Welcome to /motu/ General -- the most powerful thread in the universe!
Previous Thread:
>>9415540 Preview pics of Netflix CG Battle Cat and “Sorceress” Teela are out
Eternian Soldier pack showing up randomly at collectible stores and Big Lots
Mattel shipping out Powercon Exclusives, while Powercon meanwhile still waiting for theirs to arrive
Revelation Part 2 trailer out
Wave 8 preview pics of Horde Trooper out
Preview images leaked from deepdiscount: updated images for the basic Evil-Lyn and Ork-0. Also Trap-Jaw with wheel bike, Pee-Man and listings for Stratos, Man-E Faces, Mosquitor, and Sorceress &vehicle
Masterverse preview images of Andra is up
Masterverse preview of “Savage” He-Man and Orko set up
Wave 6 and Mosquitor at retail
wave 7 out at Target in masse in various parts of the US
Masterverse wave 2 at various retailers including amazon
The new Netflix show toys wave are at Walmart
Coming In Spring/Late Winter:
Wun-dar and Kol-Darr (He-Man's old friend from that one filmation ep)
Recent News:
>Scott got btfo'd by mattel: motu not going away in 2023 >Origins Terror Claws Skeletor, Flying Fists He-Man, Clawful >Origins Stridor >Sun-Man coming as both convention exclusive as retail version, latter yet to be seen >MCX Monstroid w/ minicomic Adam, She-Ra and Hordak: this November >MCX Land Shark w/ toy colors Roboto, Battle Damaged Armor Skeletor: this November >MCX Snake Mountain in 2022 >Wave 3 Scare Glow official pic up, only the head glows still >Non-Revelations Masterverse figures: Viking He-Man and Barbarian Skeletor of "New Eternia" >Formo Toys and Mark Taylor revealed their “Lords of Power” toyline with figures heavily based off vintage MOTU Thread Question: Of the new challengers, who do you think would sell the best at retail?
First for Mer-Man's beautiful waifu.
>>9424965 >Of the new challengers, who do you think would sell the best at retail? The skeleton army builder.
I think the frog will also sell quite nicely.
If that valkyrie looking girl ends up being Battle Armor Teela and not an original character, it should move due to name recognition
If the pterodactyl rider comes with the pterodactyl he should do fine, but if he doesn't, he seems too generic
I want to believe Dylamug, Octavia and the skiing yeti will all sell well too, but that's personal bias on my part because I don't think they generate the same excitement that the frog and skeletons do
All the rest I don't see them as being hugely successful. They might gain little cult followings, but I could see them ending up in "Dragstor" tier, where most folk ignore them
(Better pic of the yeti I came across related)
>>9425033 Reminds me of the porn of korra getting fucked by the deep one from neonomicon
>>9425033 >we need to do some H.P Lovecraft shit >but it's gotta be aimed at tween girls Anonymous
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>>9425196 They do that alot in japanese anime tcgs.
Has Origins Wave 6 actually been found out in the wild like at Target? BBTS said they'd process the order "soon" but I don't really want Beast Man.
>>9425629 I picked up wave 6 at the beginning of last month and then three weeks later I picked up wave 7. With how quick we had both waves on shelves in SoCal the rest of the country could end up with both waves dropping onto shelves at the same time. Always preorder the wave to make sure that you're guaranteed the figures and then check back daily to see if they've dropped the individual preorders, then secure the preorders for the figures you want and then drop the full wave order.
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>>9425676 I barely found wave 6 except a random Webstor and Green Goddess at retail.
>>So... you think in 2022 Mega Construx will actually give us Orko as well as Anti-Eternia He-Man, Clawful, Whiplash, Buzz-Off, Webstor, Ninjor, Ram Man, Zodak and pink Teela (as shown at Powercon 2020)? At this point I'm expecting VERY little, but Hordak & She-Ra were a big surprise so who knows what they might do.>>We can expect Snake Mountain to come with 6 figures, which would take a big chunk out of that list, at the cost of having no coherent theme (as opposed to He-Man, Skeletor and Snake Men). Going off Castle Grayskull's 4 good guys and 2 bad guys, and the cancelled MCX sets we've seen, I fully expect Snake Mountain will have a roster pretty close to:>Leo Skeletor >Yellow Armor Beastman >Evil-Lyn, with 200X colors maybe >Trapjaw with toy colors >He-Man with damaged battle armor >Orko, ideally The MCX team has said the latest carded release of figures will also be the last. Probably from retailers not wanting more. With that in mind, I hope for blind bags or more 5-packs of figures. I suspect foul play from LEGO, but time will tell.
>>9425676 When you say retail, do you mean Wal-Mart or Target?
>>9425707 Target for both waves
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>>9425629 Beast Man is so good in hand. Just get the wave and if you really don't want him then put him up on Mercari or FB Marketplace at retail
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>>9425712 Sweet, I'll start hitting the local Targets daily.
>>9425703 >Leo Skeletor >Yellow Armor Beastman >Evil-Lyn, with 200X colors maybe >Trapjaw with toy colors >He-Man with damaged battle armor >Orko, ideally These all sound plausible except that they already did 200X colors Evil-[Lyn.
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>>9425808 Don't underestimate mega's and Mattel's power to reuse a mold OR a color scheme. I'm envisioning something like origins lyn 2.0.
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>>9425703 Amazon's got the whole motu wave if anyone else was looking for them.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08V3KG5PN/ Anonymous
i wish stores had any motu stuff that wasnt just the same origins heman/skeletor
>>9425956 Yeah, this is basically a online-only line at this point. Every Target and Walmart in the area pretty much only has He-man and Skeletor and some cats.
>>9425961 My Walmart cleared out all the HeMans and Skeletors and just didn't replace them with anything. Knocked Origins basic figures down to one peg, too. Not ideal to see.
>>9425703 Nice collection, man I don't want to pay marvel
prices for MCX Stratos.
>>9425703 That baseplate(?) is awesome.
>>9426026 It's from an old pirates line, I agree!
>>9426016 If you can wait, they'll probably release a Minicomic one eventually. I'd say get HALO or Star Trek mega figures before you bother with the more obscure MOTU stuff. It could be more fun!
>>9426063 I know this isn't the Mega thread, but I miss CoD and Destiny.
Got Battle Cat Classics for a decent price and he's great. There's some weird rattling inside the figure should I be worried? Nothing seems broken but I'm unaware of Battle Cat classics having problems.
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Can we meme bubble power She-Ra into existence?
>>9426067 brother I miss battle beasts and aliens, mega clearances so hard I'm amazed they're even still here
We can finally have someone wear the Grayskull Spacesuit
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Was Sun Man a Power-Con exclusive?
I'm just going to have to cope with the fact I missed out on the Power-con exclusive stuff. I'm happy Sunman is at least getting a retail release.
>>9426119 I just want the space suit, man. There's too much unique tooling for it to be a one and done, right? Right?
>>9425172 I'll have to look that up. I'd love a coomer Queens Blade style Korra fig (Or Pharah).
>>9425196 I think Nostalgia Chick did a Lovecraft themed book like that back when Twilight was big.
>>9425703 >Mer-Man just wants to enjoy his water slide, but everyone has to get into a big kerfuffle. He's especially upset at Trapjaw who promised Mer-Man he'd go with him. >>9426079 Please get a basic release. There's just too much unqiue tooling for them to keep it at a single exclusive run.
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>>9426179 >Or Pharah I wish I didn't miss out on that big titty figma chick in a bikini with brown skin so I could head swap with my figma Pharah
Also pretty sure minicomics Trapjaw would have gone with him.
