
I just got an email saying Tri-Klops shipped just now. I wonder when I'll get him.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9317457 He's shown up for people already
>>9317459 That's sick. I hated the look initially but I think he'll legit become one of my favorites in hand.
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>>9317443 I've never heard of phishbonez, but id love to draw a motu angler fish guy
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9317463 Comes with a re-print of his first appearance
I got Webstor from the collectibles store along with Skunk that was banned from filmation. Webstor's climbing mechanism stops like 3/4 and you can just give him upsies to the top at least.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9317477 He looks fun. I always like zipline gimmicks.
>>9317476 The end was kinda cringe, but it was cool seeing some of the rare toys.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9317476 Damn that Roboto cosplay was perfect
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>>9317477 Huh, my Webstor stops about halfway up you lucky ducky.
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>>9317498 Stinky, Sexy, Stinkor
>>9317498 That ass can fart
>>9317452 The purpose of those mock-ups is "look at all the things we're making", not "here's what's coming".
>>9317579 it has the same effect
>>9317498 I swear to the fucking goddamn sun. If you fucks create a /toy/ /d/ thread because of this I will burn down 4chan as a state's witness.
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>>9317558 This seems like a perfect use for the Spirit of Grayskull from the convention set
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>>9317604 What? Essentially, it means, "we've done Revelation He-Man, and now we're doing New Eternia He-Man, and here's a sneak peek at future figures in Masterverse, PoP She-Ra and HMatMotU (...) He-Man."
anyone know where I can get a repro Snout Spout axe? I didn't realize they were so expensive in the secondary market.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9317634 There ya go-
>>9317453 Well, I can't talk for all the anons but I never like the masterverse body, looks pretty weak to me, it need the more stupidly muscle-bound proportions of the other lines.
Also, I don't like the new designs at all but I really love the design of this nice gentleman since day one
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>>9317459 I feel better not buying one now, that ring looks like shit
"I have a microphone and you don't!" -- the Snake Mountain battle cry
Now that we all love the new netflix show, how would you incorporate it into a Masters of the Multiverse kind of story? I'd like to see Filmation and 200X meeting the 2021 cast of characters. Everything else can take a backseat. IE; both Ram-Men giving Ram Ma'am lessons on smashing, or filmation Teela bossing the two younger ones around. Zodac and Zodak would also be goat.
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>>9317725 >"Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbon, Manny Mota!" Anonymous
Wave to Mer-man as he drives by!
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>>9317729 I feel if they do something like that, they have to do it way late into the show. let it grow like its own thing and dont start instantly jumping into the multiverse bandwagon.
I think the tmnt 2013 show did something like that
Saw them today at my local collectibles store. Just the two. Really the best of this wave. I tried to get a whiff of Stinkor with my mask lowered a little but was unable to smell anything. Out of packaging he smells like slightly different plastic or cheap dollar store perfume.
>>9317764 So classics stinkor accessories can fit origins OK. The mask is just wedged between his face and armor and doesn't really peg into anything.
A 3d print or recast could be ok, but the tank would need to be redone as a backpack or something.
There's always just parts swapping with revelation I suppose.
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>>9317207 >Whenever I look at original Mer-Man all I can see is some kind of mammal with furry ears. >Looking at Stinkor here, and all I can see is the mouth of some kind of deep see fish. Anonymous
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>>9317764 How much did they want for the Mythic Legions?
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>>9317779 My D-Pins.
They had Mosquitor and Revelation Wave 2 last week, but Mosquitor flew off the shelf in two days and Revelation now only has a single Teela left.
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Eat the bread or I'll bust a cap on yo ass.
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Eat the bread or I'll bust a cap in yo ass
holy fuck the new show is actually great. I was expecting a shitty episodic kid's show, but the first half felt like an actual origin movie and the quality just never dropped. The only thing that seemed off was Duncan's character since he didn't have nearly as much focus as the other Masters, but I'm assuming they're saving it for season 2? (assuming it even gets one, knowing Netflix) I hope all those Snakemen references aren't just for fun, because seeing them pop up again would be disgustingly kino. But does anyone know why they said Snake Mountain was in the Fright Zone? Does Eternia usually have one of those? I thought that was Hordak's thing.
>>9317104 I was at work all day, thanks for making a correctly formatted thread before that one guy makes one gnitsalb orter flavored.
>>9317768 I'll definitely wanna see someone recast those parts if Masterverse doesn't have a masked head.
>>9317810 I mean it should he even had one on screen.
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>>9317807 This. Wish it had a sneaky Mosquitor, but I'm glad, well you know...
>>9317104 So is this He-Man actually a man or just a really big boy?
The absence of making him and Adam's voices different is throwing me off
>>9317867 it's the same Ben 10 thing
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>>9317867 I wish we got Dan Green doing the Adam and He-Man voices ala. Yu-Gi-Oh.
>>9317872 Except Ben has a different voice for 99% all of his aliens making them more distinguished from himself
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>>9317820 >sweat w-what does that mean...?
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>>9317893 his personality doesnt change anyway
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>>9317806 >But does anyone know why they said Snake Mountain was in the Fright Zone Because new continuity. They're clearly doing their own thing (brave wise cringer, everyone teens, no secret identity) so why not say thst the Fright Zone is on Eternia and is where Snake Mountain is located?
(For the record, I was never a fan of Etheria being a thing, so I welcome this.)
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9317867 He's man sized but man sized in that style and world isn't much bigger.
Also their voices are diffrent but it's not as near pronounced as the guy in 200x who could do Adam and he-man in totally different ranges
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>>9317412 >>9317415 >>9317430 Really cool
>>9317425 >zombie variants dont give Mattel ideas how they can make more color variants!
>He-man has Skeletor >Teela has Evil-lyn >Duncan has Trap Jaw >Cringer has Beast Man >Krass has no arch rival Who do you think will be (or should be) her opposite?
>>9318146 Gonna guess it'll be Mosquitra, or whatever her name was. If not, someone chaotic or disciplined would be a good foil, and I feel like Tri-Klops could be either.
>>9318150 They have Tuvar and Baddhra set up.
If they become two-bad, I wonder they'd match with Krass as a rivalry?
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318160 Krass's hair sort of matches them and is a mixture of two colors.
>>9318160 They're the palace guards right? If they become a "good" Two Bad, maybe an "evil" Man-E-Faces could be another potential foil. Main head is neutral, beast head is crazy, robot head is analytical. Akin to Animated Blitzwing.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9318187 >They're the palace guards right? If they become a "good" Two Bad, shit i think you maybe right about them being too bad, they are even the same colors right?
