>>9572588Considering these toys are made uniformly, they should deteriorate in uniform fashion.
Makes me believe that the figures that start to rot are displayed under hot lights, direct sunlight, or the person lives in an armpit. Maybe all three.
AFAIK, the only figure that had universal issues was the Mutant with his hot pants. I guess that color changing Batman counts too. Everything else is pretty spotty, which means it's entirely on the conditions of its environment.
>I recommend using some of those leather care lotions or wipes on the pleatherThat doesn't do shit, because it's not leather. You don't want to leave any sort of lotion or oils on plastic. Leave it alone, unless it gets dirty.
Most pleather/vinyl "conditioners" only clean the surface, hence making them look "like new" or whatever the tagline on the bottle is. The detergent is undoubtedly harsh, since they're made for thickass vinyl you see in cars. So it's fine for thick pleathers, but will probably wear away at the thin stuff you see on Mezco figures.
If you ever need to clean your clothed figures, just use a damp towel or qtip.
If you really need soap, you're fucked. The fabric will absorb the soap unless you rinse it off well, which means the fabric will fucking absorb even more water, which will lead to the cracking of the pleather sooner, because the fabric is shrinking/expanding despite the pleather ontop staying the same.