Previous Thread
>>9556746 >New/Latest Pre-orders The Vintage Collection:
-ARC Trooper Umbra Operative (Fan Channel)
-ARC Trooper Lambent Seeker (Fan Channel)
-ARC Trooper Battlefront 2 (Fan Channel)
-Shoretrooper Troop Builder Pack (ShopDisney • Pulse)
-Boba Fett - Book of Boba Fett Deluxe Set
-Fennec Shand
-Din Djarin and Grogu Maldo Kreis build-up pack (Walmart)
-Ahsoka Tano & Grogu Deluxe Set (Walmart)
-Stormtrooper Nevarro Cantina Deluxe Set (Walmart)
-Incinerator Trooper & Grogu Deluxe Set (Walmart)
-Death Watch Mandalorian
-Ahsoka Tano - The Mandalorian
The Black Series:
-Boba Fett Prototype Armor (Amazon)
-ARC Trooper Umbra Operative (GameStop)
-Boba Fett -Throne Room Deluxe
-Bib Fortuna
-Fennec Shand
-Ponda Baba
-Dr. Ezavan
-Boba Fett -Tython
-Jedha Patrol Stormtrooper
-Miggs Mayfeld - Trooper Disguise
-Princess Leia - Yavin Ceremony
-Gaming Greats Imperial Senate Guard (GameStop)
-Din Djarin and Grogu Maldo Kreis build-up pack (Pre-order date TBD)
Imports/Other Lines:
-SHF Star Wars Visions Am (Target)
-SHF Star Wars Visions Karre (Target)
>Bring Home the Bounty extended - Bonus bounties revealed every week until 2/15 ________________________________________________________________________
>Upcoming/Pipeline Reveals The Black Series
-Death Watch Mandalorian Trooper
-Ahsoka Tano (The Mandalorian)
-The Client
-Bad Batch Omega
-Bad Batch Echo
-New Republic Security Droid
-Figrin Dan
-Leia Organa (Ewok Village outfit)
-The Emperor (Archive Series)
-Lando Calrissian Skiff Guard Disguise (Archive Series)
-C-3PO (Archive Series)
-Dengar (Archive Series)
The Vintage Collection:
-ARC Trooper Jesse
-332 Ahsoka Clone Trooper
-Mandalorian Super Commando Captain
-The Mandalorian (Trooper Disguise)
-501st Clone Trooper (repack)
-Figrin D’an
Update: TVC Razor Crest expected to be shipping within the next few weeks..
Reminder this is a thread about toys. Don't fall for bait or feed the trolls.
>>9570177 Some codenames found for upcoming figures in TVC. Rumor says they are OT related. What would you guys like to see these be?
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TVC Echo and Bo-Katan are restocked on Pulse
>>9570198 What in the goddamn? I guess we'll find out in the next two weeks but I actually have no clue what the fuck this means unless it's some obscure reference to filming locations?
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>>9570207 Kenner was located in Cincinnati so some people think it may be references to that and these could be new versions of ANH Luke and whatnot. But code names usually don't have much to do with the actual figures. Personally I would like to see a new sculpt of ANH Han without the anorexic waist, some real ball joint hips and ankle rockers.
>>9570198 >Circleville Elan Mak bros, our time is now
I got toys today. This is a toy thread about toys.
>>9564667 >I actually just ordered TVC Darth Maul that came out last year and the reissued Hoth Luke as my first TVC purchases in a long time These are what arrived. Hoth Luke is cool. The face sculpt is pretty good; looks like the Endor capture Luke which is one of the best ones. They probably could've handled the hood/goggles/scarf situation better, but it's a good figure from a more civilized age. Kinda wish I had a tauntaun now. I'm expecting more from Maul since it's new.
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>>9570198 >ANH Han >ANH Luke >ANH Leia >ANH Ben >Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes 4-pack >Mos Eisley Cantina Playset Anonymous
Are Hottoys worth much on the aftermarket? Got Commander Cody and Captain Rex unopened, and waiting on Ahsoka. The boxes are so nice I'm considering displaying them in the box, but if they're still valuable opened, it doesn't really matter. Also maybe this is a dumb question but is there a database for which characters have what action figures? I'm pretty new to figs, I'm more of a lego guy.
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>>9570207 Could be anything. Code names like that are often deliberately mundane and chosen for likewise mundane reasons. I'm skeptical of outright new sculpts of ANH figures because Hasbro seem to dread that kind of updating (and always have, to be clear). It'd be nice, though. A new Guinness Obi-Wan in particular if they don't screw the pooch on the robe.
>>9570235 >20 + 3 years and we still don't have every podracer. Anonymous
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>>9570292 Hopefully never. Fuck these guys. It's like they wanted to set it on Coruscant but couldn't for budget reasons.
>>9570252 >is there a database for which characters have what action figures? Both Rebel Scum and Jedi Temple Archives have extensive archives, but I'm not sure how easy it is to search them by character given all the different versions.
