>>9380121I have a basic working knowledge of it. Mainly Junkman was anti-reproduction figures and Michael was supporting and out shilling a guy who produced factory quality one to one exact duplicate reproductions of extremely rare vintage Star Wars figures. These repros were so exact that you couldn't tell them apart from the official figures which sold for sometimes thousands of dollars. As part of his support over these repro figures he and his friend LioConvoy got into a feud with former Kenner toy photographer Kim Simmons, because Michael and his friends wanted Kim to feature repro figures in a book he was making, but Simmons refused, calling them counterfeits and saying that an extremely rare vintage figure is like a rare painting, and that producing forgeries was criminal, because they could be passed off and sold for thousands of dollars without the buyer knowing.
Junkman would later do a discussion with Michael over the repro figures and they were generally friends. But Junkman said it was like walking on eggshells, because Michael would get upset over the littlest things, so you had to be careful with what you said. And he expected his friends to coddle him and kiss his ass. Eventually Junkman just got sick of Michael being a controlling faggot behind the scenes, and made a joke image of Michael that he showed some people, which upset Michael to the point absolute fury.
Pic related is what set the feud in motion. This led to Michael having LioCoonvoy and his friends, stalking and harassing Junkman, only for Junkman to question "who the hell" is this LioConvoy person? Junkman thought Lio gave off creep vibes and found it disturbing that he had all these young girls raiding and messaging him, saying how Lio adopted them and how Junkman should join Lio's private discord. Junkman then learned that Lio was accused of being a pedo, which enraged Lio more, who then convince Michael that Junkman was also calling Michael a pedo.