Previous ridiculously radical thread:
>>9476380 >Super7 Ultimates Wave 4 starting to ship and in hand now. Only Donnie has arrived so far. >NECA toon Newsroom 4-pack packaging revealed and shipping soon >Super7 revealed Party Wagon for their Ultimates line with a payment plan. Party Wagon videos- >Chinese 3rd Party cartoon based Turtle Van (Turtle Shell 01) is in the works. >Super7 also revealed a BBTS Exclusive Undercover Raphael figure. >Neca revealed a new movie April and Casey Jones 2-pack >Fury Toys revealed a new line of 1:12 "Samurai" turtles >BST revealed badguy figures for their Turtle line >Playmates Turtle Blimp reissue(kinda) for Walmart >Possible delay on Loot Crate Armaggon to December >Prototype images of NECA Tokka and Razar! >TMNT x Punkdrunkers announced! >Super7 TMNT wave 6 up for preorder! >Vintage TMNT commercials to give you shell shock! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toy Commercial Compilation Retro Toys and Cartoons >Totally radical tunes! Pizza Power Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Opening Music TMNT 4 (SNES) Music: Big Apple, 3 A.M. Extended HD TMNT 4 (SNES) Music: Sewer Surfin' Extended HD Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II (OST) Turtles Arrive, Main Titles Useful Links:
TMNTToys, a useful resource for TMNT toy history - Necastore - Super7's Website - For foreign anons buying outside of the US, here's a list of places to buy the Party Wagon.
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>>9498316 How much of the $500 went to that shitty art?
>>9498316 Seeing this, they should of added a foot coming out of a manhole
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>>9498325 Nah you get useless tools instead
>>9498316 These two are giving me serious NES game vibes.
>>9498316 >Boxart uses the wrong colours for Shredder Either they dropped the ball, or we're getting a Shredder recolour
>>9498337 The box art was released to celebrate 10,000 sales, big moment for s7 a few days out from the preorder window closing on their site
>>9498341 His blue armor is on the vintage figure was meant to be interpreted as silver metal armor. We'll probably get a toon repaint eventually, but it's way too early in the line.
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>>9498347 None of that actually happened though, so you're just a bad liar.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9498347 I kinda want them to release sales numbers just to compare to Haslab, but Brian said he doesn't like, nor want to create drama over sales numbers for people to whip out and shit post over, like what happens with Hasbro. I'm sure there will be a surge of backers as it nears the December 14th deadline. They could easily make it to the 15 or even 20,000 by then.
>>9498316 not bad.
jesus given how big this thing is, that box could be wall art afterwards.
>>9498356 Why are you responding to a piss poor troll?
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>>9498325 should have*
or 've would be acceptable.
>>9498341 I mean the blue of the original was meant to represent metal, wasn't it
>>9498356 >They could easily make it to the 15 or even 20,000 by then. They haven't even gotten 10,000. Just about everyone has turned their nose up at this thing's price.
>>9498361 Then why did they post the boxart to celebrate like the other anon said
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9498358 It's a topic I was interested in from following the Haslabs, and how even the Rancor, which wasn't popular and didn't succeed, almost did hit it's backer goal. And even the Skystriker, which wasn't popular at all, managed to hit it's 2nd unlock. The Party Wagon's gotta be more popular than both of those, but Super7 doesn't share those numbers with the public.
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>>9498363 They didn't, he lied. They're still trying to drum up interest. That's all.
>>9498365 If people won't spend $350 on a rancor, no way will they drop $500 on this. There's proton packs to buy.
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>>9498369 Ghostbusters doesn’t hold a candle to turtles
>>9498347 no wonder brian looks so smug these days, dude is sitting on a mountain of cash
>>9498369 the rancor only failed due to hasbro's incompetence
>>9498399 It certainly didn't help, but there wasn't that much excitement for it to begin with. Aside from being a scene-specific monster as opposed to a key vehicle or character like other Haslabs have done, it's not really that big for the $350 asking price. People were very on the fence about it. Then came the disappointing tier reveals and that sealed it.
>>9498414 how big was it
i think people love the rancor, this really is purely a price issue
hell I'd pay 100 bucks for a Garthok around 12 inches
>>9498425 It was around 17 inches, a lot of people were saying they'd be willing to pay $150 for it but not $350
>>9498429 yeah that sounds right to me. of course things are expensive now, and if it had a really good paint job and a lot of joints, maaaybe 200. if I was a really big star wars fan and had a bunch of dudes to fight him and junk.. instead I kinda just like the creatures.
Perfect cape for cartoon Shredder.
>>9498544 where'd this come from then
>>9498545 Age of Apocalypse Morph
>>9498553 i am instantly intrigued by that combination of words.
>>9498544 The studs ruin it
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>>9498580 Nah it's make him more majestic. In this cape he's can't fight anymore. Only give orders.
>>9498653 don't worry sweaty. ne a will sell 3 times more vans
Dropping in to say you're a fucking retard if you're paying $500 for the stupid futcking van.
>>9498682 How much is that Chinese one?
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>>9498682 I bought two and one chink van for my nvca figures
>>9498673 You're a fucking weird troll
>>9498693 It literally is the NECA van whose plans were stolen by factory workers so rockstar randy has cancelled all plans for an official one without a major overhaul or feature to differentiate the two.
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>>9498716 I just have a different culture and customs than usa.
>>9498735 You're a habitual liar.
>>9498748 so the ne7a van is not cancelled?
and you cam confirmed the plans weren't stolen?
>>9498693 >>9498696 anyone have pictures of it?
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>>9498753 You're such a fucking idiot.
>>9498682 And you're a stupid fucking troll.
>>9498784 Nah he's spot on.
>>9498793 Nah he’s one of the poors who whine on insta about the price and say they WOULD HAVE bought the party wagon for $200 as if based brian is going to haggle with them
>>9498810 I’ve posted it twice before and you said I stole it, so no. I do, however, have a quick pose for the latest set from rockstar randy. Mutagen Man is my favorite of the set and while I prefer the gross Playmates design overall, I don’t think they could have done a better job on this toon version. It’s great.