>>9570252 >is there a database for which characters have what action figures? Jedi Temple Archives, Rebel Scum, and Galactic Figures all have photo databases and you can search by the character
>>9569970 >>9570047 >>9570053 >>9570059 Literally why did hasbro barely make any aliens for the star wars movies past TFA? Rogue one got some but TLJ didnt have any and the only ones i can think of for solo were moloch and that pyke guy
>>9570371 Because JJ and Disney were stupid and didn't let Hasbro in on the details of the movies the way George did, so they made a big deal about a random background character that was in the final cut for 2 seconds.
Upon pegwarming Hasblow goes; :Gee, Zuvio isn't selling, I guess no one wants Star Wars aliens anymore."
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>>9570401 Thats bullshit, the main reason why i dont buy as many star wars figures as i used too is that they dont put out the same number of characters that i would want as figures, and the one type of character i would be most excited for were background aliens. Hasbro are in part responsible for star wars massive decline at retail for not making characters like therm anymore and instead shoving in more repacks of reys and kylo ren figures no one wants instead
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>>9570401 At least they've included him in the background a few times in The Mandalorian
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>>9570198 >Circleville What the fuck,.
We got screwed, Youngstownbros
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>>9570241 >I'm expecting more from Maul since it's new Maul fucking rocks. I'm still not in love with the hips, but thigh swivel makes them a lot more bearable and better than the hips Hasbro used on some other older articulated figures. Ankle tilt also helps enormously. I don't care for the new lightsaber blade style, though. They're more accurate to the movies/TCW but to me they're less interesting to look at than the older lightsaber style the line used. Overall it's a more impressive figure than what TBS has put out lately and it's what I've wanted from the TVC revival from the start. Maybe I'll be a TVCfag again after all.
I'm just waiting for the Dark Troopers. That's all I want from the Black series at this point, or even Mafex if that's somehow out of the question. I'd be shocked if we didn't get any news about one joining the line by years end at the latest.
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>>9570495 It's more fucked up to me that we got Hot Toys Darktroopers before literally anything else. Like it makes you wonder if Disney is handing over designs to HT sooner than Hasbro considering the delay from appearances on TV to toy releases.
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>>9570495 I'm thinking of just buying one of those 3D printed kits just to have something. Even if Hasbro announces one tomorrow it'll still be another year before it's actually out and by that time there will probably be an upgraded version of them appearing in the show(s).
Book of Boba Fett is surprisingly bad. Did tey blow the budget on Mando? Do they just not care and want to desecrate Boba Fett???
>>9570553 I have no idea anymore.
Considering the overall quality of the various projects, and the different people involved, I can only say Star Wars isn't Star Wars without George.
Even the terrible episodes like the dumb kids carry a certain energy and touch of whimsy that not even the best episodes of Mando have.
>>9570571 man babies like rlm couldn't handle his genius
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>>9570401 I'm still waiting on a Black Series Crimson Corsair, you fucks.
>>9570572 His genius was flawed due to having no one being able to say no to him, and him being too distracted with the here and now instead of laying foundations for the bigger picture.
>>9570589 prequels were fine, you're retarded and watch too many brain dead youtubers
>>9570594 there was no youtube when TPM and AOTC came out and when they came out was when hate was it’s strongest. Time has been kind to the prequels and a big part of it is probably youtube (and kids who grew up with TCW).
>>9570594 By the end of Phantom Menace, we're one third done with the story, and Anakin & Obi-Wan have no real relationship with each other yet.
10 year time skip between TPM & AOTC means most of the movie has to be spent reintroducing the characters and staging the setting, instead of just jumping into the action.
The mystery over who tampered with the Jedi archives; which is one of the driving forces behind the Obi-Wan side plot is just dropped and never brought up in ROTS.
Because Anakin & Obi-Wan spent all of AOTC either fighting or separated, ROTS has to backtrack to make them the bros they should have been in the past 1 movies, and then have to rush to Anakin's fall.
Padme does nothing and loses the will to live.
Genndy & Filoni's series helps elevate the Clone Wars era to the Original's levels for me personally. Making TPM & ATOC a sort of prologue and pilot to the cartoons, and makes ROTS even more impactful.
Prequel era has a better, more complex story than the Original trilogy, but it wasn't executed nearly as great as the OT without the story expansion packs of the animated series.
>>9570572 Lucas made numerous terrible decisions.
>>9570616 >>9570611 You guys should know you can't reason with this dude by now. He's just going to claim that RLM somehow is at fault for everything wrong with SW.
>>9570553 I'm just glad I have friends to watch it with. Going into the new episode tonight knowing the fucking vespa gang is still here and will probably persist is genuinely fucking depressing though. Would probably drop it if the new episode is shit if I didn't have other people to gawk at it with.