>>9426179 >There's just too much unqiue tooling for them to keep it at a single exclusive run. 2015 SDCC Con exclusive Rotar and Twistoid, and 2019 Powercon Starburst She-ra fashion doll.
Both con exclusives, both had lots of unique tooling, both were never reused in any kind of mass release. They would totally not release the space suit or reuse the parts, there's precedence
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Sunman is fun, he's made out of munn.
>>9426249 There's a lot of reuse on the tops guys. Certainly made out of plenty of standard buck parts. And That fashion doll line just straight up was aborted anyway, right? Like, there were supposed to be more.
Either way, no one should buy scalped shit.
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>>9426282 Scarcity is the enemy.
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>>9426282 A crying shame they didn't do the fashion dolls.
>>9426150 Almost guaranteed the space suit will. The only thing youve really missed out on are $50 horde troopers and a blue battle cat. Everything else is basically going to/has hit retail with slightly different paint
>>9426318 I can see the hatch and spirit of grayskull not hitting retail, same as the red and black horde troopers.
Anyway, got an email from BBTS that they're processing Palace Guards soon!
>>9426340 I'm fine with not getting red and black horde troopers as long as we get the basic gray ones.
I can forgive repaints, it's when brand new figure/characters are exclusive that rustles my Jimmies.
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>>9426359 Yeah. The repaints and the dio pieces are the only things that should be exclusive. Whole ass new figures shouldn't. Look how that bit GI Joe in the ass for a year and a half.
>>9426318 Are they not doing retail Horde Troopers? Are they even doing Grizzlor!?
>>9426363 I thought both were quietly confirmed by leaks.
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>>9426368 I did too so that's why I'm asking.
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>>9426363 Retail Horde Trooper is confirmed for next wave, pics were already released
And really, it's a bigger stretch to think they WONT do retail Grizzlor in vintage colors than it is to think they will
>>9426249 Rotar and Twistoid are on BBTS clearance for below the old Matty deluxe price.
>>9426340 Yeah, but we'll still still get grey troops and a space suit. Probably in better colors too, who knows.
>>9426363 For the sanctity of this hollowed thread I won't insult you and just say that Mattel will always reuse their molds. We're absolutely getting troopers and grizzlors, the question now is will quantity meet demand?
>>9426391 I have to speculate if Mattel even saw reason to produce more of these two figures if most of the fan demand had been met at power con. Considering their BBTS clearance price, clearly not.
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>>9426642 >will quantity meet demand? Seeing as Wave 5 is being seen at U.S. retail far more than any other wave previously I'll say yes.
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>>9426069 >Got for a decent price >should I be worried? Yes.
>>9426119 Are they really horrible on ebay? Like eating Ramen for a month bad?
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>>9427123 Paying rent/utilities with a credit card bad
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>>9425988 I think that was to make room for the more kid oriented cgi line. I cant find pegs for the wwe stuff, masterverse has been put on a lower shelf at my store and the only origins stuff is battlecat on the bottom shelf where its been all year.
>>9426069 Post shots from all angles (including underside).
But the rattling could be part of sockets that hold his joints together. The plastic torso is pretty thin in places, and if forced it will crack.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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Any one found the mcx slime pit in the wild yet? I know it was on amazon for 5 seconds before it sold out.
Does the red on LoP Beast Man match the red on standard Beast Man's harness and shoulder pads? I'm just wondering if you could swap LoP's feet onto the regular to give him a "Filmation" look with matching boots
>>9427203 Interesting.
The joint in the torso seems alright I don’t feel it at all loose but I’m not going to risk and pull the figure apart.
I might just live with it. The loose right forearm seems to be a common issue.
>>9427437 Yeah, that torso has the potential to get more brittle over time. The one that I had (and later sold in the /BST/) broken a chip off of the overlapping portions of the belly area—likely because it was the only thing stopping the joint from getting a really deep crunch.
As for the loose foreleg, you could probably just use the old Pledge/Future/clear acrylic trick.
>>9427462 Ah I remember seeing your listing good to know.
I got it for 80 plus shipping so I'm still satisfied with it. The Torso seems pretty tight on mine I'll just be more delicate with the figure. Thanks for the info anon.
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>>9427123 Hundreds of dollars.
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>>9427493 Holy shit man, $80 is pretty fucking great for that figure, regardless of issues. Nice get.
Does Trap Jaw have to bathe with a garbage bag wrapping up his mechanical arm?
>>9427584 >implying Trap Jaw bathes Anonymous
>>9427595 Trap Jaw is not Stinkor
>>9427613 Trap Jaw lives in a cave in a mountain shaped like a snake with mist and pits of slime all around. I’m pretty sure he stinks, and that clean water is a luxury that Skeletor doesn’t care to provide his minions.
>>9427618 >Evil-lyn is a stanky bitch Anonymous
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>>9427628 >So that's how my favorite brother gave me an STD! Anonymous
>>9426318 >and a blue battle cat ...but that's all I wanted, dammit
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>>9427655 Just one green one, let alone a second orange cat, takes up so much room though. I really don't see the appeal, personally. Lord Faker is cool but what's he going to do if he can't impersonate He-Man?
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>>9427655 Look on the bright side....the Origins cat mold is awful, and a new paint scheme won't magically make it a better toy.
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Origins Stinkor & Webstor are finally coming my way. I can already smell him. I need to bathe.
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Mondo Hordak showed up today he's god damn huge and god damn glorious and god damn expensive
Mosquitor's in stock on BBTS
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>>9427806 A part of me says "see? You should've waited instead of paying a scalpy price"
But the other part says "yeah, but at least I got my Mosquitor a month ago"
>>9427815 Based, I can finally ship all this shit.
>>9428048 >>9427815 Fuck yeah, shipping crisis over? I shipped my Stinkor and Webstor out today. Very excited.
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>>9428122 Man, I hope so. This drought has been stupid. No toy orders for me personally since July, then 2 shipments in 1 week, one from BBTS, one from TFSource.
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>>9425646 Hey I saw these posted on FB. Don't know if you're the one who made him, but I fucking love him.
>>9426069 What counts as a decent price for battle cat?
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>>9428122 >shipping crisis over Nope. Just some stuff that eeked through or got flown in. Things are still very bad.
>>9429044 Less than the going $300
Can anyone who's ordered Origins She-Ra from Amazon (not just ON Amazon, but from their store) tell me if they got her with updated knees?
>>9429174 You understand that shipping is REGIONAL and not from like 1 single center for everything, right?
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>>9429260 I was kinda hoping people would just mention where they're from when they answer
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>>9429160 Guess that helps me feel better about paying $150 for one
>>9429467 Where do these characters even come from?
I recognize the viking as being the earliest prototype for He-man, and the green guy as being a concept thst eventually became Webstor, but the rest are not anything I'm familiar with.
Any ideas? Like was there an actual unproduced panthor woman, or is this just a literal furfag oc?
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>>9429518 In the comments of
https://news.toyark.com/2021/10/29/formo-toys-reveal-lords-of-power-action-figure-line-449100 They got Mark Taylor's blessing to use some of his early designs, I assume that's the barbarian and proto-Webstor. Other designs might be other people's.
I don't know about the other ones though
>>9429467 If these had origins style articulation, id be all over it.
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>>9429538 Yeah, without modern articulation, these are kind of just "huh, neat". Although I might get that Panthor lady.
>>9429571 Isn't this one too close to Vikor? The upcoming Masterverse of 'Viking He-Man' has the same exact helmet.
Surely we'll get blue hordak as a seperate release I just need Horde releases to increase in general
>>9429592 It’s based on an early version of He-Man when the line was in development back in the 80s
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>>9429542 >Can be taken apart. Were they smart enough to leach from origins making them swap parts compatible? that'd be a lazy way to get the missing articulation.