>>9498852 Shut the fuck up you pathetic liar
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>>9498852 that is one cutie duck boy.
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>>9498870 He’s mad that I got the set added to my turtle hoard before he did. So even though I complimented a n*ca product, he still has a spastic fit, as usual.
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so will we get a technodrome cardboard backdrop playset too? They had some really nice backgrounds in there. the big dimension X portal comes to mind.
>>9498810 Here’s my Turtle Shell 01 order instead but that’s all you get, no more s7 receipts for you.
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>>9498920 >comic version uhhhh
Broke apart my arcade Slash. Probably repaint him in non-retarded colors. For some reason can't detach legs and shoulders from torsos.
>>9498920 Because you're a liar
>>9498944 The arcade line really is a travesty with its paint apps. I still want these two rockbois though.
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>>9498958 You're wrong as usual
>9498952 Your weak bait has no power here, autismo. No more yous tonight.
>>9498944 fascinating. how difficult was this?
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>>9498967 There's no bait dipshit. The arcade line was a success because of the look it has.
>>9498958 they didnt even pixel up the decal on the chest, one of the few areas it would make sense.
and this is some of the better pixel deco by far, it follows the actual lines of the parts.
>>9498967 Quit lying all the time
>>9498975 So did the others in the line.
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>>9498981 some do. others seem fuckin random
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>>9498971 Just boil him in hot water.
>>9498952 >>9498978 I completely agree. every person in this freaky thread is lying. everyone just comes here to freaky lie. everyone is a freaky leaky liar.....
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>>9499022 Considering there are several trolls in this thread, yes, they do lie. And some are exceptionally obvious about it.
Wait is the super7 van a crowd funding campaign? Why are people talking here like it’s gunna fail or something? I’m under the impression it’s made to order like everything else
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>>9499046 Because they DO have to make a certain amount of sales to ensure it's profitable to even make. Just like the Thunder Tank. A minimum has to be met.
RIP my 2021 retro slash. I made the foolish mistake of attempting to rotate his arm at the elbow joint, the plastic was so cheap it immediately snapped instead of rotating. I've temporarily fixed it using a pin vice and some brass, but does anyone have a way to do it more permanently? I'm shocked/pissed off as I have one from the 90s that is 1000% sturdier and specifically bought the new one so I could pose it without worrying about breaking new plastic.
>>9499064 I also want to warn people about the 2021 retro Michaelangelo. I made the mistake of storing his nunchucks on his belt (as it's fucking designed to do) and BOTH of them snapped on their own. I didn't even notice because I had sat him in the back of the party van and pulled him out today.
My personal fix for this was to use my hobby drill (1.5mm tip) and drill a hole in the handles. I had some cheap $1 earbuds lying around which happen to have wire that is exactly 1.5mm, roughly the same as the original strings of the nunchucks. With a little bit of super glue I now have nunchucks for mikey that he can swing and pose well with.
I'm gonna mix up some paint so they mix the plastic, but I wanted to warn people ahead of time. I don't know what the fuck Playmates is doing but they are using the cheapest, shittiest plastic on these re-releases and it's so dissapointing. (Not to mention the absolutely fucked paint apps on Bebop, Rocksteady, etc)
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>>9499064 They really are bootlegging themselves. Sucks because he was the least tampered figure from that group.
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>>9499072 my chain installation is basically I buy tiny eye hooks and some chains and I heat up a pin on the stove and poke the center of the chucks and screw the eye hooks in and put the chains on. It's crude yes, but easier than drilling something so tiny at least for me.
>>9499072 >I made the mistake of storing his nunchucks on his belt (as it's fucking designed to do) and BOTH of them snapped on their own. That was always an issue with the vintage figure, so most collectors don't like to store them on the figure's belt, or if they do, instead of bending them to fold them into the loop next to one another, to cross the nunchucks over each another. That would mean for example putting one end into the far loop on the left and then inserting the second part of the same nunchuck into the second from the right, and vice versa for the second nunchuck being stored into the far right, with the other half put thru the loop that's second from the left(if that makes sense).
>>9499064 > I made the foolish mistake of attempting to rotate his arm at the elbow joint, the plastic was so cheap it immediately snapped instead of rotating. Common issue as well with Playmates TMNT figures. The vintage figures would sometimes just break from stuck joints, even if heated back when they were brand new in the 90's. I had a bunch randomly break as a kid. Foot Soldiers in particular have a habit of their legs randomly breaking at the hip joint, or their hops just getting stuck and breaking. I've also had hands break on turtles, similar to your Slash.
>>9498682 Nope. I preordered two and will flip the second when it inevitably double or triples in value, so I’m getting the van for free. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t do this with made to order shit they want. I sold my second Sentinel for $900
>>9499117 You're a liar and a stupid one at that.
>>9499096 All the TMNT figures I had as a kid, not a single one broke or got their joints stuck like that.
>>9499159 I had several that broke. It typically happened on hip joints or at the forearms.If they broke at the forearms, I used to pretend they had a gun hand.
>>9499064 i've heard people talking about pin vices and such, how do they actually work? it seems like you wouldnt be able to get enough purchase to actually drill holes in anything but the softest of plastic.
>>9499072 what's sad is I don't even blame them for using cheap plastic, but you'd expect a lower god damn price point. these are 10 dollar figures at the absolute most.
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>>9499096 i had parts pop off like that but they could usually go back on. only my astronaut raph actually broke in that regard.. definitely never had a stuck joint.
Fugitoid's limb broke at one point, I forget which, but he was made of a much softer plastic than usual
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
The new Reaction wave looks good.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
I hope we see Holiday Turtles in Ultimates.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9499240 That might be the worst idea for a wave you have ever had.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9498944 Don't know about the shoulders but NECA legs use a weird cup and peg system that goes through a hole in the crotch, I took a small flathead screwdriver and stuck it through the space in the crotch and pushed the sides of the cup outward till I was able to pull the peg out. The cup is malleable so you could heat and push the sides back in for reassembly but I left them splayed on this Scorpion Alien so I could "replicate" the exploding action feature of the original by pulling the legs, tail, and back spikes off.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9499239 as dumb as these are, I have to admit they're putting a lot more work into them than one would expect.