>>9570571 S1 Mando was nearly perfect imo, just S2 some fucking suit saw the success and demanded that they roll in all the shit people "expect" of SW in the normie sphere and it shows horribly. Simple stories about some asshole trying to make a buck and hide a shriveled green child were a hundred times better than the crap they tried to string together in S2. Fully expecting S3 to be just a direct continuation of Mandalorian politics from TCW despite that being the exact opposite of what made the show so refreshing originally.
>>9570623 He did. Like Luke screaming while falling down Bespin, then removing it, CGI rocks in front of R2 that makes it impossible for him to actually get out of the alcove, Jar Jar being the key to all of it, making Akain a kid but not showing what is early life as a Jedi was like...
But they were his mistakes, not some board of producers trying to cobble together the same magic an indie director did by committee.
>>9570627 You knoe what I find most frustrating about both Mando and Booba Fatt?
Both shows are about Boba Fett armored bounty hunters, and they hardly do any bounty hunting!
With 2 shows so similar to each other you'd think at least one of them would have just focused on the main draw of the character archetype.
Each week a different mark that gradually leads up to some kind of season end boss battle. Mando could have started out with just his helmet and a pistol, and gotten more gear as he loots enemies and makes bank.
>>9570632 >adding Vader's NOOOOOOO to ROTJ I think he was trolling by that point.
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>>9570643 There's probably a final FINAL cut to be released in theaters upon his death.
>>9570638 I still want a figure of these Trandoshans but would like the face to be closer to what they're actually supposed to look like. I'm glad they at least improved that for Book of Boba.
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>>9570686 As shit as book of booba has been so far, the aliens and droids look fucking fantastic. Really fucking hoping that they stop letting Rodriguez direct and we get to see Trandoshans and Pykes again.
>>9570638 That’s not really what the shows are about though. Boba specifically is about him becoming more than just a bounty hunter. He literally said in the last episode that he’s tired of taking orders from idiots and wants to build something for himself.
Mando does do some hunting, but he’s got to balance that with taking care of the kid. It’ll be interesting to see what S3 does. In theory he’ll just go back to hunting without the kid, but now he has the dark saber and people will be after that now. He’s being drawn into a larger story. Just being a bounty hunter isn’t going to deal with those larger issues, so we probably won’t see it too much.
From the last episode, it’s pretty obvious Mando is going to show up on Boba to help him out. I think it’d be interesting if Boba established a sanctuary for Mandalorians on Tatooine. That would give them a new permanent home while giving Boba the power to make Tatooine a safe place to live for all the inhabitants.
>>9570728 I know that, but it's like what they did with Battlefront 2: "Here's a game where you play a loyal imperial soldier", and then you defect to the Rebels after the 3rd level.
>>9570728 >he’s tired of taking orders from idiots too bad he's another idiot
>>9570752 This. I don't quite get the motivation. He wants to protect bounty hunters lives but it's straight up a job that you volunteer for to begin with so that doesn't make sense. And then he's going around hiring people to do exactly what he's preaching against considering he just started a war that they're going to have to fight.
which one would you buy lads?
the show would work better if instead of Boba getting Shand and Krrsantan as a group of bounty hunters who want to run the show it was simply Boba getting all of Jabba/Bib’s former workers/slaves/droids together as sort of a factory workers taking over the factory thing. Like Boba rally’s all the Gamorreans and Nikitos from Jabba’s Palace and gets there support with his argument about not working for idiots any more and leading with respect.
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>>9570814 How much is the one in the middle?
>>9570820 What I don't understand is what beef he had with Bib. Last episode he said Bib double-crossed him and the entire reason he has to take back his ship by force is because he and Bib have beef, but I can't tell how Bib bears any responsibility for what happened to Boba.
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>>9570885 because... HE JUST DOES OKAY?!
>>9570808 I don’t think he cares about bounty hunters, he’s just tired of risking his life for someone else who doesn’t give a shit if he dies.
If anything, I think he cares about the Tuskens and wants to make Tatooine safe for them, but in turn that would make it safe for everyone. But maybe I’m seeing too much into his actions. He hasn’t really said what he’s doing yet, aside from driving off the Pikes.
>>9570885 Yeah, I don’t know. I can only assume Bib is an ass and screws everyone over. He seems like that kind of person.
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>>9570901 Funny considering the only thing Bib did in recent years that we've seen besides taking over Jabba's operation was him buying and loving the Rancor in Bad Batch.
>>9570820 I think the structure of the show is just not serving itself well. They've been half-assing two plotlines. If they had just done a feature length first episode, like what Bad Batch did, that just focused on his time with the Tuskens and up to when he rescued Fennec, then it would set up the rest of the show better because the rest could just be spent in the present time and we'd understand his motivations going in. At the moment, everything feels a little shallow. If he wants to be a crime lord, fine okay, but he isn't really accomplishing anything because we only get him in the present for about 10 minutes each episode.