>>9429518 >Webstor >Panthor but a fursona >Keldor >He-Man >battle ground Teela The genie? Well, why should he be anything? Fuck, I know the answer is because no one will buy him if he isn't attached to some nostalgia but let's make up a new story.
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>>9429607 >>9429609 Right, but I mean, doesn't Mattel own those designs? But then I assumed they would have owned "Lords of Power" as well, but I guess this is kind of a case like Action Force being bought from under Hasbro? Or they never owned it, maybe.
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>>9429593 >6 of the 8 Horde I actually want have been teased on boxes already >just a Dragstor and Wrap Trap away from a full house Seriously, fingers crossed that the ones teased all get released in 2022.
I know Mantenna was leaked, and Grizzlor is a no-brainer at this point, but fingers crossed the ones on the Hordak box and Horde Powercon box all come at the same time
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>>9429467 Well i gotta see what happens with this, wanna get into zoloworld but i keep missing the boat. If the price and qc are good ill be in day one.
Anywhere online selling Webstor and Stinkor?
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>>9429542 I might consider getting this for the Divine Armor in the center since it looks Jack Kirby-influenced
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>>9429542 I'll get not Sharella, maybe the armor guy, and Jhambi but it really depends on the price because I don't wanna over pay for this even if they got an original motu designer on board. The Origins line is a better offering and the return of gimmicks.
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>>9429542 Damn i wish these had elbows and knees. I'd grab green Webstor in a heartbeat
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>>9429573 Do I recognize my Uncle Keldor?
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>>9429623 >The genie? Well, why should he be anything? Fuck, I know the answer is because no one will buy him if he isn't attached to some nostalgia but let's make up a new story. Hear, hear!
>>9429542 So ARE they going to have forearm and shin swivel? Because I could get behind that.
>>9429938 Ok, yeah, if the articulation is comparable to Origins, I'd get thst archer girl and the green guy to supplement my collection
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>>9429953 Archer girl, green dude, that armor and Shazam the Genie all look cool. I don't see them being comparable to Origins, but if they're just like bigger versions of those Glyos He Man homages I'd be happy. Just getting to rotate the wrists/forearms would be good enough for me.
Im surprised kinnikuman never got motus
>>9429573 > movie Havok Staff Um Mattel isn't suing them because?
>>9430033 Mattel can't make movie stuff lol.
>>9430033 >>9430036 I'm surprised they're basically allowing them to use a "concept" he-man, unless somehow they don't own it.
>>9430112 They probably just don't see any harm in it.
If Mattel isn't planning to make a figure of that particular He-man themselves, and don't see this toyline as something that will cut into their sales, and would just like to keep goodwill and PR by playing nice since this is all being done by folks with a past in having business relationships with Mattel/MotU, why wouldn't they?
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>>9430159 It'll be easy to kitbash a Masterverse version with the Savage He-Man and New Eternia one.
Cool little secret on Dupli-Cat
Found Buzz off at Target today. He's a handsome fellow.
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>>9424965 I found the flocked Panthor in Louisiana so if you are still looking for one wally worlds are getting em in.
>>9430271 that's awesome, he looks great as a standalone figure. Real excited to try doing some photography with em.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9430256 ouch anon makes me sad i didn't manage to cop this one. what's it going for on ebay? rape prices?
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>>9430271 >>9430410 >he looks great as a standalone figure. Agreed.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9430271 based bee couple ... bun-chan and buzz off are a great match
>>9430448 >rape prices? Yeah around $300
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9430537 yeah i see around 200 .. not that is any better
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>>9430540 Ah, I was trading in leaf dollars which are 1/3 more than burger dollars
This...this isn't good, is it? I've been ignoring all the gloom and doom about the Origins line, chalking it up to a bunch of conspiracists jerking each other off, even dismissed it when news of Trap Jaw and Faker's getting cancelled surfaced and our local toy shops got notified that they wouldn't be getting they're orders in (after all, those were older releases, they're not going to be around forever, are?) but now EE is sending out this notice pertaining to Webstor, LOP Mer-man and LOP Beast Man; these are from newer/current waves. I'm not getting a good feeling about the line at this point...
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9430576 It's not really surprising to me since they were older waves, and the Filmation Sorceress wave is now hitting pegs. Also it takes forever to make second runs of a toy now due to the shipping crisis, so not unexpected.
>>9430576 Do you think Mattel may have realized they fucked up ratios by prioritising online retailers over brick and mortar?
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>>9430576 Ahhhh. Australia's online stores are still waiting for theirs. I'm worried they'll be cancelled now.
>>9430576 With how this economy is going and major manufacturing labor shortages going on I'm not at all surprised this has happened.
I'd say its about due time to pack on everything up and retire early while the iron strikes hot, selling off all the unneeded crap while keeping a few personal favorites.
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>>9430751 The thing is that Origins doesn't seem to be an unsuccessful line. It's constantly sold out at U.S. retail (I've been told by a few Target/WM employees in two different states that they disappear from pegs immediately) while in Canada it can look like they're warming but you'll see that they really just fluctuate hard. Some days the WM pegs will be completely empty while others they'll have 5-6 fresh boxes overflowing onto shelves. TRU is occasionally thin but last I was there it looked almost like those pictures of the vintage line on shelves with all the Land Sharks, Grayskulls, flocked/unflocked Panthors and assortments on shelves.
>>9430751 The thing is that Origins doesn't seem to be an unsuccessful line. It's constantly sold out at U.S. retail (I've been told by a few Target/WM employees in two different states that they disappear from pegs immediately) while in Canada it can look like they're warming but you'll see that they really just fluctuate hard. Some days the WM pegs will be completely empty while others they'll have 5-6 fresh boxes overflowing onto shelves. TRU is occasionally thin but last I was there it looked almost like those pictures of the vintage line on shelves with all the Land Sharks, Grayskulls, flocked/unflocked Panthors and assortments out.
>>9430814 >sold out at U.S. retail Because of scalpers and shitty distribution? Its easy to find in Canada because they don't have the same problems and easily accept foreign goods.
>>9430818 I really don't know what makes the line's distribution in the U.S. different from Canada. I wouldn't be surprised if we even get ours from your guys' shipments since I see the odd U.S. cardback with cross sell and comic text on a shelf every now and then.
>>9430576 >>9430632 >>9430751 >>9430814 I don't understand much when it comes to manufacturing, shipping or supply chains
But bottom line, how indicative would this be of imminent "line cancellation"?
>>9430847 We'd have to ask Toy Guru on that.
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>>9430852 I retract the question.
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>>9430632 Webstor and LOP Beastman I consider semi-current, as they haven't even made their way to brick and mortar along the East Coast and Southeast yet. I've gotten mine from BBTS, since they've never showed up here, and I check the Target nearest me 4-5 days a week some weeks, together with the second nearest one about 3 days a week on average and I"ve never seen them.
>>9430693 I guess its certainly possible.
One shop owner here is concerned that online retailers and big chains are beginning to put the squeeze on the little guys--at the very least we know that Hasbro and other toymakers prioritize those distribution outlets the most because they can see the most volumes. Fuck, look at how much stock is present on Amazon alone.
>>9430814 >The thing is that Origins doesn't seem to be an unsuccessful line. I think it sells, but perhaps the distribution issues of the last couple of years, together with Target and Walmart's not having ordered enough cases, initiially, of early waves due to trepidation over shitty sales, has handicapped the line to the point that it makes sense to go ahead an put a stop to it and focus on the kid's line and the Masterverse stuff. It's all speculation at the end of the day, but whatever the specifics are, I don't take this as a good sign, at all.