>>9499240 >Holiday looks like Christmas to me.
>>9499231 Pin vice drills are handheld, a bit larger than a pen. The bits usually range from .5 to about 5mm in diameter. You just push them and hand drill.
I have a cheap one and it easily goes through wood and plastic, and easily pushes through pewter miniatures as well. It's a very useful tool to have as you can make very small repairs with them very easily by creating a pinhole on either side of a connection point and gluing a metal rod inside.
>>9499260 >You just push them and hand drill. like, you twist your hand? I just don't get how it would get enough of a bite.. It's the same with people using x-acto knives to cut through plastic sheets, I don't get it, and I'm stronger than most people.. the sharpness is irrelevant, the plastic just doesn't resist the knife enough to be cut. path of least resistance is merely flexing under it.
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>>9499262 There's also jewelers drills, they have a small mechanism that twists the bit as you slide a small handle down the body. I used one to drill out a peg that broke off inside a Yamaguchi Venom's back. Handy little thing, albeit not often needed.
>>9499239 Is it just me, or are these getting too detailed for the gimmick? These are pretty much just 5 poa ultimates by this point.
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>>9499319 that was my thinking too, it's strange how they don't fit in either role, and you actually feel like making them look WORSE would at least make them less redundant.
>>9499258 >Christmas You can't use this word anymore. Too offensive. It's Holiday now.
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>>9499558 >Texas University is advising students and faculty not to use the word “holiday” when describing parties in December because it “connotes religious tradition,” and that might be offensive to non-religious people. Anonymous
>>9498777 Were the plans stolen or not
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>>9499558 Brian wouldn't like you using such a divisive word like Christmas.
>>9499575 No you fucking idiot. There's no plans because they're still prototyping it, China can't steal something they have no access to, dipshit.
>>9499603 >computer hackers aren't a thing Anonymous
>>9499603 The talk among industry insiders suggests otherwise and neca has been strangely silent regarding the theft rumour
>>9499636 The rumor you made up just now? Yeah, imagine that.
>>9499644 This has been a topic of conversation since the bootleg went up for preorder, try to stay current with the news, shut in.
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>>9498337 Thats because youre fake and gay
>>9499647 You mean the "news" that you literally made up to shitpost? Yeah, it's not real. Nothing you say is real.
>>9499669 You’re a bald headed liar. No more yous today as punishment. DO BETTER
>>9498804 rich bitch faggots like you kill every hobby you enter.
>>9499684 I had my rancor cancelled btw, since you poor bitches refused to work for a living to buy one.
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>>9498852 Sbit design, but that mutagen man figure does look well made.
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>>9499679 Why don't you make up another bullshit lie to tell people. Maybe try to be more believable you retard.
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>>9499687 Star wars is gay, and rancor is a pretty boring monster. So no wonder people didnt give a shit to pay so much for a boring toy.
Rich faggots like you endlessly consoom, because you have no standard, you simply want the biggest collection. But its a soulless endeavor.
>>9499669 ok Sherlock
how was the China bootleg made if ne3a wasn't hacked
>>9499719 Some China faggot made a digital rendering and 3d printed it. It's not that hard you stupid shit.
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>>9499719 I guess that anon is saying that china has hardcore tmnt fans, who went out of their way to design their own turtle van, to mass produce.
Its not that theyre greedy, bootleggers and stole the plans from neca, it was a passion project.
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>>9499722 AND THANK GOD :)
>>9499722 So you’re saying literally anyone could do randy’s job, even a homeless bum off the street
>>9499763 big a fellow Chinese citizen copied it exactly just by eye,
>>9499768 Do you not know how computers work or something? Or are you just this stupid?
>>9499784 Oh so it was stolen off of neca servers, got it.
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>>9499792 Nothing is copied "just by eye" when you're using a 3d program.
>>9499791 There's nothing to steal off servers, you weird psychopath. That isn't how that works.
I heard that a neca employee left his phone in a lyft after a night out drinking and that’s how the information was compromised.
>>9499811 You have no idea how toys are made
>>9499818 I made a digital rendering and 3d printed it. It's not that hard you stupid shit.
>>9499831 Be kind, it’s my first try.
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>>9499240 Which Holiday are the celebrating?
>>9499258 Yup
>>9499838 Skeletortuga? good job anon
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>>9499558 but that's still clearly Christmas. Holiday looks different. it doesn't have the Christmas stuff in it.
Post your favorite mess of a figure.>Loose hips >messy paint >Backpack is useless since he can't stand with it. I still love him dammit. How do I fix his hips?
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>>9500370 Super7 need to use the hips NECA is using with those ball hips. That thin peg Super7 uses now is the problem.
>>9499239 I'd buy these if they were resealable. The card art is half the appeal but you destroy it taking the figure out
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>>9499240 I dont. Just sell an accessory pack.
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>>9500370 i am told there are certain goops
a goop for tightening loose joints, and a goop for loosening tight joints..
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>>9500370 dont forget the fragile knee tubes
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>>9500379 reckon you could x-acto the plastic bubble and take the figure out
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9500397 That new head is lit, love the seriousness of it.
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>>9500396 they sure did a good job matching the color.
>>9500411 yeah a nice unique look, not one we get with a bunch of other versions of the turts..
This is definitely #1 on my list of shit to collect if I ever get rich. All those memories. weird idiosyncratic things like Don coming with two bo for no reason (he couldn't store both at once, right?)
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>>9500396 How rustled do you think Don's jimmies are that his bio has that "let's" in it
whereas I'm sure Mich(a)elangelo was just misspelling his own name for years.
>>9499072 I have an early 2000s reissue and my chucks have stress marks on them trying to have Mikey hold one with both hands. That was when I first got them in the early 2000s and have not since tried to bend them.