>>9318195 The names are a dead giveaway.
Tuvar and Baddhra were the names of the bounty hunters in 200x
>>9318203 Correct. I didn't even catch the names in the show, but they're in the credits, Yuri Lowenthal as He-Man/Adam/Tuvar and Fred Tatasciore as King Randor/Baddrah.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9318206 >I didn't even catch the names in the show Yeah i missed that too, chalk it up to working while i binged the show
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>>9317104 I just finished the show, and I quite liked it. I'll be interested to see how they handle the Masterverse figure. It's funny that the aesthetics of every character outside of He-Man and Skeletor seems like they would fit right into Masterverse, more or less, but those 2 have their unusually stout bodies. I can't imagine we'd get the whole cast since that's quite literally a new and unique mold for each of them (unless they don't mix it up with a 'inspired-by' look, like New Eternia is). I'm excited to see how they turn out nonetheless.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9318331 Fuck. That's actually pretty intense. Dope.
If this show was a little less stylized, I bet it'd look really cool.
>>9318331 Is this a a spoiler
If so fuck you this belongs on /co/
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318341 How's it a spoiler? Evil Lyn's an established character.
>>9318347 Not that guy but it's her transformation episode in Episode 9 of the current 10 so it kind of is a spoiler.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318351 How's it spoiler? Her tranformation is in the OP post and becoming an action figure?
Question for the thread, where do you see your toy collection in 10 years? I’d like to eventually have kids and they’ll have full access to all of these figures. Anyone have different plans?
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>>9317453 I kinda hope they meet us in the middle, like a more realistic take on the CGI designs. But He-Man and Skeletor definitely need to be bulked up compared to the regular Masterverse figures.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318357 Buy doubles. Then they can fiddle with your ones that aren't for display.
>>9318353 The post you replied to just told you how it's a spoiler
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318364 That guy's just the same guy who was being a cock from the last thread who kept complaining about the Sun-Man comic and how it should be on /co/. He's just a troll and he can go fuck himself. If I wasn't posting with my trip he wouldn't have started it.
He argued with multiple people last thread on the topic of mini-comics
>>9313989 Then he started shit about how to filter out people posting with trips.
>>9315014 >>9315053 Evil Lyn's an established character, her transformed figure is in the OP post and art of it is already in thread. It's not a spoiler. He can take his entitlement elsewhere.
>>9318357 >where do you see your toy collection in 10 years? Probably in a storage crate in the attic, honestly. No one to give them to, too much of a packrat to sell
>>9318353 >>9318364 I watched the whole thing pretty quickly, like I did with Revelation, because I like popping into these threads and don't like getting any surprises. Idk if they showed it in trailers or something, but all of the villain transformations, though I expected them, were a surprise to me and were cool to see. Sure it's barely a spoiler, but I remember when the first Avengers movie came out someone randomly posted a gif of Hulk smashing Loki, and in the grand scheme it wasn't a big deal, but it was still revealing a scene to me that I wouldn't otherwise have expected.
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Faker does have a lot of charm, although I do kind of wish he used the new He-man face instead of the classic one. As cheap as these are, I don't really mind getting a whole wave of 4 as long as whichever ones I don't actively want still look pretty cool. I figure I'll open Fisto later, maybe tomorrow, just to spread out the fun.
>>9317104 Is there a reason Teela is not featured in this pic? She's a mojr character after all. You think they're going back and redoing her figure after the promo they show looked like ass?
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318376 He's just the same troll from last thread, and even brings up /co/ in both arguments.See here:
>>9318373 He tried to derail the thread with similar shenanigans.
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>>9318373 >everyone that disagrees with me is the same guy >he's out to get me because I have a trip!! Dude calm down that wasn't even me but i just got spoiled because of the webm you posted. You can't blame the OP because that's pretty much going
>other people are doing it so i can do it too Anonymous
they could use the Origins (male) body for the Nu-ra toys
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>>9318386 If the Nu-ra actually looked like this instead of a pile of playdoh, I think it might have had a better chance.
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>>9318383 >post gives valid points and outlines how it isn't exactly a spoiler, just a scene that hasn't been shown that he'd rather not have seen on /toy/ >nah he's just a troll The fun never ends with you, huh
>>9318386 that would unironically work for Scorpia if they gave her an armor piece with sculpted booba
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9318382 I hate how wide her torso is to probably accommodate her action feature, but I'll buy her toy. Ram Ma'am's figure looks like it also has a wide torso. I'd expect her to probably some kind of gimmick built in too.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9318386 >hasn i never finished the series ... cause ... well it's nu-ra. did she end up looking like that?
>>9318395 i would actually like a good Scorpia figure, she was the only character i did like from the show.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9318386 i never finished the series ... cause ... well it's nu-ra. did she end up looking like that?
>>9318395 i would actually like a good Scorpia figure, she was the only character i did like from the show
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>>9318408 >did she end up looking like that? no, that's just a muscle fetishist artist
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>>9318411 >i would actually like a good Scorpia figure, she was the only character i did like from the show How can you not like Hordak's wife being an autistic engineer whose term for "lover" is "lab partner"?
>>9318386 None of the Nu-ra designs are remotely salvagable for me. I hate practically everyone for being mushy faux anime weebshit. Muscle girl with sailor moon hair is the least MOTU thing you can be.
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>>9318331 Fuck that is surprisingly complex for a transformation sequence. Im impressed
>>9318450 Not him, but I get people not liking the art direction, but something like this is a perfectly good She-Ra design, in terms of what's actually there (rather than how it's depicted)
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>>9318162 I really wish Krass' colors werent so obnoxiously harsh. She looks like some weird LOL/Overwatch/Fortnite throwaway as is. Though I guess that is the point ultimately.
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>>9317768 >>9317820 I dont want to be that guy, but if anyone is planning on swapping the masterverse stinkor armor onto the origins one I dont think the oranges will match. If you look at the power con pics it's obviously a much lighter shade. The hands wont be of much use either unfortunately. So just the head and the shield upgrade. A sef of classics recasts would probably be best
>>9318457 The true She-Ra has bare legs and cowgirl boots
>>9317686 >I never like the masterverse body, looks pretty weak to me, it need the more stupidly muscle-bound proportions of the other lines Im glad someone else thinks so. The masterverse buck borders on being twinkish to my eye. He-man looks less like Schwarzenegger and closer to Zac Efron. Ultimately I just want a proper successor to the classics buck, with more articulation, but the same overall look.