>>9430821 >I really don't know what makes the line's distribution in the U.S. different from Canada. I would be extremely curious to know more about his myself.
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>>9430751 Yeah, I have the ones I want (pre orders on the way as well) and I have extras for my son when he's old enough, including a Grayskull and some vehicles. It would suck if it all ended soon but at least I got in and built a substantial collection before it could happen.
>>9431107 >makes sense to go ahead an put a stop to it and focus on the kid's line and the Masterverse stuff. I've been saying Origins will be my last go around with MotU. If this line of speculating ends up holding any truth, I'll be peacing out early. Most figures I've bought have been mostly just tiding myself over until figures I REALLY want come out, and IF this were a "sign of the end", I don't see much point in buying waves 6, 7 or 8. Buzz Off and Clawful aren't much consolation if we never make it to Tung Lashor, Snout Spout or some of those box art teaser new characters.
I think I'll monitor for future developments before I buy another Origin. If it dies, I'll have saved some money, and if it lives, I'll get my must haves and then worry about filling in any ccharacters I miss later
>>9430576 This stuff was produced way in advance. Not sure where all the stock went though.
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>>9426063 Thank you, I could never find the plates on ebay
>>9431126 Probably stuck among a few containers
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>>9431192 Most likely. Also they've gone back and reissued wave 1 and 2 so all might not be lost.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9430847 I don't think we're there yet. They've recently announced new figures, of which the Filmation Sorceress wave is now being found at retail. They also have Stridor an a number of other things going, including that Wun-Dar they announced, and they have far too much new media coming down the pipeline for Origins to just be dead.
>Second part of Revelations >Season 2 of CGI Series >Live Action Movie There's likely far too much stuff already in production and percolating at the moment for it to be dead yet.
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>>9431339 I don't think the line will end without releasing the things confirmed and leaked, but what about past that? That's the thing. We know as far as the Randor/Whiplash/Mantenna wave...who's to say that's not it? And that's just 3 waves away, so IF that's as far as they go, I'd still call that an incoming cancellation.
I don't know how far in advance they actually produce and manufacture the toys to have them ready for distribution, and I want this to last at least until the end of 2023 since I think that's how long they'd need to at least finish vintage + box art teasers, and hey, if they've already got the shit started now to be ready for then, great, I'm worried about nothing, but if stuff only gets made 1 or 2 months prior to release, they really could pull the plug at any time
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>>9431339 I think we should be okay til mid 2022, hopefully more announcements before that.
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>>9430001 That would be so awesome
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>>9430001 As far as I'm aware MUSCLE using the Kinnikuman molds were a one time thing. The original keshi figurines were made by Bandai of Japan.
I don't think Mattel would bother to negotiate with toei/bandai. They haven't even done a weeb franchise in a long time as far as I'm aware.
Mattel did MUSCLE homage in imaginext though.
>>9431339 >Season 2 of CGI Series Has this actually been confirmed? I haven't heard anything about it
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>>9431504 you know it is though, even if it was a bomb, they want to have more shit lined up incase it even so much as breaks even. No doubt they have the announcement qued up and a trailer already waiting to drop. Just wait 'til revelation part 2 has stopped fueling the internet hate machine and we'll get news of CGI.
So what leaks have we had that are 100% legit for origins?>wave 8: Mantenna, Randor, Whiplash, ...Sun-Man? >200X Skeletor? >Movie He-Man & Skeletor?
>>9431339 >and they have far too much new media coming down the pipeline for Origins to just be dead. I've yet to find a source for this using google, but I was told that one of the heads at a Chinese factory came down with Covid and died, after which the workers at the factory staged a walkout, hamstringing production for a month or so. Has anyone else heard this? If that's the case, and with the other issues already outlined above and elsewhere, could it be that those delays in production have impacted the announced/leaked offerings already in the pipeline, effectively bringing a soon-to-wrapped line to an even earlier close?
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>>9431512 You missed Pighead and Digitino, but yeah, you listed them all
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>>9431523 I think they might have been made in the same factory that Super7 was originally producing Thundercats in. They said they were using that factory because it was the one Mattel used for the line originally, but the factory was being paid extra by Mattel to get preference on toy production and there was lots of fuck ups at this particular factory leading to Super7 moving production elsewhere.
>>9431119 I guess I'm lucky in that I got my big wants already. Well, save for Leech. So if the line were to die I'd still be pleased with what I have.
Would be sad about no Rio Blast, though.
How do you manage space Anons?
>>9431536 >I guess I'm lucky in that I got my big wants already I'm envious of you people
My big wants from the start were
>Trap Jaw, Mosquitor, Mekaneck, Snout Spout, Tung Lashor, Rattlor, Saurod, Dylamug, Strongarm, Mantenna, Wrap Trap >they've only filled 2 of my list >might be 3 if the Mantenna wave actually happens >but if the line ends before the rest get made, I'm left mostly blueballed Anonymous
>>9431589 I'm not gonna lie. I feel blessed that my big want Stinkor happened.
>find the new wave today >another grabbed buzzoff >jitsu looks like ass with fucked up paint Well fuck
>>9431684 My store stepped up their game wish they did it for one of the more exciting waves.
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>>9431589 >>9431600 Mekaneck, Randor, Frosta and Sweet Bee are my big four. If they can at least do the first two I'll be happy
>>9431691 Hoping I can find these at retail, it'll be a good feeling and beat waiting an extra couple months for BBTS to ship
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>>9431691 I will never see this.
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>>9431578 By limiting my purchases against my desires.
>>9431578 Is that an Origins Spector?
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>>9430256 Loving the idea that all robots on Eternia have reel-to-reel AIs.
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>>9430256 Be kind, rewind...your giant robo cat.
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>>9431691 Just went to my nearest one. They didn’t have any
>>9430821 >>9431109 US is the scalper capital of the world because of belief in hypercapitalism and trying to make a buck wherever you can.
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>>9431945 Can confirm. Am in US. Retail stores are just full of obvious scalpers walking up and down aisles checking every item on their phone before grabbing all of a single item.
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>want to mix and match parts for a couple of OCs >especifically to give that 3d printed tengu head a body and some characters from a line of monster in my pocket bootlegs >don't know what to do with the spare parts What do? I don't like having parts just laying around. It feels wasteful and I already have enough half finished customs.
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>>9431945 Time to start breaking people's ankles.
I finally got Fisto but I'm giving Keldor his sword. Someone suggested either of Ram-Man's axes as a replacement but I'm not all that sure about using those, one has a weird shape and the other is a >double-edged axe. I want a weapon that would allow him to manipulate weapons and shields so he can break guards and throw in a punch directly.>"Are you autistic?" We are on /toy/.
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>>9431578 Well, i have the same shelf uni and 3 of the shelves are just he man. I use some stryofoam pieces as lifters so i can see the back row guys since ive got them 3 deep.
>>9432101 Give him battle armor Skeletor's shield
>matches the purple in his armor >his fist should be his offensive weapon, why does he need a sword or axe? Anonymous
Will we ever see him in origins? Do you even want to see him in the line?
>>9432161 Not really. He's basically a meme character. If they want to release him as some kind of con exclusive or other special release, fine. But as a retail release in a standard case assortment? Naw.
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>>9432178 >>9432161 He's what should show up as a con exclusive. Not, like, the rest of the accessories missing from Castle Grayskull.