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>>9500457 this is probably why they don't do the nunchaku this way anymore.
>>9500396 >They still don't come with a toe bend I'm never going to get over this
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>>9500683 boy and there's a line in the sculpt that could help hide it too. but I don't think there's any way to do it without flexible plastic forming a flap over the joint.
>>9499838 that looks BAD ASS
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>>9500745 well it obviously needs painting baby boy. but that suit us freaky WICKED
>>9500683 Yeah not gonna lie this is one thing I wish they had really considered when starting the line, swappable feet for those classic poses; I suppose its no different from how MOTUC didn't all come with open left hands but I feel like had they done those figures today it would have been included.
>>9500797 yeah considering how many figures have swappable hands, including many they barely need, swappable feet for the turtles isn't unthinkable. even if JUST for them. especially since they could all use recycled molding
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>>9500370 It's the strength of the original figure shining through. I can get him in a slightly hunched down position with the backpack, but yeah he's my least favorite next to April. I really hope wave 4 makes up for this wave.
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>>9498351 So how tall would Shredder be if he was standing upright?
>>9500807 Even the Gothitropolis ravens had swap out feet.
>>9500821 on which part
>>9500850 well nobody can figure out how to articulate bird/dinosaur feet in a satisfying way
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
Once again posting about the fact that the vintage Turtle Blimp is big enough to have either a Neca or Super7 figure piloting it. This is a photo of some guy's custom painted one, along with a custom Playmates Party Wagon he resculpted and painted.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9500961 A Super7 riding around on the new Playmates blimp. I don't think the ziplines can fit onto a Super7 figure however, but I haven't tried it and haven't seen someone try it yet to be positive.
>>9500961 interesting custom, but.. WAY too small.
wait, is he wrapping wire around the blimp to hang it? isn't there already a hole on top built into the vinyl balloon?
also really surprised at how not-out-of-scale the blimp looks with the toon figures.. well, the one in the seat anyway, baxter looks gigantic.
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>>9498452 >if it had a really good paint job It supposedly had 900+ paint apps, although no one could figure out where the other ~870 paint apps were.
>>9498316 Why are most TMNTs just dumb brand war shit and troll posts filled to the irony?
Like how did it get this bad?
We're practically in a golden age of TMNT with how many different versions you can get yet the threads are the worst they've ever been.
You post anything are you're likely to replied by either a seriously pissed off anon or some ironic guy who spans shit about "superfans".
>>9501236 brand wars
some people love pepsi, others coca cola. some people love mcdonald's, others burger King .fans fight
>>9501236 Neca doesn't have the Godzilla license anymore, so they came over here.
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>>9501236 This
>>9501238 the fact there are are so many companies making turtles is the "problem" because there are always those autists who have to start fights because the brand they like didnt make the toy.
These threads are lost causes anyway, best just to come here for updates and then leave before you absorb too much autism radiation.
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the super7 people are pretty chill and cool. but the others......
>>9499240 Use the word Christmas FFS, the use of the term 'Holiday' was pushed by leftist social engineers to control language and piss all over Christians.
Those are Christmas Turtles.
>>9501282 You're a special kind of moron to think you're somehow being persecuted by people using the word "holidays". Get cucked, baby Huey.
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>>9500971 i think the wire is holding up baxter
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>turtles back in full swing since 2012 >all the turtle clones are pretty much mia it hurts bros
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>>9501297 Texas University is advising students and faculty not to use the word “holiday” when describing parties in December because it “connotes religious tradition,” and that might be offensive to non-religious people
>>9501236 Because of trolls like
>>9501239 Anonymous
>>9501320 how is he trolling? does neca has the godzilla license?
>>9501340 It's irrelevant and he only brings it up to troll. So fuck off.
>>9501342 it isn't irrelevant to the question being asked :
>>9501236 since Neca got TMNT then the shit flinging started
>>9501340 Did you hear the story about the meeting where sweaty randy botched the presentation, causing Toho to terminate their licensing agreement? It’s a good one.
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>>9501364 Oh so you're a liar, too. The shitflinging started when Super7 got the license. Because fags like you, that don't even buy Super7, want to start brand wars.
>>9501383 You mean the other fake story you made up to shitpost with?
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>>9501387 Fuck off cunt. Nobody is interested in your fairy tales.
>>9501387 Randolph was so nervous meeting with Toho in person that he broke custom numerous times and accidentally headbutted an executive when bowing. After that he had flopsweat, understandably so, but stammered through the presentation and mispronounced several kaiju names which made him come off poorly and ill prepared. They lost the license shortly after.
>>9501405 Oh cool, you reposted your troll post from a Kaiju general. Where you also lie out your ass. Kill yourself already.
>>9501409 You shouldn’t even be in kaiju general, considering how your company doesn’t even make kaiju toys except for bootleg, unlicensed kong.
>>9501413 King Kong is a kaiju
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>>9501414 randy makes unlicensed public domain kong, it doesn’t count
>>9501414 King kong is not kaiju, since he is an American original.
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>>9501473 Only base form King Kong is not kaiju, King Kong (La Forma Da Gargantua) is
>>9501364 NECA had the TMNT license first dumbass.
>>9501495 Did NECA change their name from Playmates
>>9501540 Playmates can't even keep their shit together. That's why they're losing everything.
>>9501547 Doesn’t change the fact they had the license first. Randolph a day late and a dollar short, as usual.
>>9501552 Your trolling doesn't even make sense.
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>>9501559 A simple train of thought eludes you as the brain rot sets in, it’s sad to see. We used to be peers on here but I don’t take pleasure in bullying an autistic spaz. Goodbye, necanon.
>>9501383 Brian Flynn did two meetings with Toho and managed to score all the Kaiju. Toho then informed Brian that nobody ever negotiates for the rest of the Kaiju, which they license out separately. Brian's a true Godzilla superfan tho.
>>9501581 That's not really what happened, but by all means keep spreading half truths.