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>>9318457 >but something like this is a perfectly good She-Ra design, in terms of what's actually there (rather than how it's depicted) Even in this regard I have to disagree wholeheartedly. Nothing about that design gives off any hint of heroism or she-ra in general. It looks painfully generic and worst of all, it isnt toyetic. If you rendered that costume in 3D or in real life it would look like a sleeveless star trek uniform with a mess of guilded shiny fabric stapled onto the chest and shoulders. It's a hideious pile.
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>>9318468 This, either lean into the "PRINCESS OF POWER" angle or dont bother. A modern day she-ra should look like a disney princess crossed with wonder woman.
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>>9318386 If you don't find that hot get the fuck outta here
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318472 I think they have to have the lanky bodies for the time being, because of Revelation's design aesthetic.
>>9318488 There's a lot of them on this show
>>9318502 >I think they have to have the lanky bodies for the time being, because of Revelation's design aesthetic. That's probably what they were going for yeah, but it falls very short of capturing the revelations look. He-man for instance is alot tankier in the "show". The only reason I think the new eternia duo look good because of how padded and armored they are.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318509 Those fuckers at Mattel still need to post some promotional pics online, showing the classic Skeletor head. It looks like you can take off parts of his armor to make him have the more traditional look. Same goes for the classic He-Man head there.
>>9318516 >post yfw new eternia juat embraces masterverse's status as the origins accessory DLC toyline Anonymous
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>>9318502 Can someone shoop her giving the bird?
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318533 I'm pretty much going to use them as DLC to turn my Origins into 5.5in scale Classics.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9318533 That's a good thing, and it goes both ways. Like this acala like ROE head on the masterverse skeletor. shit looks badass as hell in the right lights
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>>9318357 In a big box in storage
>>9318546 That's good. Damn. I might have to start doing the same
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318576 I'm going to do it with Fisto's heads. I'm half expecting to see a lot of Masterverse returns on pegs with Origins heads and parts swapped in.
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>>9318375 Im thinking along this line too, except ill have a bunch on shelves instead of storage. Maybe convert a garage into a showroom of sorts.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9318546 >>9318597 So far it's looking like me and that one anon, who are going with the masterverse line as our main collection line lol
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
How long does it usually take barbosa customs to ship out? i ordered at the end of july ... i'm trying to be patient but it's been a month and a half.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9318624 Didn't they have like a waiting period on their customs?
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>>9318597 I really hope someone just does some custom heads that match the skin tone.
>>9318597 Do we have pictures of that Mer-man back there?
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9318629 Yeah but that passed, it's not in the panic range yet. just trying to see what experience others had since i know a few here have ordered from them.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9318651 bet that would look great with his traditional armor. Going to have to find a loose set before he drops
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>>9318651 damn, i've skipped everyone in this line but this looks good. what can i say, i love a fish man
>>9318651 I know that's how he looked in that show but he needs his armor
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9318657 His base figure could almost pass for a 200X version with some chest armor. He has a number of the motifs from the 200X armor.
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>>9318670 I agree. He and Beast Man look so bland without armor of any kind.
>>9318651 Ffs an alt head and his armor could easily have been included. Maybe it is?
>>9318701 If it was, it would have been showcased.
Latest MotU trademark filings: "Tricky Golden Beauty" (Sept 8, 2021) Light Hope (Sept 8, 2021) "Heroic Fist-Flinging Tornado!" (August 23, 2021) Arrow (July 30, 2021) Gwildor (July 30, 2021) Snout Spout (June 29, 2021) Swiftwind (June 29, 2021) "Dreadful Disguised Leader of the Snake Men" (June 28, 2021) The Faceless One (June 28, 2021) Think we're getting Bow and pegasi in Origins after the robo-horses? I'm excited for the Faceless One, since he was retconned out of Revelation
>>9318607 Idk if I'm that one you're talking about, but count me in. It's just my preferred style of toy. I'll cherrypick Origins (and maybe even Superstars) though because I do still quite like them. I hate that some people act like one of the two lines need to die and that they can't coexist, like Mattel clearly wants them to.
>>9318730 Not a She-ra fan, who is "tricky golden beauty?"
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9318738 If you were the anon i was talking to before then yeah.
I actually like having both lines and the fact that they can compliment each other.
>>9318546 not going to lie that looks awesome. the head really works on the origins figure
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>>9318775 google tells me that is entrapta
probably to start using that chrome gold material they use for the incoming origins toys.
>>9318710 They didn't showcase all the accessories and option pieces.
>>9318624 Did you message him? He was pretty good getting back to me when my order was nearing panic time.
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>>9318830 They talked about it (and actually showed the full array of accessories for Mer-Man and Teela). Mer-Man will be coming with an Aquatican sword and bident, and 3 sets of hands, including a pair of swimming hands.
>>9318873 Why would she need a single hinge at the waist and knee? Unless this was meant to let her sit, it otherwise won't make a real difference. Must as well just segment her into 3, with ball and socket connections so she can kind of wiggle. Otherwise no real point. Give her a full fabric dress (which I'm sure some will complain that she doesn't look skin tight down there anymore) or pretty much don't even bother.
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>>9318880 Only if the body under is just nude green.
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>>9318651 Yup, still looks like trash.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9318849 No not yet but that is good to know if i need to
>>9318502 I didn't know I would fall in love when watching this show, but then I saw her being jealous over Adam...
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>>9318382 >her figure after the promo they show looked like ass? They're 10 dollar toys anon... they don't aim to be perfect.
>>9318905 It wasn't jealousy, he's like a brother to her. >:(
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>>9318382 probably if she was not a brick, she will break.
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>>9318878 based, good use of that skylanders set btw
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>>9317199 this guy could almost pass for a new cosmic enforcer from a glance
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>>9318911 They didn't meet until they were like 6, so it wouldn't be like incest psychologically.
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>>9317628 Don't visit the Bionicle general, then.
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>>9317628 it's too late for /toy/ anon, they let in the furfags and the coomers awhile ago
So from now forward the slime pit playset will includes naked skeleton?
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>>9319066 skeletor's big evil boner playset
>>9317328 Is that Origins Grayskull or Classics
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9318730 >Gwildor >Snout Spout >King Hiss >Faceless One >Entrapta BASED AS FUCK
Is it true that if the Origins box artist posts something on his insta, you should sit up and pay attention because it might mean something?
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9319112 King Hiss was listed up above, so probably in this case.