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If you could go back in time and make changes to original line (can include changes to specific character designs, changes to action features, altering the roster by adding/dropping/shuffling characters around, etc), what kind of changes would you make? Just for some examples:>i don't like that Mosquitor was the only new Hordesman in 1987, so I'd either have rebranded Blast Attak and Twistoid as Horde OR dived into those unproduced Horde characters and made at least one of them to be Mosquitor's friend, like Wrap Trap or Glob >I'd have changed how Matenna's feature works to make it spring loaded so the eyes bug out at you with a push button >I would have given Moss Man and Stinkor unique head sculpts from the start, nor repainted old heads
>>9431830 It's a custom I had commissioned
Post shitty storybook excerpts>"He-Man," said Skeletor in nasally voice, "you dropped your gay card!" >"Where, where!?" said He-Man as he frantically looked down at the ground around his feet. The evil warriors laughed. "He looked," said Trapjaw, "that means he's gay!" >The evil warriors continued laughing. He-Man clenched his fist as he held back his tears.
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>>9432335 >Adam dropped off the love letter in Tesla's locker. It had everything, his secret, his feelings for her, all of it. >it told her to meet him after Eternia Highschool behind the grayskull gymnasium >after class, Adam anxiously walks over. Either she would reciprocate his feelings or not >Keldor calls Adam a fag on his way there. His name calling sucked, but it was nothing compared to the pranks the mysterious Skeletor pulled >turning the corner, Teela wasn't there >Evil-Lyn, blushing slightly, locks eyes with you and glares >is this some kind of joke Adam? >he slipped the love letter in the wrong locker >The Faceless One is later thrilled to hear his daughter has a boyfriend Anonymous
>>9432126 I'll have to think it over.
I wasn't really planning on getting BA Skeletor.
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Masterverse figures fresh out of the box smell like shavings from a freshly sharpened pencil. Any other smell oddities?
>>9432226 Hi Scott. It's nothing personal but could you please leave MOTU alone. the brand benefits from your absence.
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>>9427365 Hold up Anon, ill get you a pic by 7:45 EST. Just found him a day ago.
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>>9432377 Well, this is how it will look, so you can decide if it's worth buying.
Also, Keldor boots look great on Scare Glow. If I just had a matching skirt, I could an Origins Revelation Scare Glow look going
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>>9430480 Only if the man is a classic.
>>9427365 Here you go. And since I have pretty much every MOTUO/WWE figure I'm more than happy to take requests for part swaps.
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>>9432917 That doesn't look too bad actually
>>9432660 Sorry Anon for the late reply, but I was cooming in my Spector cosplay all over my powercon exclusive origins she-ra!
You'll see Spector pop up again... soon.
I unironically want an Origins Spector.
>>9432940 >You'll see Spector pop up again... soon. Are you coming on to me?
>>9432977 No, he just said he's coming on she ra
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>>9432985 Buy Anon...I AM She-ra!
>>9432945 It would make Michael seethe so hard
Is everything swappable on the motuo/ wwe figures?
>>9433042 Not the elbows and knees. And a lot of the deluxes with built in gimmicks don't have swappable arms.
>>9433055 A couple don't have swappable heads due to gimmick as well, like Roboto and MEF.
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>>9433125 Ah, right! And while Trap Jaw TECHNICALLY does, it looks all fucked up because of the shape of it and his torso.
>>9431945 That's a garbage reductionist take and you know it.
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>>9433042 Not the elbows and knees unless you apply heat but you have to be careful.
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>>9433134 Explain how that is so, sir
First MCX, let's see if this starts a second rabbit hole.
>finally got one Origins Scare Glow At last, I don't think I'll open this guy for the time being.
So, there’s 3 types of minicomics, international with no cover and inside text, US with cover and inside text and international with cover text but no inside text. Does anyone collect the comics or do you guys throw them away?
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>>9433475 The back does match the respective version, though
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>>9433475 >Does anyone collect the comics or do you guys throw them away? I only keep one copy of each comic and recycle the rest.
>>9433475 I keep them all. I like having a giant fucking stack of 30
>>9433572 Same, unfortunately all of mine are the European ones without any dialogue so they're kind of useless. I'm thinking about giving them away when I sell shit online.
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>>9433039 >>9432977 I'm currently in talks with Mattel on ending origins and getting classics back to mattycollector. MSRP for each figure will be $40, and I've personally had RetroBlasting's email blacklisted from the site. That stupid fuck Michael will never buy another he-man toy again.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9433580 Yeah when I was honestly shocked when I learned they didn't put any text in them at all, not even english... wtf mattel?!?
Post designs that you want a Masterverse fig of>pic related for She-ra
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9433362 I hope so. Might want to grab the whole series while it's still easy to get for msrp in amazon. You can always sell the second scare glow later on. He usually scareglow pretty consistently goes for a good price once they sell out
>>9433724 In some places it's illegal for import goods to not be in that region's language. I know Quebec enforces an import law like that and obviously Mattel isn't willing to make a French version of Origins everything so they just give all of Canada the international versions.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9433736 Thanks for the info, I was not aware. Still a damn shame but I guess what are you going to do.
>>9433729 Minicomic Snout Spout
>>9433729 >>9433756 Also, one of the Saurod concepts. Either this one
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9433729 Armored Randor .... preferably the 200X version but I would take any version. Looks like there is an armored Randor in the trailer trailer the second half of revelations so there maybe a chance for mattel to do one.
>>9433729 >masterverse she-ra is probably going to have a shitty "toy accurate" crown/mask piece to cater to nostalgiafags The best we can hope for is her head being based on the mini comics instead, however slim a chance that may be
>>9433970 That's what "New Eternia" is for.
Let them do nostalgiafag She-ra, they can still do some other reimagining of her.
>>9433731 We'll see... I'm kinda eying that minicomics trapjaw...
Horde Slime He-Man, Faker, and Anti-Eternia He-Man walk into a bar... Who wins?
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>>9434314 The bar after they all bonk their heads on it.
>>9433380 Ever since I saw this picture I've been scared shitless of this happening to my Scareglow, is the figure this brittle or was the anon who owned it too rough?
Like damn from reviews I expected it to at least withstand a fall.
>>9434323 I have Origins Scareglow and it’s not brittle at all. It’s the same gummy-ish plastic of the other figures. You would have to be very rough to break it.
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>>9434326 Cool anon, I'll still autistically leave the guy in his box for some days. I really love how the fucker looks and glows even within his packaging.
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>>9434323 Pictures that give me fucking nightmares, I hope this doesn't happen to me.
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>>9434323 When little Scareglows grow up, anon, they all eventually have to choose their mate
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9434015 He's fun too, hell I like all the skeletor head sets. I've been hunting down the new slime pit one but so far I haven't been able to find one.
I got masterverse spikor in today. It's my first series 2 figure. The slow trickle is getting a bit annoying. So far the only other available masterverse figures for msrp i don't own is either the fake faker or even worse "I am the victim but also the best" teela. Oh well at least spikor looks good in the box, I'll open him up tomorrow
>>9433988 Does anyone expect New Eternia to last beyond those two figures tho
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>>9434674 Didn't they say that it's basically a new entry in the franchise at Power-Con with planned comics and stuff?
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>>9434674 Given they're doing Lords of Power styled figures, yes if they prove popular
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Post your top 10 "figures NOT based on a preexisting toy" Classics.>Gygor >Strong-or >Horde Wraith >Draego-Man >Fearless Photog >Keldor >Galactic Protector She-ra >Wrap Trap >Dark Despot Skeletor >Procrustus
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>>9434380 I don't think the slime skull has hit the continent yet, but hard agree the 4 we've got so far are fantastic. It's really a great line, I just wish they encouraged more free building.