I think he should have done like what you said and rallied people together but also they need to go heavier on what actual problems he is solving by making himself crime lord. It feels like the mention from the mod girl of "there are no jobs" should be a major issue in the city. Like maybe it could have been a result of the way Fortuna was running things. If he had set up a deal with the Pykes that fucked everyone over but himself and the ones he put in charge of the territories, it'd almost make sense to turn him into this fat glutton to symbolize his selfishness as a daimyo where everyone else suffers while he gets rich. Then Boba killing him and becoming the new crime lord would be almost an act of him becoming the new sheriff in town and he can fix this Pyke problem. Now there's good motivation because he already tried that once for the Tuskens after stopping the Pyke's train and it wound up getting them all killed. This would give him a chance to redeem that failure.
>>9570915 They should’ve just copied pic related
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>>9570814 The $15 plush is just fine. If you want something more fancy, go for the Build A Bear version.
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>>9570292 fucking atrocious
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>>9570728 >open borders for tatooine Anonymous
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>>9570920 Kind of feels like they are. Real Boba will show up in the finale.
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>>9570915 that would have worked so much better
>>9570177 This is such a fun play-patterned set I almost can't believe Hasbro did this in 2022. It's the type of set I would have gone nuts for as a kid.
>>9570885 It's like they forgot to film a scene where bib and crew arrive at the wreckage looking for survivors, and leave boba there. Just another non-sensical decision in this show.
>>9571496 Trapper Wolf is a good writer OK? Always puts quirky teenage group in every show, cause OK? OK?
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>>9571507 Jon Favreau is the writer.
>>9571507 There is only one episode that Filoni co-wrote and we haven’t seen it yet. Rumor is it’s for Cad Bane in it.
>>9570177 Horrible episode. They turned The Child into a Baby in this episode. It was annoying.
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>>9571690 >the child is a baby Always was.
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>>9571690 His name is Glup, thank you.
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>>9571507 “Trapper Wolf” Filoni might as well say “I had Rosario Dawn surgically re-engineered into Ahsoka and I keep her in my rape dungeon.”
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Ashoka is a mary sue.
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>>9571193 That's one of the most frustrating things about modern Star Wars toys; They just don't feel like they're for kids anymore.
We've heard for decades, both from Hasbro itself, as well as from others like Toy Guru that if it's sold in the toy department in a store, the target demographic are children.
What kid has the time, resources, know how, and patients to snag an item in a 2 minute long preorder, and then wait 6 months to almost 2 years?
Everything is so expensive and hard to get, by the time you get it in hand, the child will probably have moved on to something else.
why is there so much bait and shitposting in these threads
>>9570609 >Cal in 1/18 WHEN Hasbro Hopefully soon, especially with the rumors that Fallen Order II is coming later this year. It'd be nice to have him finally.
>>9570198 I'd love to get a definitive Jedi Luke. Perhaps with the face from the recent Endor figure or something, because that was fantastic. An all-new Han would also be nice.
>>9571816 >People rarely post their toys, anyway. You don't need to post them in order to talk about them. I never bother because I'm not much of a photographer and I'm always shuffling shit around. These two are my most recent acquisitions; I already posted about them though and I was more than a little late to the party.
>>9571949 How’s distribution in Australia?
>>9571919 I'd very much like another go at 6" too, considering how bad the headsculpt was on the original. Well, not bad, but certainly not Cal. Looks like some weird twink and not the weird twink he actually is. Been considering buying this headsculpt for like a year now because of it.
That and a less shitty dual bladed saber, because he can barely hold the one he comes with.
Kinda wanna get TBS Boba, but heard his helmet was warped, though you can fix it with heat. The problem I don't have an ol hot gun. Would a hair dryer work?
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>>9571949 Forgot to edit the orientation...
>>9571816 I do somewhat often when I get new stuff, I'm just waiting on a big order of Shoretroopers to come in that've been trapped at the border for a week now.
>>9571961 All Hasbro stuff can be fixed with hot water in my experience. Just heat up a mug of water in the microwave for maybe 90 seconds and dunk the figure in headfirst. The plastic will soften and return to its original shape almost instantly, and then you can either just let it cool down to room temp or dunk it under the tap with cold water running. Can also do the same thing to fix loose grips on hands as well.
>>9571961 I just got mine a week or two ago. All you need is not water. Heat it up to where it's just about to start boiling and then dip the head in for 20-30 seconds. The helmet should return to it's proper shape on its own but you can also squeeze it into the desired shape while it's still malleable. Then let it cool and you should be good to go.
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>>9571976 >>9572076 I'll give that a try if it shows up warped, thanks!
>>9571919 >the recent Endor figure That used the Endor Capture body, right? I skipped it for that reason, but EC Luke is still one of my favorites. I'd like a new body with ankle rocking, though. Same for Bespin Luke even if I still like that figure a lot too. At this point a myriad of figures could use updates for articulation alone.
>>9571960 Yeah, I agree. That headsculpt was dreadful. Hopefully they'll give it another attempt for the blacked series, and TVC will get one as well.