>>9318730 I’ve heard rumors that Gwildor will be in the kid’s show. All of these are very exciting! Thanks for the heads up.
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>>9318730 >The Faceless One Based
>>9319137 >I’ve heard rumors that Gwildor will be in the kid’s show. When the kid's show was first announced, a Mattel executive cryptically mentioned "He-Man's allies like Man-At-Arms, Roboto, Extendar and Gwildor."
I really liked the pacing of character intros in Season 1, so it'll be exciting to see how they add more allies. And Skeletor needs more Dark Masters just to even the current odds.
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>>9319171 The cliffhanger gave them a perfect excuse to bring in Gwildor if they want.
Eldress teleported Castle Grayskull God knows where...the Cosmic Key would be a great tool to try and find it with
I guess Fisto is kind of cool. He can stay. Probably need an extra "just a guy" or two to balance things out.
>>9317328 Did you swap out Webstor's left hand with someone else's? I thought he was coming with two gripping hands.
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>>9319235 Haha, I have my Roman Reigns in the same pose.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9319238 They all come with the open hand apparently. I don't know if that was a mistake. Maybe there's a running change? These running changes are almost a scam by Mattel to trick you into double and triple dipping on figures.
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As other anons said, the head just BARELY matches the color of the LOP body, but I'll be damned if he doesn't look cool this way. Probably my "ideal" look to Mer-Man. Once I'm home from uni I'll prob use the armor and boots of LOP on vintage-style.
>>9319259 >These running changes are almost a scam by Mattel to trick you into double and triple dipping on figures The smart thing to do is just skip any figure you are not 100% satisfied with and wait until there is a satisfactory version or not have it at all.
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>>9319321 This assumes they are easy to find and not just He-Man / Skeletor as usual. I haven't seen a "new" case of figures in almost 8 months
>>9319112 What but that's the least best snake man
Found a second Stratos in the wild, so I finally got to open one. He's.. kind of underwhelming. I don't know what I was expecting, really
>>9319346 I thought everyone in /motug/ had good taste, and then I saw this post and was proven wrong
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>>9319364 I like what I like Squeeze has snakes for arms and hands
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>>9319354 If Mega Construx had ball jointed ankles, their Stratos would be a better toy in every way.
Very tempted to sell my Classics (I only have a few) and go all-in on Origins
Horrifying idea: prototype Dylamug's "gun" is actually a head sort of like Tankhead's design, and the actual "face" in his torso is some weird preserved flesh in a jar.
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>>9319354 Stratos is by far the worst figure in the line. Don't know what else to say, buy the Rise of Evil 2 pack?
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>>9319478 >prototype Dylamug's "gun" is actually a head sort of like Tankhead's design This is what I've always thought, and my explanation for the face is that, since he had no real face to express himself with, he had the slot machine face installed so he convey his emotions emoji style
>>9319354 I wish the guy just came with a weapon. It feels like that should be law in the 5.5 squat figure world. The minicomic version seems to come with a club?
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>>9319511 The club he had in the powercon display looks to be Clawful's. I'm thinking Stratos is going to be stiffed for weapons again
Symmetrical armor Man At Arms when?
>>9319511 He should come with the staff of avion, but origins is generally very slavish to the original (with a few exceptions) which kinda sucks since some of the vintage stuff had some odd head sculpts...
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>>9319526 When you get the Eternian Palace Guard pack
>>9318730 So they have to release another She-Ra if they're doing Swiftwind so much later, right? Unless he's for Masterverse and tying in with that She-Ra?
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>>9318873 as long as she has defined nipples and hips as wide as a car I don't give a shit about why they do with the knees
>>9319533 The staff of Avion will probably be packed with a marked up exclusive Delora.
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>>9319555 >marked up exclusive Delora A Mattel Creations exclusive would be perfect for Delora. If she's anything like Tri-Klops she'll only be $17 and come in a beautiful mailer.
>>9319533 >He should come with the staff of avion, That's what Mega Construx gave him.
For Stinkor, they were generous enough to pack him with a gun and the recolored He-Man shield from France and put his blue Grayskull shield on an entire rack of blue Grayskull weapons (in the Point Dread set).
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>>9319548 >So they have to release another She-Ra if they're doing Swiftwind so much later, right? Unless he's for Masterverse and tying in with that She-Ra? No way of telling one from the other until Mattel chooses to reveal, but I hope they'll make all the steeds in the smaller Origins scale rather than offer us two incompatible collections.
>>9319637 I really wish Mega Construx had the same amount of character selection as Origins at this point. Those little guys are the bees knees. Webstor and Mosquitor are my favorites and I'd love them in that scale.
Now that power-con has come and again, what are your top 10 want list figures for origins? Mine include:>Randor >Mekaneck >Rio Blast >Gwildor >Bow >Catra >Frosta >He-Ro >Blast Attack >Extendar
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I want this as a custom...
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>>9319354 I actually liked him a lot more than I was expecting and I’ve never been a big fan of Stratos
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I wanna see someone make this as a custom.
>>9319655 >Mantenna >Modulok >Laser Light Skeletor >Horde Wraith >Shadow Weaver >Leech >TwoBad >Snake Face >Kobra Khan >SSSqueeze Anonymous
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>>9318457 Femboys back to /gif/ please
>>9318457 on one hand, I dont think that is awful, but still think there is something bland about it, or something, cant put my finger on it. maybe is the lack of details, or her big arms anathomy.
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>>9319465 which ones do you own?
>>9319655 >Rio Blast >Filmation She-Ra >Shadow Weaver >Catra >Bow >Tung Lashor >Rattlor >Scorpia >200x Stinkor I can't think of any others I actually care about. I guess Swift Wind, if mounts count.
>>9319721 Personally, I think the simplicity works in its favor, but it could use a bit more detail on the legs, like defined boots.
Regardless, I think everyone can agree its an improvement on her design from s1-4 (though I think most people here wopuld say that's not a very high bar to cross, lol)
>>9319650 >I really wish Mega Construx had the same amount of character selection as Origins at this point. You and me both, friend.
youtu.be/Eqd0QDZVMyA Anonymous
>>9319655 >gain, what are your top 10 want list figures for origins? Modulok
King Randor
Queen Marlena
Tung Lashor
Snout Spout
Note that a Classics-style Mantenna would be #2 after Modulok, but vintage slavery would drop him out of my Top Ten altogether
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>>9319780 >>9319748 >>9319699 >all these snakechads RISSSSSSSE UP, SSSSSSCALEBROS
Is anyone else being immediately redirected to the he-man dot org forums instead of the toy gallery? It is very strange. It was working earlier this week.