>a $50 parts pack with he-man, Skeletor, & she-ra, with parts to build anything in MOTU colors Would be goat
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9434380 I gotta admit. I quite like this figure. He's been so far my favorite masterverse right out of the box. I don't think he's missing something or "if only he looked like this". I like him right out of the box
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9435008 Ok one caveat, I wish that his trident extended a bit. I understand that this is a collectors line and not a kid's line so action features aren't going to be included but they had the room to add a bit of extension in the red thing. Oh well he's still a pretty swell guy.
>>9433362 Welcome to the party!
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>>9435032 I love how versatile the Mystic Knights dragon there is.
so what's with the bone head? Does it just snap foreword?
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>>9435122 Looks like it folds back onto itself. And then launches forward straightening up.
Traditional methods of battle becoming obsolete, He-Man challenges Scareglow to a dance off!
>>9435233 This is the future Democrats want!
>>9435237 >Democrats >future Anonymous
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>>9435122 skeletor's shit eating grin fills me with joy
>>9435017 my big gripe concerning rev spikor is how much they accentuated his lips. He looks more like a nosferatu esc vampire than a classic spikor.
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>>9435237 >>9435248 And let's stop this discussion right here
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>>9433756 kino, angery musth snout spout would be based
>>9433767 >>9433764 damn you anon, you've gone and made me want an entire army of saurods now
>>9432917 what does kane look like with finn balor's armor?
>>9431691 >buzz off and jitsu >not exciting to each their own, but I personally love both as they were two of my first masters as a kid
How much do you think one should pay for an origins Trap Jaw maximum?
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>>9435300 More than 30$ for any of those figures is a ripoff
Normally I'd put the limit at 25$, but that price is almost impossible to find now
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>>9431339 i really just want more MOTU mcx figures. Id buy doubles of everything if they started releasing more characters in 5 packs again. It's about time they do that anyway. MAA wasnt even released yet when the first 5 pack was sold. Imagine if you could get packs of exclusively just evil and heroic warriors. It would be a great way to buil up your ranks.
>>9430256 i love lord faker and dupli-cat so fucking much, but as someone trying to focus on the mcx line I really hope they release him there too. He'd be a perfect skeletor skull release.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9435283 I like the face but every one has their tastes, but yeah now that you mention it he does have a vampire vibe.
Looks like they aped the classic's head sculpt. it's not a straight copy since the spikes are in different places but you can definitely see the similarities.
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>>9435310 Can they even do the dark mascara thing at that scale? And I think Duplicat would be too big for the skull sets.
>>9435299 This will be an unpopular take, but personally, I think 1984 was the lamest year
The only character I genuinely love is Mekaneck.
I don't enjoy Clawful as a stand alone figure, only in pairing him with someone else like Mer-man
Ditto for Kobra Khan and Webstor, I only like them as a duo.
And I flat out dislike everyone else from thst year (although I'm admittedly beginning to warm up to Fisto since getting his Origins, but I've never liked him in any previous motu incarnation)
My favorite years were 83, 85 and 86.
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>>9435343 Yeah. I only liked Webstor and Mekanek, and am also growing on Fisto, though I prefer his 200X, well, everything.
But then again, Roton, Stridor and Snake Mountain are all pretty iconic.
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mattel..... just release a swift wind and she-ra pack with the new face and knees......... that's all you have to do..................
>>9424965 Do we do unboxings here?
>>9435490 >>9435496 Not Origins or masterverse this time.
>>9435490 t'd be more interesting if you just opened them up off camera and then took pictures of them in cool display/play setups.
>>9435501 Nice.
Also, is He-Man this much bigger or am I getting fooled by some perspective? I didn't realize the size of his body was this drastically bigger.
>>9435504 But where is the fun in that?
>>9435525 >where is the fun in actually playing with the toys? Nigga, really?
>>9435525 Ugh, dusty and nasty… needs some cleaning up for sure.
>>9435528 >>9435530 I didn’t say I WONT be playing with them… I just want to savour this feeling of finally getting the dream toys of my childhood.
It came with all the parts except for eye stickers and chains… anyone have any idea where I can buy some repro chains for vintage snake mountain… are shady ebay sellers my only option?
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9435509 Well he is he-man it's only natural he'd be bigger. Where are you located? I only just got the first in series 2 and you already have series 3.
>>9435547 Not my pic (video), was from a review up on YT. And I'm saying that's a good thing, because on the show he is actually bigger than everyone else, but I had originally thought it was just his height, but he's visibly thicker than Fisto there too.
Where I am series 2 has yet to show up.
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>>9435566 >>9435547 Neat. I figured they'd all just be using the same buck, like in Classics, vintage, Origins.
Also, I hate that I haven't even seen wave 2 pop up anywhere, nor gotten my preordered wave 2 in, and people are posting finding wave 3 in Walmarts.
>>9435539 I believe Barbarossa customs might get you the chains you need.
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9435566 ah, if you are in the states Spikor is up on amazon for MSRP aka 21.99 and so is karen Teela but Beast man and Man at Arms are still at scalper prices so I figure amazon doesn't have them in yet
update: as i typed this it looks like beast man will soon be in stock, i think amazon had a hiccup in the system and showed it to me as in stock but when i went to buy it it gave me an error, then it shows it as in stock soon. so it looks like they will have it soon but no such luck on Man at arms. I have them preordered from bbts too but since they take 10 forevers i just keep the preorder until amazon gets them for msrp or if eventually bbts gets them for a few bucks more, which ever comes first. prettry much as i did with series 1
>>9435574 Thanks.
All clean and sparkly now.
Mattel needs to put out Origins osters I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants the Castle Grayskull art or the Powercon Horde interior art to hang up on their wall
>>9435713 Not much for posters, but between Origins, Masterverse, Revelation, the comics (the covers, anyways), there is some fantastic artwork being produced. It should definitely be collected somewhere.
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>>9435742 I'm all for a coffee table book dedicated solely to the era of 2020-onwards MOTU.
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I saw a Jitsu today. I guess that's good... fucking Revelations pegwarming. And all the piss poor way stores are stocking in general.
I typo snout spout as snout spouse and now loling the concept of him married. Bitches love firemen too.
>>9436269 What's funnier; his wife also with a robo elephant head or some other animal, or she's just a normal lady?
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>>9436506 >she's just a normal lady this, if she also had an elephant head it would be too on the nose. her just being some barbarian housewife with an elephant motief is plenty funny.
>>9436269 >Bitches love firemen I choose to believe Snout Spout won the starfirebowl
If a man used the Sword of Protection, would he be turned into a woman? If not, would he have the same outfit as She-Ra? Would he still be called She-Ra? Vice versa for the sword of power and a girl
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>>9436890 Bait aside, I think the real differences between the sword are the aesthetics of the costumes, and the sword of protection's transformative abilities. I don't know if the power sword has a unique equivalent.
A man would still be a man, and his outfit would share the same design aesthetic of She-Ra's without being an actual dress, assuming this is something that would have happened with a 1980s American design team behind it. Give this prompt to a modern twitter user, and you'll get a different result.
As for the names, He-Ra seems like an obvious change, but She-Man... that's got some baggage already and it's never even been used in canon. Completely unrelated to this, I've thought for a while that He-Man's "canonical" name should be He-Ro, like the original, with He-Man being a joke or misunderstanding that accidentally stuck around, like in the CGI show. So then a girl using the power sword would be She-Ro.
Or, we can drop the assumption that the prefixes in both names are meant to be literal english pronouns and say that both terms are Eternian words for something else and not deal with it at all.
My cat who I’ve had since I was 5 was put down yesterday. I don't know how to feel Anons, but I'll probably sulk for a while with my He-Man & Battle Cat toys.