>>9572128 Yeah, that's the figure. I was pretty bummed out about the whole non removable helmet thing, and it was impossible for me to find anyway, so I skipped it as well. I'm hoping they can scrounge up the funds to make a proper definitive Jedi Luke sometime soon, maybe even for the ROTJ anniversary. I'd be down for a Mandalorian Luke, too. Although I'm very excited for their focus on new media, there's plenty of figures they could update and improve upon, and I hope they can get around to doing them eventually.
>>9572523 >there's plenty of figures they could update and improve upon They've demonstrated unwillingness there, though. They tend to be content to go with reissues and parts reuse if they think the parts are applicable. Even the new RO Vader was mostly reused bits which is why I skipped it too. I understand why they're resistant to do total updates but it's frustrating. I'm not sure there's a good solution given TVC's position.
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>>9572678 Yer drunk, troopers. Go home.
>>9572523 >>9572575 It really comes down to their odd character choices. There are tons of older figures they could reissue that would be guaranteed sellers, but instead they reissue figures that pegwarmed the first time but now with photoreal. They're also weird about what figures get new sculpts, Bespin Lando is a figure that definitely needed a new sculpt but I don't know if I would've chosen him for a new TVC tooling slot when the last two Landos that were reissues with photoreal, both sold pretty poorly.
>>9572787 Over on jedi temple archives there's talk that some of the molds for the late 2000s to early 2010s were either lost, destroyed, or the factories never gave them back.
That's why the new Pabloo ewok wasn't just a repack of the old Pabloo.
>>9572827 I could see that being the case, though Hasbro just having weird taste in reissues is something they've been doing for ages. Remember when they decided to repack Saesee Tiin in the Saga Legends subline multiple times even after it became clear he was pegwarming bad?
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>>9572700 >>9572678 kek, off to buy a bunch of army builder clones for shenanigans
>>9572837 Yeah, this isn't a new problem. It's just exacerbated by TVC being in an inferior position in general. The line was far from perfect even in its heyday (pic related), but being second fiddle to TBS isn't helping.
>>9572880 The only thing more depressing than how badly Qui-Gon warmed the pegs in 2012 is how people now deny that it ever happened
>>9573049 It was one of those decisions that really boggles the mind. What the hell made them think that they could release him and Obi-Wan, exact same sculpts, on three separate cards, at three separate pricepoints? I think the only reason Obi-Wan wasn't as toxic was because he was a better sculpt and didn't look anywhere near as bad as that Qui-Gon.
>>9573061 Pretty much since the beginning of the modern line, Hasbro has had this notion that main characters always sell no matter what. Sometimes it's been true, but there have been tons of periods where main characters have pegwarmed. Hell, Han has historically been a fairly slow seller. Then there's times like this where Hasbro just went full hog and figured that main characters, plus a movie in theaters to promote them, meant they would score big bucks. In some ways it's an understandable assumption, toys used to sell big in movie years compared to non-movie years. Their mistake was assuming that a 3D re-release of Episode 1 was going to have the same kind of sales boost as an actual new movie, and it wasn't even just toys, there were all kinds of merchandise tie-ins just like if this were a brand new movie. It fell flat, and the Episode 1 tie-in toys sat on shelves for years. People were still finding Ric Olies with 3D glasses at Walmart as recently as 2017.
>>9570734 Damn she's cute IRL.
Why they fuck up her model in game so bad?
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>>9573087 On the flip side though, the Royal Naboo Starship Droid set is rare!
>>9573049 There's a subset of 3.75" collectors that forget that Hasbro was still Hasbro in 2010. TVC was really just the next face of the mainline; it wasn't some radical break. We got some good stuff out of TVC's first campaign for sure, but a lot of it wasn't new and/or wasn't good.
>>9573265 It helps that the first run of TVC was better than the second run which has been really hit or miss (largely due to Hasbro treating it as low-priority), so it gives people a more rose-tinted perception of it but yeah it still had a lot of reissues and duds. I think it also didn't help that we had years of cardfags loudly demanding the return of TVC and trying to paint it as some golden era, when the 3.75 Black Series subline was basically the same thing, also filled with some fantastic figures and some noteworthy duds.
About the only thing that's really changed is that Hasbro's now dividing their efforts between 6 inch and 3.75 inch, but the same problems that have plagued this line for years are still present. Basically nothing has really changed. Hasbro makes the same mistakes over and over and you can't always blame Disney for it because they've been doing this shit long before Disney.
>>9572880 >>9573265 >>9573281 It's worth pointing out that the glut of Qui-Gons and Naboo Guards was basically the reason TVC died in the first place.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9570198 There's no way they don't eventually re-purpose that Offworld Jawa into a repaint.
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>>9573357 Your ban finally expired I see
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>>9573357 How about you repurpose my nuts into your mouth
>>9573357 Who let you back in here?