>>9319655 I really want at least the following:
>Leech >King Hsss >Snout Spout >Tytus >Megator >Horde Trooper Anonymous
>>9319655 In no real order:
>Moss Man >Leech >Sy-Klone >Fearless Photog >Wrap Trap >Optikk >Modulok >Blast-Attak >Snout Spout >the ice guy from filmation, give him a snowglobe chest gimmick like those weird motu knockoffs with the glitter Anonymous
>>9319655 I'll give you my top one instead: Optikk.
>>9319808 I keep forgetting that Moss Man ISN'T in Origins. Same thing with Masterverse I feel like someone put a Moss Man memory blocker in my brain
>>9319818 I'm honestly just curious on how they'll handle the flocking- I think a dedicated Panthor SKU is much easier to justify than for flocked Moss Man
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>>9319655 Shokoti
Discs of Doom Skeletor
Keep stuff from outside the vintage line coming.
>>9319811 He'd be interesting to see changed to an Evil Warrior
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>>9319818 I saw a bunch of Revelations Moss Mans in Target today. And I didn't get it because not flocked, and dumb show. But mostly because not flocked.
>>9319823 Regular one at retail, flocked Mattel Creations release.
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>>9319655 Rio Blast
Lord Grasp
all of the dinosaurs
all the snake men
thunder punch heman
and fucking randor
I feel confident in the belief that mattel will eventually release everyone, but the ones I listed are the ones I want most in origins. In the case of MCX I just wish we could get catch up to origins current catalog. I really hope matty doesnt kill the mcx line. It always feels like its in jeopardy some how.
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>>9319655 Mekaneck
Rio Blast
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>>9319655 My list hadn't changed
>Mantenna >Tung Lashor >Rattlor >Dylamug >Mekaneck >Snout Spout >Frosta >Saurod >Wrap Trap >Modulok Anonymous
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>>9319849 I'd be perfectly happy with a Deluxe release honestly with the flocking, weapon, alt hand, and maybe an alt head based on Classics or something.
>half a dozen people asking for Rio Blast Rio Bros, I see you and I love you
>>9319841 I did a deep dive on all the characters from NA and I found it pretty interesting just how (conceptually speaking) seamlessly they'ed fit in on Eternia. Its a shame about the rights bullshit, because I'd be happy to see alot of NA guys join the mainline continuity. For example, Hoove would make a great addition to the Horde, Artilla would make a great sidekick/companion to Rio Blast, and Lizorr fits right in amongst the snakemen. Honestly the deeper you dig, the more compatability you see.
>>9319758 >tfw all Mega communities just focus on Halo and a bit of Call of Duty I only buy Halo when I can integrate it with my Motu stuff. That or if I just want space marines to fight Alien and Predator. But the Motu like is so good, I really hope Snake Mountain gives us a Webstor and Clawful and not just repaints.
What are your rarest and dumbest MOTU-related things you own?
>>9319793 yeah, same here. Hopefully they improve the site.
>>9319871 >we still dont even have webstor despite the fact he's a skeletor body with a new head and chest harness >most sets have come with repainted hemans and skeletors for 2 years to save up for new figures despite this what the fuck more do they need man? like Im ecstatic we got roboto, trapjaw, and man-e-faces but we're really spacing out new releases in the mcx line. At this point I wish they'ed release batches of new guys in 5 packs akin to the heroes of eternia one, just so we could get everybody in one go.
Does anyone know if Ross or any place is carrying Breakout Beasts? I'm trying to find some in the wild but not succeeding...
>>9319866 I never thought twice about him, then got his Classics figure for like twenty bucks and now he's one of my favorites, even if he has a big dumb 80's moustache. At least it's more Wyatt Earp than Tom Selleck. I love the integrated weapons on him.
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>>9319881 >he has the squirt bot I kneel, much respect anon
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>>9319888 As a kid I always thought of him as a bionic charles bronson and loved him because of it. Man-e-faces and Rio Blast were my go to MOTU figs.
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>>9319887 They sell two packs of break out beasts on amazon for 15 to 20 bucks. Outside of that I havent seen any of the MCX blindbox figures for months now. Walmart doesnt even stock the xeno eggs anymore. With the heroes line dead, Im genuinely worried about the toyline's future.
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>>9319886 >At this point I wish they'ed release batches of new guys in 5 packs akin to the heroes of eternia one, just so we could get everybody in one go. So much this.
If they hadn't already done Filmation colors Skeletor, Evil-Lyn and Trap Jaw, I'd expect that to be the theme of Snake Mountain's included figures, like CG had the cast of "He-Man and the Power Sword" + Sorceress.
They should really budget to give it the cast of "King of the Snake Men!"
Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
>>9319919 Looks more like a weird owl bird thing than Mer-Man.
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>>9319655 >Modulok >Mantenna >Wrap Trap >Squeeze >Single Carded Space Suit >Rabin Hood Native >Bow's brother Sow >Battleground Teela >Invisible Flasher Wizard >Stag Beetle Man Anonymous
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>>9319919 merman, beastman and stratos had a child?
>>9319929 Well you can just stay away from my son's son as well.
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>>9319955 Son and half brother, maybe. Mer-Man when he had that weird night in Avion.
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>>9319955 that middle think is kinda sad
Skeleton Quest 2021
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>>9319955 Need classics, Mondo, & Mini to keep the gag going!
>>9319955 That's one a them might maniax isn't it? How is he? I was eyeing a couple of them.
>>9320016 I like them, but I'm a sucker for any glyos. Bigger than I expected and they've got some good heft. I admit, he's not a /great/ Mer-man and I was mostly in it for Man at Arms and Trapjaw, but I do like the beast mold quite a bit otherwise.
>>9320016 might maniax killed glyos
>>9320030 I've never seen the mold they used for MAA there. That's pretty rad. I take it these are no longer available?
>>9320040 MaA and Trapjaw have a painted arm swapped. So MaA is the robot mold with one Johnny Tombstone arm. No, they're still available,
rocomtoys.com .
>>9320038 cole
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>>9320046 Oh sweet! But I've only really seen the slashers, tombstone, and beasts. The robot and the fighter man are both new to me. Fuck I'm tempted to drop way too much money now.
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>>9319869 Hydron and Slushhead as rivals maybe?
>>9318362 >for display Toys are made to be played with.
Who do you prefer as Skeletor's go-to tech support? Tri-Klops or Trapjaw?