>>9501585 What’s the whole truth then? Randolph is a fraud, just a man with hairplugs in a cheap suit, who wouldn’t know a rare kaiju if it bit him on his ass. Brian is an elite superfan, unironically. It’s why he’s well regarded here.
>>9501585 >That's not really what happened It's what Brian said happened. He said he first had to negotiate with Toho for the Godzilla license, and then had to do a second negotiation to get the Kaiju, because Toho doesn't license them out together, because they treat them as separate licenses, as most companies do, they split a license up so you have to pay them more money to use all the characters. Brian knew the score and was able to do the negotiation.
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>B-Brian! >R-Randy! Look I get the company wars shit but when you move on from doing that to arguing about which of their leaders has the tastiest dick you're in deep gay territory
>>9501585 so we went from. "liar trolls" to half truths
I guess that's progress lolol
>>9501643 No, you're still a lying troll, but that particular story isn't true.
>>9501607 Brian didn't tell the entire story you dumb fuck. He simplified the whole thing for retards like you.
>>9501603 >It’s why he’s well regarded here. Says the faggot that never bought Super7 before. You shitheads were happy to crap all over Super7 back when they were doing MOTU. You got your opportunity to shitpost when they got into TMNT, that's all that happened, faggot.
>>9501649 I’m waiting for my Donnie wave from bbts scam site but I have a full set of tmnt ultimates figures including a couple of extra foot soldiers for army building and one extra glowie Baxter for trade bait later. So you’re a liar, not even telling “half-truths” like gojiranon.
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>>9501668 >scam site You really are a troll
>>9501646 >simplified so what's the story then?
>>9501686 It takes a lot more than "Durrr gimme"
"Durrr okay!" to get the full licensing. Super7's worked with them before and already had some ins, that's all, fuckface. You can even tell Brian's being coy about the whole thing in the interview. But I bet you didn't even watch that, you just like throwing out bullshit.
>>9501686 >so what's the story then? Super7's better than Neca?
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>>9501704 That's wrong, so no.
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>>9501691 why did Randulf lose the license?
>getting this mad at Brian because he secured a deal to produce whatever he wants while Randy fuckhead got cancelled for his unsellable crap Based.
>>9501728 >unsellable Oh is that why the line constantly sold out and now gets high prices on eBay? Because there's no demand? You fucking idiot.
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>>9501741 You are a liar, yes.
>>9501734 bullshit and lies, neca is unsellable its why hastings went out of business
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>>9501751 don't forget n3xa and toysrus too
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>>9498316 Neat art but I would have preferred something closer to the original.
Weird people are getting so mad about it though.
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>>9501751 Neat, more lies.
>>9501734 Why did Randulf lose the license to Brian then tell the whole story
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This thread is extremly teetering on the edge to the gentleman's agreement, I ask everyone to cease this tomfoolerish nonsense.
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>>9501850 He didn't lose it to Brian dipshit.
>>9501704 Stylistically the top one utterly destroys the goofy looking bottom one
>>9501888 Stylistically, you're wrong.
>>9501891 NECA Raph looks like picrel with his misshapen head
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>>9501896 You seriously have a brain disease or something.
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>>9501320 ...I actually had to deal with the Neca trolling/seething in the Godzilla threads.
This is the exact same shit. That's all I was saying.
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>>9501236 lazy trolls who enjoy messing with people. until and unless their parents find out about it and beat their asses, it will never end. because they feel like nobody cares about them, so they have to make their own pleasure at anyone's expense.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
I just put in my pre-order lads! Reminder, you only have until the 17th to get your order in.
>>9502105 I really hope those hinges hold up
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9502113 It should. The physical prototype is made of hand painted resin, and is more than likely heavier than then final product, and that seems to be doing ok. I would have to imagine the plastic on the part would be akin to the plastic on Classics Castle Grayskull or Snake Mountain.
>>9502105 Is this still the prototype that's 10% smaller than the final product?
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>>9502125 jesus, resin..
I guess that is a good way to make sure since if it holds up in resin it'll sure as fuck hold up in plastic yeah.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9502139 Yep. They haven't shown off a final sized one and only said that when it gets into production it'll actually be 10% bigger than the prototype, and I don't think we'll see how truly big it really is until they get to doing test shots of it, 6
or 7 months from now. The prototype itself is close to the same size as the Hasbro Razor Crest.
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>>9502105 Thank you for the reminder, I just placed my order. I’d rather not risk waiting and hoping stock is still available on the other sites after the 17th.
>>9502105 >$500 UNITED STATES DOLLERDY DOOOOOOOOOOOS I knew CC was a retard but not THIS much of a retard.
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>>9502199 >BBBUT ITS GOING TO BE 10% BIGGER YOU RETARD Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9502199 It's ok if you can't afford something, or don't like something others do anon.
>>9502199 Tell me you’re one of the poors without telling me you’re going be of the poors
>>9502226 >>9502244 Aw, CC is larping again
>>9502226 >>9502244 i can already taste your buyers remorse, tastes salty
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>>9502249 >>9502251 t. poor dumb eurporeans
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9502249 I know it wont mean anything to you, but I took a screenshot anyway to confirm that you're speaking to two separate people.
>>9502253 We already know you turn (You)s on and off at your whim, stop trying to deny it.
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>Another day passes, another day waiting for BBTS to ship wave 4 Fucks sake I just want the boys home for Chrismas
>>9502253 I typo’d and my phone autocorrected to make me sound ESL. CC is innocent!!
>>9502253 You are so obviously full of shit CC.
>>9502257 >schizo do you not use 4chanX? Don't tell me you're new.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9502256 I don't know how to/don't care to, or want to, since I don't engage in the troll tactics you do, and therefore have no use for doing so. I only pop on to talk toy news and discuss new toys I'm interested in.
>>9502261 >>9502262 >>9502264 t.samefagging lioshithead
fuck off back to discord already
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>>9502271 Ah the RetroTard is back again.