>>9436506 His wife should be a humanoid woman. More ironic if she's fire themed. How come we don't have any fire themed PoP or Masters? Was filmation worried about kids playing with fire like when Fantastic 4 had Herbie in place of Johnny?
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>>9437001 Draego-man doesn't count?
I also saw a post on
He-man.org forums about some unproduced PoP villainess named Volcana, but there wasn't much detail...it was revealed at Power-Con one year or something? When I get time I'll try to find reference
Scored 3/4 Wave 3 Masterverse at my local Walmart this morning. They weren’t in the system so I got them for $10 each. Just need Fisto now.
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>>9436712 is mekanek gay haha
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I’m hoping Photog gets a origins version but I doubt it. Ordered him today at eBay as I just love the goofy design.
>>9433729 >make 200x He-man finally >reuses the boring Revelations mold slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
>>9437138 I am so jealous you lucky sonuvabitch. Seriously though great find. I can't wait till next year when i can finally get series 3 and finish series 2
I’m hoping Photog gets an origins release. Went ahead and picked up his classics version because I adore the design.
>>9437166 If they do, I hope they give him a working feature like a camera shutter that really snaps, or a holograph on his chest so that little guy really runs
>>9437150 I'll gladly take it at this point, if no origins is made
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>>9437157 Haha, if it makes you feel better I don’t have any Wave 2 yet.
>>9435296 I misread that as arms, but it looks cool with the arms. The armor is snug but went on easy
>>9435296 And here it is from the back. The little nub n socket part that holds it on is a bit tight, but shouldnt stretch it out
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>>9437230 >>9437225 Those are Finn's arms? Damn I'm even more mad at myself for passing on him when wave 1 was always so readily available.
>>9437225 oh no please don't make me spend $125 on Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt
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>>9437172 I'd rather have nothing and move on
>>9437234 Bray is definitely my favorite, but thats because I've partswapped him into...this. I get Lobo vibes and use Finn's arms to look more like cyborg arms
>>9429609 >this was the figure that was stolen >not big boota teela Gay coomer kids confirmed
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>>9435638 Ah yes, Snake Mountain's mighty Therm-O-Stat
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>>9437247 That barbarian chick is nice!
>>9437170 >a holograph on his chest so that little guy really runs They already did that on the Classics one. He also has an extending camera eye
>>9437247 I don’t think that Teela reached playtesting
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>>9437439 Neat. I didn't think any classics did features
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>>9429623 That's not bg Teela, she looks like a shoe-in for Sharella the lady in the bg of the Megator art.
"What's the deal with the Castle Greyskull jaw bridge?" "Does it see a dentist or a contractor for repairs?"
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>Previously, on Masters of the Univerese: Revelations >"stay away from my baby!"
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>>9437487 where is my George Constanza MOTU HeroClix?!
>>9437649 Between this and that Toxic Crusaders chick, we almost had fully realized nipple freedom as far back as the 80's! Fucking hell! Can you imagine what pop culture could look like today if we'd ingrained a lack of titty fear into kids back then?
>>9437664 God I wish we lived in a world that wasn't dominated by stupid prudes.
>>9437680 But if we weren't raised in a prude world, would we still love titties as much? How much of it is the "taboo?" Like, if we weren't told "YOU CAN'T BE LOOKIN AT THOSE!" would we even care?
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>>9437654 >>9437658 Was a great proto. Sadly they had to know it wouldnt fly
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>>9436997 Sorry to hear that
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>>9436997 RIP kitty. I know the feel and the hurt, but know that you, I'm sure, had a positive impact on their life and their spirit will stick with you forever on. Did you get at least one pic of He-man riding your cat?
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Does the 8 inch Havoc Staff replica fit well in Classics/Masterverse Skeletor's hand?
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>>9437688 Even with being able to see whatever, when ever i like NOT seeing it all. I guess im saying in an all nude world id still enjoy women in bras etc. Lets my imagination stretch its legs when im buying produce.
>>9437138 Where are you located my dear fellow, in general terms?
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>>9437138 I know there's no point in checking mine because every single one of them got a restock of 5+ cases of Wave 1
>local target has nothing but he-man and skeletor for a year >gets the sorceress and jitsu wave >pegs completely stocked >2 days later >pegs are still stocked >with LoP Mer-Men I..... what?
>>9438258 The merchandizer was a Merchad
>>9434326 I applied the same amount of force on that knee I did for the other one, and it just snapped off. I've never had a joint break so easily on me before.
My Scare Glow's joints are in no way gummy, but pretty tight. I did get him all the way back in March, so they could have made later batches more sturdy.
>>9438288 Everything's coming up Mer-Man!
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>>9438392 i cant desrcibe the joy i feel whenever i see people mixing vintage and origins. it just feels good man
>>9437230 >>9437225 >>9437251 >>9437246 this looks so fucking rad, god damn the wwe for axing this line
>>9438528 Seriously. I havent found the Andre wave yet and it kinda hurts that its ending. Yes, Superstars is using the same bucks, but its just not the same. I think back to all the wacky versions of WWE figures ive seen (Monsters, Zombies) and wish they dipped into that pool a bit. I would kill for the 4 armed Brock Lesnar and vampire Undertaker in MOTUO style
But I see a bright side to all this too. The line only ran for about 2 years, and as far as I know there are no cool concept or prototype figures that got a prototype made then shelved, and no online/con exclusives. The Golden goose seemed to be the Snake Moutain ring and honestly, i just want the figures. One ring already takes up soo much space.
What really kills me is that we wont see Savage World done in MOTUO style. Like Holy fucking Christ I would absolutely have a heart attack inducing orgasm if the Horror figures got made.
>>9438542 >What really kills me is that we wont see Savage World done in MOTUO style Who knows that for sure? Mattel loves mixing their food with random horror licenses quite a bit.
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>>9438680 I swear if it's Plymouth...
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>>9438542 >What really kills me is that we wont see Savage World done in MOTUO style That and DC's Primal Age. I was so stoked to get those and now that I have Origins, they just aren't as fun. I apparently REALLY need the ability to look up and down in a figure
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>>9438680 Right on, thanks.
gonna do a quick loop across the town to see what i can find hoping for a Stinkor, somwhere pray for me
>finally get lop merman >its eyes are painted slightly off center so it looks as if it's always looking to the left fuck
>>9439341 I saw one like that and regret NOT buying it
>having a Mer-man who looks constantly distracted and disinterested in what's going on Anonymous
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>>9439280 Good luck, i couldnt even find a rev mossman. Getting a battlefield warrior set and flocked panthor tomorrow. Guess ill keep the flocked version in the box since im super scared the flocking will degrade and just fall off like a sheding cat.
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Less than 2 weeks until the conclusion of Revelations
>>9438774 >MH is returning >She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Origins has been put on hold I think the timing is just right to make a Masters of the Monster High Universe to coincide with Shera Origins.
>>9439280 Results
> Walmart >all Origins have been clearanced out, with the sole exception of Battle Armor He-man, of which there were, consistently around ten >everything else was CGI and wave 1 Masterverse >Target >Origins He-Man and Skeletor abound >Wave 1 Masterverse, Faker, and RoE clogging hard >1 of them had a full case of the Buzz off wave >each had at least one Castle Grayskull No Stinkor tho
At least his wave is in stock on bbts
...except for Stinkor
>>9439558 >At least his wave is in stock on bbts >except for Stinkor You got my hopes up that Webstor was in stock. Why must bring lies here?
New pics of Netflix Beastman & armored He-Man are out. I do like this redesign of Beastie. The three little skulls each colored in a different plastic is a nice touch.