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>>9320054 While I agree, 'playing' can be done in multiple ways, from posing them, taking pics of them, hitting them against each other, making up stories, or even just displaying them.
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>>9320058 I don't really give a shit about Tri-Klops, but he's kind of useless unless he's the tech guy. It would be neat to see a continuity that makes them engineer rivals, but I personally see Trapjaw as pure muscle and Tri-Klop's never-ending project. Basically, Skeletor's favorite lackey who uses the tech that Tri-Klops makes.
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>>9320040 The 3 blanks for 40 is a good deal if you just want to see if you the molds, but of course you have no control over what you get. I wish there hadn't been two beasts, but I do like this motu set, so that's a good option if you just want a discrete set.
Imagine pretending that kids buy motu stuff. hehehe
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>>9320058 200x Tri-Klops pretty much built my expectations of Tri-Klops. He was a tech savant and a skilled sword fighter, he almost felt like a samurai in his style and his armor.
Likewise, Trapjaw always seemed like a monster rather than someone particularly intelligent. How they're handled in Revelation in the tech cult is more or less how I see them, Tri-Klops is the main guy, while Trapjaw amounts to his muscle who uses his tech.
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>>9319881 I remember this toy, I was going to receive a blue version for Christmas when I was 4 or maybe 5 but I accidently stumbled upon the poorly hidden gift stash resulting in my mother getting violently upset and excluding that gift until after Christmas, but by then it was sullied, any excitement was gone.
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>>9320058 Tri-Klops = Skilled swordsman and technician, Trapjaw = Mad doctor/medic
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>>9319753 It's a unique design, so I'd be ok with it. If we got figures from that show, I think the ones that would transition to a more Masterverse look would be She-Ra and Hordak. I'm having a hard time imagining the other designs made to look less like the show, but still looking like them.
Speaking of shows, I was thinking about the new show and Masterverse figures. Outside of He-Man, who essentially becomes an adult, the rest of them stay kids. MAA you can kinda fudge in because it's such a mechanical design, but I wonder how they'd do Teela and Krass. All the Evil Masters are adult sized, so outside of uniqueness, they should fit easily.
Writing more than I'd want, but also speaking of these show specific looks, I actually appreciate them. We're never going to get an armorless and scarred one eyed Mer-Man outside of this Revelation design, and being a notable character, we'll definitely get more Mer-Man, probably in New Eternia form. Same goes for Evil-Lyn, Teela, which is also why I'm kind of annoyed with Man-At-Arms. He's got what I think is probably the best time skip design in Revelation, but they just went with his classic, when we'll definitely get another classic like MAA at some point in the future (probably New Eternia again). Just random thoughts, I guess.
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>>9317328 How is your left ledge not drooping like shit when you have characters on it? Mine barely seems to support the weight of one figure.
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>>9319919 >Dont talk yadda yadda That's clearly Merman taking his autistic brat to the park and making the best of it because he's a dad and that's what we do
This is like the third time I've picked a Clamp Champ from the shelf before deciding not to buy it. I don't even think there's anything wrong with it but I just can't muster the will to pull the trigger for some reason. I don't get it.
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>>9320368 His grinning head was worth it for me.
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>>9320368 >trigger You mean...
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>>9320058 Tri-Klops is tech support.
Trapjaw is a mechanic (if only for his own stuff).
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>>9320148 I think they do. Just have a hardtime black girls buy motu megablox do!
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>>9320030 >That Merman >That Trap-Jaw Was this a Glyos x Mattel cooperation? I mean thats kinda knock-of level of likeness. Were they sued for this?
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>>9319869 Since the Horde is already established as spacefaring. The vehicles were all techno based. There would be no problem with them fit in.
>>9319841 Why change? Let them be mutants. Maybe incorporate them like Rokkon and the stone people that they crashlanded on Eternia.
What's the worst MOTUWWE figure and why is it Goldberg?
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>>9320590 >Why change? Why not? I'm a big fan of fresh takes on things. Keeping them mutants on Primus and having He-man go to them or having them crash land on Eternia are all well and good, I'm not knocking that or saying they NEED to change, but I like to see new things get tried.
Look at it like this: 200x changed Tri-klops from bounty hunter to tech guy, and it worked. And more recently and radically, Ram Ma'am and Ork-0, and from what I've seen, those changes were met with positive reception. So I think Slush Head being a native of the Tar Swamp or Too-Tall Hoove being Skeletor's answer to Extendar might be nice reimaginings.
And let's be real: the series will most likely always focus on fighting over Grayskull on Eternia, so from a practical standpoint, making Eternian versions of these characters would at least give them a better shot at showing up more often.
>>9320643 It’s goldberg for sure. I got him on clearance for his accessories and they barely fit other figures. What you’re left with is a boring and bald wrestling man. I might try turning him into a Small Soldiers Chip Hazard down the road.
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>>9320643 Because Bret said so.
>>9320368 He suffers from the same stuff fisto does. He's just a guy with a goofy accessory.
>>9320741 Heroic Warriors are pretty lame across the board, honestly. There are a few real stand outs, but mostly it's characters you get board of really quickly.
>>9320709 Since we're discussing the wwe guys, what's with the inclusion of Mad Hatter in the upcoming superstars wave? Everyone else kind of makes sense given where we left off with wweternia, but hatter is a real curve ball. Especially since they gave him sculpted rio blast esc pant legs while Honky got a cloth suit.
>>9320759 That's why the best warriors are all the cyborg/robot guys. Roboto, Mekanek, Man-E-Faces, Snout Spout, and Extendar being the most notable examples of this. That said I wish more heroic warriors were monsters. The best part of the bad guys is that they're all just monsters to one degree or another.
>>9320760 >hatter is a real curve ball And one I would like to see each Superstars wave take
>>9320763 >That said I wish more heroic warriors were monsters. Probably why Lizard Man and Kittrina are so popular among Filmation fans
And personally, that's why I hope they make that Yeti with rocket skis
>>9320590 Because new adventures lore is generally messy and kind of inferior to the lore of the vintage line. That and Eternia being the way it is just allows you to do just about anything you'd like anyways. When it comes to aliens in MOTU, that rank should be left to the likes of the cosmic enforcers and the horde rather than generalist aliens guys like the mutants. It's too small scale for MOTU in general.
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>>9320764 In that case, what line up do you hope to see for superstars wave 2?
>>9320763 >That said I wish more heroic warriors were monsters. SKELETOR: Randy, I should be king because I treat all species equally and you're racist!