>>9502266 Goddamn necanon btfo
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>>9502266 >I don't engage in the troll tactics you do with my trip turned on >except that one time I forgot to turn it off Anonymous
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>>9498357 >jesus given how big this thing is, that box could be wall art afterwards. Somewhat related: I've been wanting to find a way to display my Origins Castle Greyskull box on my wall without destroying the box. Not sure what to do to accomplish that.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9502383 As I said before, you're talking to more than one person. I have no interest in hiding who I am, or samefagging with you, since you automatically seem to assume(incorrectly at that) that everyone is the same person.
I hope this comes as some sort of relief to you, and that you can move on with your life. I know stating as such is potentially futile with, but it's worth exploring this avenue with you.
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>>9502105 Thank ya muchly Crimson Commanbro, just put my order in. Once ee and bbts and such sell out, this boy is goin to tha moooooon. It’ll triple in value when the neca van disappoints
>>9502105 wait, is this official? Why does it look all bloated and weird? They did such a good job upgrading the figures, but the party wagon looks like some kind of legally-distinct design, almost.
>>9502105 >>9502693 For some weird reason they decided to interpret the mouth sticker on the front bumper as the entire bumper literally being shaped like a turtle beak, instead of just being, y'know, a sticker.
>>9502693 there's rumors (that I haven't seen confirmation for) that they deliberately were asked to make it more distinct from the toon version, which of course was based on the toy in the first place so.. that required making it way less boxy and more rounded, like a VW microbus.
it.. kind of makes sense, the original was basically pretooled to be restickered as the channel 6 van, everything was flat
>>9502721 >the toon version, which of course was based on the toy in the first place >the original was basically pretooled to be restickered as the channel 6 van So they based the cartoon design on the toy, but somehow the toy was designed with being retooled into the way-less-popular news van from the TV show first? Why was this damn news van such a high priority?
>>9502748 because vehicles are expensive, and it was a sensible double-dip since the initial idea was for it to be a retooled news van.
Playmates has recycled the FUCK out of their vehicles to an extent that would make the Cheat Commandos blush.
>>9502702 Think they mention they did it on purpose in the breakdown video.
>>9502754 How many lines was the pizza thrower tank in? like 3?
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9502754 I kinda want Super7 to make the News Van, but I don't think they will.
Well bros, I did it. I ordered the Party Wagon.
Well bros, I didn't do it. I didn't order the Party Wagon.
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>>9502846 at LEAST three, and at least one of them it appeared twice
I do appreciate how they tried to change things to fit the aesthetic of each line though. 2003 turtles would not throw pizzas at you, but they would totally come up with a machine that fires incredibly destructive manhole covers.
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>>9502848 very unlikely, and would cost a ton of money just to change all the stuff they changed, change it back.. plus the rounder appearance doesn't suit a news van.
>>9502900 fuck, I had something here.. something about 'pie borg'.....
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9502862 Congrats anon. I feel like I'm waiting for a baby to born now, since it wont come out until January 2023.
>>9502900 I wish this was real.
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>>9502909 I wish it were real also. At least some wonderful artists gave us the masterpiece to appreciate.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9498777 This looks 100x better, and its unpainted.
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>>9502105 Looks terrible. Might as well be a ful R/C vehicle for the fucking proce too with the theme song built in and blue tooth connection. Also head light and brake lights. Super 7 is a fucking scam.
>>9502721 >there's rumors It's not a rumor. Brian literally says it in the last interview he did with Fwoosh about the wagon.
NECA Van confirmed, also Ooze Shredder coming in Spring.
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>>9502848 What exactly makes it a SEWER Satellite Dish?
>>9503190 Shots fucking fired. This is a serious escalation in the feud between Randy and Brian. After the NECA van is revealed, people will be demanding refunds from Super7, leading to the destruction of Brian's business
>>9503190 It was confirmed months ago in interviews. That's how we know it's supposed to be modular to mimic different setups from the cartoon.
>>9503251 Shut the fuck up spaz
Super7 extended the van to Friday because it's not doing the numbers they wanted. OOPS. Get your rent payment in, boys.
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>>9502894 >Well bros, I didn't do it. I didn't order the Party Wagon. Still up for pre-order on BBTS. Just requires a $125.00 deposit.
>>9503190 Can't wait to see the seethe and cope from everyone who bought a Super7 when Randy drops a $150 van.
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>>9503252 I really wish news from video interviews would be summarized better, I powerfully do not want to watch an hour an a half long video to get like 3 nuggets of info I actually want.
>>9503266 I am now having to figure out a new display plan because I'm going to be drowning in turtles and vans by next December. God forbid these 2 start pumping out other vehicles.
>>9503266 >Paying $150 for anything that NECA would produce >Looks like a trash heap >Feels like shit >Probably falls apart within a few minutes C'mon now...
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>>9503271 That's a lot of negativity. Should at least wait until we have some prototype shots.
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>>9503271 Thanks for not making me have to wait long.
>>9503271 How long do you think it'll take for the first QC photos to pop up on twitter? How will you boil an entire van so it doesn't break? INB4 a picture of some guy boiling a large kettle of water and using a ladle to scoop the van out.
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>>9503266 You are delusional if you think it’ll be that cheap; they charged $150 for the street diorama and that was just a couple sheets of painted plastic, no engineering involved.
>>9503317 I still remember my first NECA figure. It was Robocop, and it had his gun holster gimmick. Broke literally the first time I tried to use it. Bought Donatello and Krang against my better judgement. Krang's walker, which should be the simplest figure to make in the whole line, just flops over if you try anything but a retarded neutral pose that doesn't even look show accurate. Even then the knees are so loose it can't be trusted to stand in place for any amount of time. Donatello basically just feels like he is made out of old Playdough.
I feel like NECA is the ultimate in-box collector figure. If they're based on a live-action thing, they will look nice, they have a window box you can open up and look at. Just never take them out or a $20 Marvel Legends will just style all over them.
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>>9503317 Bathtub and an immersion heater
>>9503327 Sounds like you're a retard that feels the need to make up as many problems as possible so you have a reason to shitpost. Your idiotic thoughts on how the Donatello figure "felt" proves that.