>>9573127 I would rather ask the question of why isn't there a 3 pack of the entire Inferno squad? Or even just a male body of the Inferno squad trooper mould so I can fuck around and make the other squadmates. BF2 fucking sucks ass and is a nightmare zone full of hackers and bots if you can even get a match, but that campaign mode was surprisingly good.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9573281 >are still present And present in both TVC and TBS. That said, if the lines are suffering for Hasbro's split attention it's TVC that's taking the brunt of it. Still, it could be worse. Some of the recent TVC stuff is as good as Star Wars toys have ever been, no matter the line. I just wish the repacks were refreshed a little more than they are.
>>9573430 Ok then please leave.
>>9574405 Darkseid's parents were gunned down at space theater and he became Batman?
>>9574564 That woulda been a better story, But Darkfather is Bruce Wayne when he defeated Darkseid and gained his powers. Skin included
>>9570571 I want a figure of Byph (the Ithorian) so badly. he was my favorite
>>9574651 I want my dude Huyang with the ability to remove all of his limbs.
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>>9574571 That's only slightly less stupid that 3 Jokers was.
I hope they do this outfit in TVC eventually. I know it's not exactly a fan favorite, but I thought it looked badass.
>>9574651 I'd like Gungi the wookie. I miss that lil nigga.
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So I've had the Black Series Archive wave 501st trooper and Leia on pre-order with Dorksidetoys since they were listed. Pre ordered them right away. I still haven't gotten them yet. They keep getting pushed back. I know they hit Walmart's at one point but I never saw them in my area. I've seen newer waves at Walmart like the wave that has Tech and General Lando in it. But never the Archive wave. Am I ever going to get that wave in? Did anyone get theirs from other online stores like BBTS or EE?
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>>9573713 This image will serve me well
>”This JAWA eating BEANS in the ‘Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace (3D Re-Release)’!” Anonymous
>>9574672 Well it was the only time he actually kicked ass. Now he's just an ass.
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>>9574097 Sundays fill me with a heart-aching dread
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>>9571960 I got that same head and painted it for my ultimate Cal. I struggled a bit getting his pale skin tone, not sure I'm 100% happy with this result.
That vendor sucks though, be aware. Both times I've ordered from him he's sent me defective sculpts.
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Toy of this when?
>>9574672 >>9574854 $45 deluxe with no extra wash over the figure.
Too much paint, please understand.
>>9574854 True, it's quite unfortunate. Boba could've done some sick ass shit in his own show.
>>9574956 Kek. These deluxe releases are getting out of hand.
>>9575125 There's still time, since it looks like the flashbacks are finally over and the "present" timeline is finally going to gain some actual momentum
>>9575127 I hope. Boba's "fully healed" now, too, so hopefully that actually means something, and he starts kicking ass soon.
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>>9575149 That image gives me a major case of kek
>>9575127 >there's still time There was plenty of time before but they've consistently gone out of their way to make him a buffoon. Oh, I'm sure we'll get a BAD ASS BOBA RIDING RANCOR scene or whatever, but it won't make up for the rest of this crap.
Hope Fennec drops him in another Sarlacc.
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>>9575263 Based parasitic male sucking on booba for its whole life
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>>9575263 Remember when on Mando they mentioned that the giant Krayt dragons eat Sarlaccs, and they found a dead empty sarlacc nest?
Why wasn't that how Boba got out?
>>9575263 I have a feeling you'd be upset no matter what happened. Fandom Menace casuals are the worst.
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>>9575351 >using a rat shit eating term like fandom menace >calling anyone else a casual gas yourself
>>9575263 >but they've consistently gone out of their way to make him a buffoon I'd like to show you a little movie called Return of the Jedi.
so much for Disney "Making Star Wars Great Again"
>>9575603 Please come back George!
>>9575603 I think they need to focus more on the Sequel Era and flesh it out. No idea about High Republic, but I’ve hears good things about the books from people without crippling autism (ie casuals).
>>9575603 Rogue One, The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, TCW S7 and The Book of Boba Fett are better than anything the EU ever did.
>>9575616 >I think they need to focus more on the Sequel Era Anonymous
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>>9575686 put down that bat before you hit yourself in the head again
>>9575701 Yes, one of the problems with ST is that we have little no context to what is going on.
>>9575713 The context is there, a lot of novels and comics go into the backstory of the ST. The problem is that it just isn't terribly exciting.
>>9575616 >Wasting more time and money on a dead setting that everyone hates What would be the point of that?
>>9575616 >I think they need to focus more on the Sequel Era and flesh it out It'd just be the OT 2.0 except with a Republic government that constantly does retarded shit like disbanding most of their military while their enemy still exist and seemingly turns a blind eye to the first order kidnapping kids from people as high up as lando.
>>9575713 The only context that would make the ST good is if turns out to be a bad dream that Luke was having.