RANDOR: Equally BAD!
>>9320772 Kittrina gets by on the merit of being a sexy cat lady anon, we all know this. She's closer to the PoP heroines than she is to the likes of Grizzlor, Trapjaw, or Kobra Khan. As for Lizard man, I wish somebody could redesign him a little so he looked more toyetic. I always though he looked like a salamander in the cartoons.
>>9320778 I like the New Adventures lore because taking Skeletor away from his power base forces him to change how he works, and that's character development. Plus if you folded the cast into Eternia, Crita would be competing with Evil-Lyn for screen time.
That said, I have no objection to changing a cool secondary character like Optikk to an Eternian.
>>9320772 Are there any other conceptual good guys Matty left on the cutting room floor? I can only ever recall pochahontas robin hood and the rocket ski yeti
>>9320759 Seconding it's kinda annoying there's not many creature guys in their ranks. If there was a contest for new characters I'd urge everyone do a creature/monster based hero and not something lame like Mighty Sphincter err I mean Spector.
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>>9320786 >moss man is the token monster fella on the heroic warriors side Anonymous
>>9320788 >As for Lizard man, I wish somebody could redesign him a little so he looked more toyetic. Anonymous
>>9320791 There were a few. Hans-Some, Big Foot, Inflator.
And there's also some that (to me, anyway) don't appear to obviously good or evil, like Master Sorcerer, Tree Plant Man and Mandible Man, so I guess could have been either
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>>9320790 I agree with you in many regards when it comes to NA skeletor. He's frankly the only reason I'd watch the show. But the same cant be said for NA Heman, who just kind of acts like he's just now getting the power sword for the first time rather than it being an upgrade. Stuff like that irks me alot because you can start to tell what NA was initially intended to be. Foregoing the son of heman plot just mucked up the rest of the series and left alot of questions that never get answered. The first episode is the funniest example of that, as it literally handwaves away everything that happened on Eternia "while we were gone".
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>>9320800 you sold me immediately, i love characters based on unique real world critters
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>>9320804 I remember liking Hans-some and mandible man the most. It's a good thing guys like bigfoot and inflator got axed though, yuck.
Monstrous heroes: Stratos, but only if they lean into being a monkey Buzz-Off Moss Man Lizard Man Carnivus, Dactus, Ceratus and Chooblah from 200X Robot Masters/Mavericks Roboto Wind Man Extend Man Water Elephant Camera Man Forklift from the Son of He-Man pitch
>>9320818 Chooblah could be easily reworked into the ski yeti, especially as a "vintage" iteration. Carnivus and Dactus are both good additions too, but it has always annoyed me that Ceratus is just whiplash in a blue belt.
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>>9320818 There's also artilla if we're counting new adventures. Also I guess Rio Blast is kind of a robot, so he should be included on that list.
Unironically, pic related should be reinvented into a robot evil warrior. They need one dammit, tri-clops and trapjaw are just amputees with cybernetic enhancements.
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>>9317558 >"Oh Mistah Webstor! I gotta fart super bad!" >BRRRAAAAP Anonymous
>>9317459 I can't unsee Wonder Woman's boots.
>>9320828 >Chooblah could be easily reworked into the ski yeti, I'm not a fan of this idea just because I don't like the 200x oc naming conventions with its lack of puns.
Unless you're suggestion would be that "Chooblah" be his real name the way "R'qazz" is Beast Man's and the character get marketed as Ski Man or Snowrilla or something else cheesy
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>>9320851 >I can't unsee Wonder Woman's boots. If he's a Dungeons & Dragons Fighter like his debut mini-comic implied, Wonder Woman's bracers would be a good magic item for him to have.
>>9320858 >Unless you're suggestion would be that "Chooblah" be his real name the way "R'qazz" is Beast Man's and the character get marketed as Ski Man or Snowrilla or something else cheesy I'm all for this option
>>9320833 Blast Attak, but he's technically on Team Snake Man.
>>9320869 >is treated as a Snake Man in one mini-comic >this is the continuity where Skeletor and King Hiss live together This is custody battle fodder
How excited are you for wundar? I really like his included accessories.
>>9320908 I'm sure many will disagree, but I'd be more excited for a Masterverse of Revelation Wundar. I say this specifically because he felt a lot more like his own character, even ignoring his odd German accent, he has his own face, that while is similar to that classic He-Man head, is its own thing. Now, I don't know for sure that the Origins one will have the same head as He-Man, it makes sense that he would based on the Vintage figure.
The 3 classic weapons in brown is a fun inclusion, and if a Masterverse one were to come I'd probably want those as well.
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>>9320924 Everyone was worried about getting invaded about an army of Fakers, when they should have worried about getting invaded by an army of Skeletors.
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>>9320878 One has to wonder if Blast Attack was just a repurposed Faker prototype
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>>9320865 >>9320858 Im up for this, maybe his name could be "Chillrilla" or "Gorchillah"
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>>9320878 They each get half of Blast Attak!
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>>9320790 damn I wish classics intergalactic skeletor had these colors
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>>9320924 In Canada I'm not even sure if we ever got wave 1. Feel free to send those guys up here to our discount stores. If I can get them for... 8 and under, I'll probably grab a whole bunch for their weapons and armor for other figures. Well, or at least 1 of each.
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>tracking says my Castle Grayskull arrived in the city at 8 this morning It's almost here!
If we’re close to the end of MCX, I won’t be too sad. She-Ra & Hordak will be a high note to end on.
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>>9320924 What were they thinking? This is literally the only thing that gets restocked easily.
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>>9320908 Very.
>>9320915 I thought he sounded Russian like tf2 Heavy...
>>9320977 I'm not sure what made you post this. We're getting Snake Mountain next year.
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>>9320759 Agreed, I'm actually surprised I didn't exclusively buy villains in Origins, but characters like Fisto have grown on me
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>>9320993 I’ve seen the sets do nothing but clearance and get cancelled recently. Don’t get me wrong, I want to to continue and I want snake mountain.
>>9320993 There is tons of fear from people, specially because they see mega construx is not as strong as a brand like a few years back.
also they think "if this line was successful then there would be tons of products and releases like crazy, and everybody will be talking about it", also they cancelling some projects, they anouncing that after this set they will no longer sell the figures like that.
And of course they said the line is good and going, and showed the snake mountain prototype. but the fear is that they are just lying and could cancel everything any second.
Is there any way to make the origins sit ?
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>>9321052 Cut out more material in the crotch. Otherwise you could get them to sit at an angle.