They're excellent figures opened up, only a loser would keep shit mib.
>>9503271 Good thing none of what you said will be true. As usual.
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>>9503368 >>9503369 Show me your awesome NECA figures in dynamic poses.
>>9503266 >$150 Doubt it. If 3rd Parties are charging $200+ NECA will do the same. Just 4 figures alone is already $100-125+ Heck, kids playsets cost $100 nowadays and they're just unpainted hollow hunks of plastic.
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>>9503387 WWE Slambulance is a $35 toy. Neca can absolutely release a $150 van.
Huh, movie April has this symbol etched into her panties if you remove the skirt. Any idea what it means?
>>9503558 Probably Front/back in chinese
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>>9503368 >only a loser would keep shit mib Alpha mibchads rise up
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>>9503564 Ah, yes it appears to be chinese for "rear"
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Vidya Traag and Granitor are coming
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9503669 Nice, it sounds like they figured out how to fix some of the QC sloppage from wave 3
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9503676 I'm hoping Muckman turned out nice. The rest of the wave should start shipping soon.
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>>9503126 that doesn't make it not a rumor
a rumor is something I heard and didn't read any solid confirmation for. For example if I believed what you just said, still a rumor. until I read it myself, I'm not gonna state it as fact. and i'm too busy and bored to look at interviews for shit I can't afford anyway.
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>>9503190 >shredder better not be walmart exclusive. but if it is, they'd better put it online so I can buy it.
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>>9503673 I just noticed the central prong on raph's sai is no longer this thick, diamond cross section dagger blade with a flat cross-hilt.. his old sai in the toy basically looked like someting someone made in approximation of a sai, out of a more common western dagger.
Neca van parts sold with figures confirmed, wtf bros. Not like this
>>9503777 I think he's suggesting something akin to 'build-a-figures' where a large toy is sold piece by piece included one-each in a wave of figures.
>>9503789 Any idea where that was confirmed?
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>>9503790 of course it wasn't bloody confirmed.
>>9503790 It’s the talk on fwoosh right now, build a NECA party wagon 98% confirmed
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>>9503980 absolute twaddle. imagine having to build the floor and walls and ceiling out of a bunch of pieces that came packaged with toon figures.
>>9502702 Damn I really hate how that looks now that you point it out
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>>9504000 Playmates, an enemy we as superfans can ALL unite in hating, forced s7 to make changes to the party wagon, as if we’d confuse their crappy re-release with a premium product lovingly expelled from the loins of Brian Flynn.
>>9503789 fucking hell
does this mean I have to rebuy all my tmnt toys?
are they going to make more new tmnt toys
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>>9504010 This is your fault for supporting the line earlier than others
What planned>Leo with the front of the van. Packaged to look like he is driving. >Raph is the middle section, packaged with Raph in the flip out seat seat. >Mikey packaged with the roof. And a few computer parts that you can plug into the van in different ways. >Don is packaged with the rear of the van, packaged to look like he is working on it. Also comes with some bits for the inside.
>>9504038 >van comes with the turtles good for people who don't have 'em already... pretty bad for everyone else.
>>9504038 The parts clip together by mushroom pegs, very solid so far.
Planned price is 59.99 each. Leo and Raph are at the packaging phase. Some things may change with Mikey and Don.
>>9503789 It's the only logical step. All that's left are B-C tier characters and more Turtle Repaints. Look at the piles of Mondos and Muk Mans at Targets. BAF forces people to buy the entire waves. If they do start doing it this way, I expect a complete sewer lair diorama.
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>>9504038 >>9504039 >>9504040 >>9504045 You absolute fucking morons. This is a giant LIE. None of this is true. The fucking van will not be sold as a BAF. That faggot is shitposting and you're eating it up.
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>>9504038 >>9503980 >>9503768 Fuck off you lying cuntrag. You are a fucking cancer.
>>9504038 Will these be the swappable face turtles with the birthday party napkin colouring? It makes sense that the van is BAF because the disguise turtle four pack already had all the accessories you could want, so what would another pack contain? Best to split it up and pack in van parts in unique ways. Thanks for the info, anon.
>>9503254 >Get your rent payment in >500 Where do you live that rent is 1/3 to 1/4 of a typical apartment?
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>>9504120 Momma's basement.
>>9504120 anon apartments are fucking expensive, but they're not 1500-2000 dollars outside of major cities. small apartments are like 500, up from half that 10-15 years ago.
>>9504149 >they're not 1500-2000 dollars outside of major cities Well I live in a major city so in fairness to you, anon, my own views are skewed in the opposite direction.
A friend of mine moved out of their 1800/month one bedroom this month and a lot of people tried to jump on that shit because it was cheap as hell comparatively.
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>>9504233 the funny thing is these days since you can just live online since none of us has an offline life anyway.
but we still want to live somewhere cool because we fantasize about having friends, and that means living somewhere expensive. and also, you want to have good products available nearby.
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>>9504360 But does it have pizza hubcaps?
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>>9504360 >not based on anything >entire top is single piece >no opening doors >the windows don't individually open >no paint apps >no fully painted and sculpted interior big enough to fit six batmen >cost risk absorbed by major retailer >don't have to pay 15-20% licensing fee right off the top of the price Yeah, it makes sense. Apples are very different to oranges.