>>9575782 >turns a blind eye to the first order kidnapping kids from people as high up as lando. God this was so retarded. The FO/NR conflict was already really stupid and involved a bunch of politicians who had lived through the rise of the Empire and its defeat just going "nah they're harmless cosplayers let's not worry about them." But then you add the fact that they were deliberately taking the children of rebel leaders as revenge and somehow the NR still decided this wasn't a big problem and the FO were not a problem. It's not even like the kids just went missing and nobody knew what happened, they knew it was the FO.
They also could've spared Lando and had him be the only major OT character whose life hadn't turned to shit after ROTJ but nope, we need to make him a sad hermit too.
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>>9575616 The High Republic comics have been pretty good. I haven't read the novels, though.
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>>9575798 This one happened because JJ has only a few storytelling tricks he can turn to. He had no idea how to do a Star Wars movie without just copying other ones, so he just copied TFA: Lando becomes an self-exiled hermit like Luke, and also lost his kid to the villains like Han and Leia. The only thing stopping Lando from being a miserable wreck is the fact that Billy Dee Williams had too much charisma left in him to play the character as a depressed hobo so even through all of the shit the story set up for him he's still got the winning smile. Hell, out of all the heroes Williams seemed like the only one who was actually happy to be there.
>>9575763 It should be in the movie. And I’m going to have to disagree with you about it not being interesting. There is a bunch of cool bits like: the Confederacy still being around, the Resistance being made of radicals that wanted the war with the Empire to continue and being privately funded, and ETC.
>>9575767 Internet autist and fake fans are just loud. All three of the ST movies have been successful financially.
>>9575782 Wrong.
>>9575795 No.
>>9575810 >if you do not like every product Disney puts out with the Star Wars logo on it you are a fake fan The only fake fans are the ones who gaslight themselves into thinking they like every single product Disney slaps the Star Wars logo on just so they can pretend they are some super fan. Personally I don’t even hate a lot of Disney stuff (I like TCW S7, Mando, some of Rebels and even BOBF) but anyone who is so disengenous to think that you aren’t a fan if you don’t let the rat shit in your mouth and ask for seconds is as fake as that retard who posts that any SW product made after 2012 is “Disney shit “even if it is pre-Disney material. I’ve got a jedi council forums account that is over twenty years old, I was around having to defend the prequels from butt hurt fags who would derail any conversation with how Lucas and Jar Jar raped their childhood but the last couple years have become even worse with people like you who come off as literal shills and try to shut down any criticism by crying “muh fandom menace”
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>>9575810 What part was wrong exactly? The major difference to the empire times was the republic government which could have made for a decent cold war style period for star wars but instead because JJ wanted rebels vs the government again they spend their existence making retarded decisions before getting wiped out, shit you could have had the republic navy try and stop the first orders super duper death star only to get destroyed instead you just get to see some random planets explode and a line about it being the end of the republic.
So I guess you fags would rather argue about /tv/ related shit than answer my question about whether or not anyone got the latest Archive wave from places like Dorksidetoys or EE. This is /toy/. Not /tv/.
>>9576046 I've been mainly staying out of the thread, because it's always the same trolls shitposting and trying to gatekeep the thread with their bitching. Why do they come to a thread if they don't like anything about the subject of said thread?
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>>9575795 One can dream right?
>>9576077 post your toys then
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>>9576166 You don't buy toys
>>9575263 > That cross section Yet again canon falls short of the legends design
>>9576524 That is a Legends design. It's from The Wildlife of Star Wars book.
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>>9576046 I ordered a couple of 501st from Dorkside but haven't gotten anything yet. However I always have bad luck with them and they're the last to send shit out unless I preorder from somewhere else, then they are the first to get shit.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
For Canadians- Droids Boba Fett is being found at Toys R Us right now. A guy in a Star Wars group posted this pic.
>>9575857 Don't forget "The force is Female"
- and the attitude of some.that if you don't agree then you are some kind of misogynist.
And there's there stuff as well.
Remember "The Empire are LITERALLY racist space nazis"
Which became even funnier as we saw Finn, a black Sormtrooper, and Imperial use of bridge bunnies in ISD's.
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>>9576734 If only the new non-O-ring 3.75 Joes were as well.
Can you please take this elsewhere. You people do this every fucking thread. I'm so fucking sick of this petulant strawman off-topic bullshit. At least whine about BoB or something vaguely tangiental to current releases.
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>>9576306 I bought your mom the other day.
>>9576753 >Talking about Star Wars is off-topic Kill yourself, retard.
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>>9576568 These fucking things are legit nightmare fuel.
>>9576747 Good point. It all comes across as some sort of fandom great replacement. “you like the way this franchise was for 35 years? well then YOU aren’t a real fan!” as if you have to want it to become something unrecognizable if you liked it. It’s like the franchise is taken over by an anti-fandom and they cry that if you enjoyed anything before the take over you are not only not a fan but also a nazi.