>>9439684 Armored He-Man. Looks alright, but the accessories are trash. I swear that back in the 2000's there was this kiddie knight line that had a knight figure like this with the exact same colors and general styling.
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>>9439690 Oh yeah, Radik's Adventures, that's what He-Man reminded me of. I had Ulrik the Knight. It was a weird subline of the Mega Bloks Knight line. They go for surprisingly high on eBay.
Thanks, Internet.
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>>9439690 Give him a beard and this would be a pretty cool King He-man
>>9439684 Still not sure how I feel about the new Beast Man. It's a good design, but something about it doesn't feel "beast man". It's too canine, not ape enough.
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>>9431691 Wish I could find gray stratos instead of naked man stratos
slt !!gowZ+7fak5J
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>>9439690 Oh i actually like that ... might pick that one up, i hope they have an accompanying skeletor variant too coming down the line
A local antique mall had Catra's horse with box. I didn't buy it, but I thought some of you might like to see it.
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>>9439765 Really complements the nazi door plate next to it
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>>9439765 its amazing how some boxes get so much shelf wear just for continuing to exist for 35 years or so
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When do you guys think it will be likely thst the Clawful wave goes up for preorder? Think it will happen before Christmas? And when do you think we might get the confirmation on the 200x Skeletor/Mantenna/Whiplash/Randor/Pighead leak + pictures? Those are the waves I'm looking forward to
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>>9439533 >I think the timing is just right to make a Masters of the Monster High Universe Have Monster High be a school in the city of Fright Zone on Etheria and include non-monster high school Adora.
>>9439690 How many different version of He-Man has this line already gotten? Isn’t that what killed 200x?
>>9439901 I wouldn't say it's quite that bad yet.
We've got 3 versions of He-man, but we also have 8 others characters our or coming soon, so there's still variety.
200x had like dozens of He-mans and Skeletors with next to no new characters as it went on.
Besides that (and this is just my opinion), this doesn't seem like a line meant to last a long time and have a huge roster. It makes me think of like Transformers RiD or a Ben 10 line...a show meant only last 2 or 3 seasons, get a half dozen waves of figures out of it, then hit recent and start over. That's what all the other modern toy commercial shows generally do. So a bunch of He-man variants won't matter if it's not currently intended to be a long term series
>>9439928 But if it isn't a long term thing then how does Heman -survive-?
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>>9437138 i am really pumped for stinkor
how is he?
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>>9435017 this is a really good image
I wonder why Mattel isn't doing Origins gift sets right about now. I think cherrypicked reissues of older figures would do really well since the line as a whole's been a bit tough to get into. Maybe make some "greatest hits" two packs like LOP He-Man vs Skeletor, She-Ra vs. Hordak and even Scareglow vs. Orko. They could even make it so they come out around the Holiday season.
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>>9439978 With constant reboots like Transformers, Ninja Turltes or any superhero cartoon.
It's the formula they all use:
Get 3-5 seasons, make maybe 6 or 7 waves of figures. Cancel it. Next year, brand new series starting from scratch.
And you can run an "adult collector" line on the side that IS meant to go long term, since adult fans allow for that marketing strategy.
Adults want long-term ongoing lines with lots of figures (like Marvel Legends or TF Generations and that is what I believe Origins and Masterverse are)
But for kids you do a string of short disposable lines (Animated to Prime to RiD to Cyberverrse, or Spider-man TAS to Spider-man Unlimited to Soectacular Spider-man to Ultimate Spider-man.) And that's the kind of show CGI feels like. So it'll last a few seasons and if it performs well overall, will get replaced after a few seasons as is the norm for these types of shows. You gotta think brand longevity, not show longevity here
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>>9439593 Kinda weird that of the wave stinkor and webstor sold out, i preordered the whole wave but instead of getting it all at once i got them one at a time. Maybe this is wave 2 part deux?
>>9440297 Look at what's going on with RoE right now
And Mattel isn't making too few figures on purpose, everything right now is fucked
>>9440651 >Look at what's going on with RoE right now I meant straight up hard reissues of older figures in a gift set-style. Not retailer exclusive variants. Also ROE is almost constantly sold out at Walmart here, how are your Targets doing?
>>9440670 >meant straight up hard reissues of older figures in a gift set-style Wave 1 Evil-lyn with the new knees in a 3 pack with Trap Jaw and Tri-klops. Tell me that wouldn't be based
>>9440683 Evil Warriors Origins sets need to happen. Just provide cores annually/biannually in a simple grab-and-go pack to keep demand for older figures somewhat satiated.
>>9440731 They really would be ideal.
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>>9440738 >>9440731 What we need for the packs so far:
>All the ladies with updated knees >Trapjaw demand still there >wave 3 hard to find >?? Anonymous
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>>9439342 I wanted to use him as the cold-blooded, driven, and loyal coast guard commander to the island of monsters I'm building.
I tried posing him but I'm not a hundred percent sold on the results. Maybe when I get fire effects for his sword.
>"why does he look goofy and friendly though?" Cultural differences.
>>9440731 >>9440738 Considering that every single Origins purchase I've made has been in bulk, this would be ideal for me.
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>realize Green Goddess would work as a sbakegirl Teela >think about snakegirl Teela >get a boner Why am I like this
>>9440738 Pitch an episode script for Stinkor, Whiplash and Webstor
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>>9441239 Whiplash seems like a hard character to write for from the point of view of "what do you even do with him?"
If you just need a generic random mook, he's fine because of how interchangeable he is, but he doesn't have any particular unique ability or skill that you can work with.
What kind of scenario could you come up with in which "this ONLY works if you use Whiplash?"
>>9441239 >Skeletor dispatches the three to investigate the tremors from beneath Subternea that threaten to destroy Snake Mountain. >Far, far below, near the planet's core... Where dinosaurs and vile barbaric snake men still roam tunnels as old as time & forgotten by all- lies Sun-Man & Hordak. >bound in chains as thick as trees, bolted down to a machine sapping his power, Hordak intends to sap all of Sun-Man's strength for his DARK STAR GENERATOR. Which would devour the planet and all of its power in on fell swoop. >Without any time to go back for reinforcements, outnumbered and outgunned, it is do or die >Fight to save Eternia, or everything dies >Stinkor, Whiplash, and Webstor each turned to each other. It could be their last moments together. Wordless, they could see it in each others' eyes. >Their journey had been long and full of countless dangers, would anyone remember their sacrifice on this day? Anonymous
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>>9441271 >Stinkor inhaled >clenching his eyes shut >could She-Ra have ever loved him? >He thought of the children they might have had together >BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP >Hordak whirled around at the sound of ass clapping, only to be blinded at the toxic fog that hit him >the ensuing battle would have been legendary had any been there to see it >Eternia is at peace. Adora's children grow up to one day call it home >did Stinkor's greatest battle ever really happen? Anonymous
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>>9441271 >chained sun-man >mattel apologizes for no reason the next day and banishes the episode from their catalogue Anonymous
Fedex delivered my Stinkor wave to the wrong address, but I finally got 'em. It's gonna be a fun night fellas.
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>>9441585 Nice. Finally got Webstor and Mosquitor in, they're great. Just waiting on Stinkor now.
>>9441585 Is it just the angle, or does your Webstor have 2 gripping hands?
Is this another one for the "running change " list?
>>9441652 Looks like an open hand to me
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>>9441652 Open hand, only one gripping. Webstor bros, don't forget to knot your string on both ends so it doesn't come undone and break!
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>>9441691 It's just the angle the picture is taken from. It honestly looked like a gripping hand to me
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>stinkor preorder is finally processing THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET SMELLY
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In case anyone here collect both MCX and transformers, the wfc effect parts are compatible with MCX.