>>9489147Exactly this.
Part of it was a lot of these kids never had anything like the playroom full of junk most spoiled kids have, either because they were removed from dirt poor/drug/abusive families, or grew up entirely in a foster system. The concept of hoarding a bunch of physical stuff, especially toys, is a little alien to them.
But when they do get something really nice they often don't want to share it at all. Especially when they get something name brand to take to school. Some kids in an environment like that, they act a bit like territorial dogs. It would be sad if it weren't so irritating.
>>9489174Maybe, maybe not. At least it's not a funko.
The key to the Angel Tree type situations is to look through the requests (if possible) to find someone who is asking for reasonably generic inexpensive things like matchbox cars or art supplies, and necessities like clothes in specific sizes, not brands. Those are the people who likely need real help.
Requests for expensive items or name brand luxury items are usually from low-income families that aren't desperately needy, but spending their limited funds wisely. The kind of parents that trade food stamps for cigarettes and let public school raise their kids for them.