>>9504685 It’s a scoop from insideranon who posts unannounced toy news, he’s extremely accurate
>>9504691 You are also a liar
>>9504707 You’re just jealous that you don’t get the same scoops
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>>9504712 Nobody is jealous that you lie all the time
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>>9504360 >cheaply made vehicle with giant visible screw holes >Doesn't have painted details >Doesn't open up in any form >can't hold action figures >no interior sculpted details >doesn't have a side door that swings open >doesn't have any moving doors at all >doesn't have opening and closing windows >no windows at all >doesn't have individual sculpted headlights >Doesn't have a roof that opens up >doesn't have an opening hood for the engine with sculpted engine detail >doesn't have spinning pizza rims >doesn't have a working winch to pull things >doesn't come with action figure accessories >made out of cheaper inferior plastic >isn't sculpted to seat 6 action figures >sold at mass retail >not made to order >made by a bigger company >most of it's size comes from it's large rubber wheels >is actually smaller than the Super7 It's a mystery anon. How could a cheaply made budget vehicle that doesn't do anything that's sold at mass retail based on one of the most profitable franchises sell for $80, when a good to scale vehicle that actually can hold figures costs several hundred? This is more of comparable argument to the Black Series Tie Fighter Hasbro made and sold for $180 at Toys R Us and made in extremely high numbers at retail.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9503676 Update:
My Donatello just arrived in the mail! And the paint quality is fantastic on this figure; it may actually have better paint QC than waves 1 and 2's turtles. He's perfect. This bodes well for the rest of the wave. I just need to get those in hand too.
>>9504814 Too bad they fucked up and made the staff too short.
>>9504814 meh, as much as I like the toy aesthetic, the SHF are still the best turtles.
>>9504859 SHF encapsulates the tone of the toon better than nvca ever could with an incredible build quality that randulf cannot match
>>9504859 As
>>9504867 points out, the SHF are a better representation of the toon asthetic as a whole. And you don't have to deal with the two tone paint job, the overly used line work, and the chinzy build quality and that's not even getting into the articulation. The SHF just pose so much better than the NECA Turtles.
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>>9504842 It does kind of feel like they neglected to take into account the new, less stumpy proportions. Leo's swords are longer, the bo should have been longer too...
oh well, of all the weapons to have to make your own somehow, that'd be by far the easiest.. just get a dowel and some wrappable thin stuff... use a dremel to etch wood lines in the bo..
>>9504875 >are a better representation of the toon asthetic as a whole. Fuck no they aren't. They aren't even accurate to the cartoons. The SHF are completely forgettable trash. The cell shaded look is directly from the cartoon and why the toon turtle line looks as incredible as it does. You can stick the SHF up your ass where they belong.
>>9504867 You're definitely trolling.
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or maybe it was a matter of making them form a sprue of the right size I guess Don can join Bebop in the small weapons club
>>9504881 My opinion being different than yours doesn’t mean I’m trolling. I still buy nvca toon mutants and the other cast, I just skip their turtles. SHF pairs well, can actually pose, and are very expressive. Plus it doesn’t have the jogger skin tone from the show and uses the preferred birthday party napkin iterations, the best of both worlds. Their diecast legs give them a nice weight and they stand so well, quite stable. These bad boys will never nose dive from a shelf like randulf’s stuff.
>>9504881 >They aren't even accurate to the first two episodes of the cartoon. FTFY. The cartoon was so inconsistent when it actually got going that there are plenty of times the Turtles looked like the SHFs.
>The SHF are completely forgettable trash Sounds like someone who never owned them. They're easily the best quality Turtles available.
Why are you so butthurt about this? People can have differing opinions.
>>9504891 The SHF don't look like ANY part of the cartoon. Fuck you for even thinking that.
I do own them, I got them when they first came out and now they sit in their boxes since the NECA figures hit and did it better.
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>>9504888 Your opinion is doubly trash with your racist bullshit. And it sounds like you've never handled a toy in your life. Get fucked.
>>9504888 >I still buy nvca toon mutants and the other cast, I just skip their turtles. You’re going to miss the NECA turtle van if you do that bro
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>>9504900 Fuck off you lying cunt
>>9504898 Why do you tell lies on the internet?
>>9504916 Bullshit, liar. Picrel PROVES Neca has the most accurate toon turtles on the market, check out the wonky eye that randy reproduced in figure form
>>9504922 >inconsistent animation in the actual cartoon >NECA has inconsistent QC holy shit anon, did you just figure out that NECA has garbage QC ON PURPOSE!!???
>>9504922 This may be necanon’s best argument to date
>>9504922 Shut the fuck up you parroting asshole.
>>9504953 >>9504963 Both of you should fuck off and die.
>>9504922 Cool out of context frame from the cartoon. The same cartoon you've never watched. So why are you here?
>>9504972 I’ve seen every episode and 2012 is superior.
>>9504968 Holy shit are you fucking mad?
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>Wave 4 preorders still not arrived at BBTS I can't take it much longer bros...
>>9505084 Why do you troll with that grab? It has nothing to do with anything. It's you being a retard.
>>9505092 Just be careful what you say to him, he has violent tendencies
>>9505104 You're a liar. All you do is lie.
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>>9505110 why do you even reply to this? Are you that autistic?
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>>9505104 Take your meds schizo
why is there always so much schizophrenia in these threads? i dont fucking get it
>>9505563 Scalies and furries are mentally disturbed. That’s it in a nutshell.
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>>9505664 Please do compare scalevirgins to furchads
>>9504953 >NECA has shitty QC to match the inconsistent animation of the cartoon Damn, that's actually kinda clever.
>>9505906 No, it's just you being a troll
>>9506274 How does Randolph's cock taste?
What is the correct left to right order of the 4 turtles on display?
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>>9506280 You're the one obsessed with it, why don't you tell us?
Anonymous Toybro review of Donny, he's lookin' good. Also sounds like the reissue wave of the 4 turtles might include some extra hands for Raph. The ol' Double Dip strikes again.
>>9506307 He posted pics of the others. Casey is too thin and has the waxy plastic
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>>9506382 Again? Does Broke-Ass Brian only use instagram filters as his reference for skin?
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Dang, looks like the Disguise 4 pack finally got delayed to Q1. Not unexpected given the current nightmare that is shipping, but at least it's confirmed now.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
A number of people are saying the rest of Wave 4 has started showing up. Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9506518 Casey looks really bad
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>>9506286 I'm not sure about a straight line, perhaps the one used in the intro of the old cartoon
verbally I've always been partial to 'don, mike, raph, and leo' though if it's full names, raphael has to come last.
for a square arrangement, obviously don and mike in back.
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>>9503673 Why is Don's bo so comedially short?