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>>9320999 Yeah pretty much this, you have to realize that once TRU died MCX was never the same. Walmart and Target both have a major bone to pick with them too it seems. The onoy fucking stores where I can regularly find MCX stock are dollar generals at this point.
>>9320977 I'd be sad. I still need 8 characters to recreate this painting with the playsets placed up on Lego rock work.
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>>9320999 Since the last MCX Motu five pack, we've gotten
>Moss Man >Zodac >Scareglow >Mekanek >Merman >Roboto >Man-e-faces >Trapjaw >Fisto >Stratos >Sorceress >both battle cat and pathor >Triklops >Stinkor We could easily get two more battle packs from that. Maybe even sell some Heman and Skeletor in a pack with both their cats in addition to that. But we're being drip fed, it's concerning.
>>9321083 And with Moss Man, Stinkor, Roboto and Hordak, this one could be done by MCX adding:
Orko, Buzz-Off, Sy-Klone to the Heroic Warriors
Clawful, Whiplash, Jitsu, Kobra Khan, Spikor, Two-Bad to Evil
Modulok, Mantenna, Grizzlor, Leech to the Horde
... and Spydor and Bashasaurus
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>>9321095 Unrelated, but fuck man I really want them to re-release the 80s turtles.
>never got bebop >never got mikey or donnie >never even got shredder Anonymous
saw a guy on the mcx site who made this dragon walker out of one of the pokemon sets
>>9320741 >>9320759 >>9320763 Arnt human figures selling the best? And should there be 50% heroes and 50% villians? Or isnt it better to have more villians, so you can give them much better spotlights and build recognition with fans.
we need an origins weapons pack!
>>9320792 But there are alot that are kinda monstrous. Stratos, Buzz-Off, Mossman, Roboto, Orko, Cy-Clone, Extendar, Stonedar, Rokkon.
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>>9321127 Thats cool. I wish they would make More MCX.
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>>9321143 >Orko and Stratos >monstrous I dont think so man. One is a cross between and elf and a wizard and the other is a monkey with a jetpack. As for the rest they fall into the cyborg/robot pile the majority of heroic warriors do. All but Buzz-off, who despite having the potential of being a cool monster guy, just looks like a goofy bee man. Although I will concede 200X buzzy looks more the part of a monster bee guy.
My least favorite character in new 2021 Motu is Beast Man: - he's no longer actually an ape man thing, but some weird scrawny middle aged guy who resembles Dr. Amino from Ben 10 - His nugla name is "R'qazz" and not "Biff Beastman" ala. the stupid Scott Classics bio - His transformation sequence is literally him channeling his inner fursona
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>>9321083 You better have included sky high in that 8 characters
>>9321257 >Beast Man >worse than Duncan Naw. He's still the lamest of the current villains, but he's not the worst character overall.
His relationship to Cringer really elevates him in my eyes. I hope they go into thst in more detail with flashbacks and shit
>>9321300 Well... I don't mind Duncan, but he does lack depth and is unfortunately aged down. He's definitely a bit of a dork. I'm hoping part 2 he whips out an arm cannon to go with his varia suit. I mean really he has that going and being a former apprentice who is talented, but lacks confidence which is interesting. He's not the worst even if he is the lowest tier of Man at Arms version. Who was the worst before this besides Snake Man at Arms?
And yeah Beast Man is only good for contributing to Cringer's back story and adversary.
>>9321320 After giving it some thought, you know what I think my problem with Duncan is?
It's that I don't buy Duncan as Man-at-Arms.
If you took the exact same design and the exact same personality (nerdy dork with confidence issues) and made his powered up mode Mekaneck, Snout Spout or even maybe an OC, it would feel more fitting to me.
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>>9321345 Yeah even the powered up form looks more like Samus or something, could have kept the color scheme or something. Snout Spout would have been a bold and interesting decision though.
Here's hoping Duncan has a brother with a big metal hand to help join the fight.
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>>9321138 I still think an Origins/Masterverse armor and weapons pack would be great. Not just for MOTU figures but even those in similar form factors, like WWE Superstars (the upcoming ones) or WWE Elite/Ultimate.
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>>9321138 Galaxy Warriors had unironically the best MOTU weapons. Add those to the weapons packs.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9321672 so which age is the target of the new show?
8 years old?
>>9321675 Probably around 5-10, ya. The lot here seem to have mostly enjoyed it though. It's funny, I remember when we got that first teaser and nearly everyone was saying how shit it looked, and of course now they like it. Fickle group we got here.
I guess they're priced even lower, but it would have been nice if the toys had around that Playmates 5" figure articulation (roughly Origins style). As is, they should still be fun toys for kids.
>>9321699 First time- this isnt MotU but Fortnite
Second time - watch it to see how bad it is, it is more like the origin
So you see why it changed?
>Playmates 5" figure articulation (roughly Origins style) O agree, so you could pretend this is NA He-Man
>>9321699 the bigger battle armor figures have a perfect range of articulation, it's a real headscratcher as to why they dodnt just use the same mold for both
>>9321672 the new heman fig looks good, I just wish he had the colors the one on the bike did. gunmetal gray is the least heman-y colorscheme they could have gone with. that said, do you think we'll get a faker in this series?
>>9321732 >Fortnite does he-man does a modern dance?
>>9321745 It is about style, design and colors. It is so futuristic and bright that this could be a fortnite event!
Maybe in the future we will see a he-man dance? Maybe the He-Man "i say hey, whats going on" meme?
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9321744 I sure hope we see Faker. And we probably will if the show catches on, which I think there's a good chance here.
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>>9321737 I think it's the higher price point that allows it for those. I don't think articulation in these lower price guys would cost out since they're already pretty large at 5.5", and a lot of the characters are quite thick to boot. More plastic, lower, kid-friendly price-point, accessories, action features, and just enough left for those 5poa I guess.
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Current Thread is going to page 9 with Skeletor.
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>>9321798 >>9321798 >>9321798 >>9321798 Anonymous
>>9321133 Who is dude in the lower right corner?
>>9321760 >It is so futuristic and bright that this could be a fortnite event! Fortnite invented sci-fi?
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>>9319955 >If Norm MacDonald had collected MOTU, and were still alive, these are the jokes he'd have come up with. Feels bad bro.
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>>9322013 Should be the Triple H. Or at least i thought thats him from Masters of WWE.
>>9322504 Who says Sci-Fi? I said Fortnite. The combination in connection with teens and kids is Fortnite at the momemt.