>>9577007 Just be glad that you're experiencing this with SW, a franchise that has maybe 30% sycophants at worst, and there are still dozens of places to discuss old canon and the things you like. 40k got fucked worse than SW in terms of lore and there's literally nowhere to go to discuss it or try to consume it anymore that won't get you called a nazi/gamer/bigot/grognard for complaining about even the most disgusting shit the corp that owns it does.
Much as I hate both sides of DISNEYSHIT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and SW podcasters, SW is in a fine spot compared to other scifi properties.
If Mandos are so big at the moment where the fuck are the following figures in TVC or BS >Pre Vizsla from TCW season 4/5 >Gar Saxon in Maul armor or Imperial Super Commando armor >Almec in TCW S7 armor >generic white Imperial Super Commando
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>>9577016 that sounds awful, sorry anon. It’s even like that on /tg/?
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>>9577020 oh yeah and Rook Kast
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>>9577020 Small family company, it takes 18 months to produce a new tooling, please understand
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>>9577020 >>Pre Vizsla from TCW season 4/5 We don't even have a TCW Maul in TBS in any of his appearances, man. That whole fucking arc has so many characters I would love to see. I don't know why we seem to only be getting a single wave a year despite most every wave selling very well recently.
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>>9577020 Have to make room for OT stuff to complete the original Kenner run, otherwise Jeditemplearchives will throw a fit.
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>>9577020 Not before we get a Latts Razzi
>>9577016 People don't seem to understand that in early 40k there was a sidelong wink with all the grimdark goofiness. Somehow that got replaced in some of the lore as well as in the fandom by a bunch of hot-topic edgelords.
In Star Wars these are the guys who get all prickly when it's suggested that the Empire are the "bad guys" as well.
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>>9577077 >People don't seem to understand that in early 40k there was a sidelong wink with all the grimdark goofiness. ah, irony, too bad that has no lasting appeal
>>9577077 I genuinely hope you commit suicide. I really, really hope that you jump off a bridge, drop your head in front of an oncoming truck, buy a nice knife, something. Just to remove yourself from any discussions about any of this.
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>>9577020 I just want a new more articulated 1:18 Mara Jade, Zam Wesell, Shae Vizla, Rum Sleg, Mission, Jarael or HK Assasin droid.
Just one of those.
>>9577080 Any particular reason or are you just a piss-boy?
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>>9577103 Also, looks like I found the Impy simpy.
>>9577103 Anyone saying "ooooh you don't get who the bad guys is you need to only like or think this is cooool" needs to commit suicide. Simple as.
>>9577134 Uh.. not me. I was criticizing that.
I was saying that anyone who took 40ks grimdark as cool and edgy.
>>9577077 this guy gets it.
Although like the Nazis (only comparison here) is The Empire had a dark sense of style.
I don't know if they connonicly have a designer like Hugo Boss or Coco Chanel but they were good with primaries with accents.
>>9577173 40k has been grimdark and edgy and meant to be taken seriously since 2e in 1991. People who believe otherwise are secondaries who don't even know the basics. That thing you posted is from an issue of a magazine that isn't WD and is as canon as someone's tumblr story about their OC dating the emperor. Even RT is disgustingly bleak and dark, and the "parody" you people try to push is a parody of 2000ad, Dune and the other stories they copped to make the setting before it was rewritten in 2e and 3e rulebooks. It has been this was for 30 years. You are not clever or smart or special because you read 1d4chan. Same shit as anyone claiming that people don't get that the empire are evil and you're bad for liking stormtroopers.
>>9577188 >>You are not clever or smart or special because you read 1d4chan Good as I don't.
>> people don't get that the empire are evil and you're bad for liking stormtroopers. never been to /tg huh?
>>9577225 >never been to /tg huh? I left it when erp started propogating and refuse to go back because you'll get banned for shit talking GW products. Regardless, none of this is SW related so instead I'll post this to get back on topic and tell you once again to kill yourself.
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warhammer is lame
>>9577238 >another $26 TVC Boba Fett Jesus Christ. Fuck you Hasbro.
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>>9577246 inb4 crimson cuck crusader jumps in to cope and defend this because he has four accessories and his cost isn't being offset by an entire wave of repacks
>>9577246 My favourite part is:
You like Boba right? We will give you Boba in exchange for money. Is good deal, no?
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>>9577255 Aren't you excited about the entertainment, anon? Do you watch the entertainment like all of us? You don't want to be left out by missing the entertainment!
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>>9577255 Why does this one cost the same as the other one that included additional ENTERTAINMENT-INSPIRED ACCESSORIES?
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>>9577320 Gisnep shits all over his character, and Hasblow expects us to be grateful to pay almost 3X as much as a deluxe figure used to be for a basic figure?
It's probably in a solid box so we can't even make sure the paint is good.
>>9577238 >TVC >$26.49 plus tip Is there a bigass throne accessory or something I'm missing
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>>9577238 Wow. you are both judgemental and fucking stupid.
No wonder your parents hate you.
>>9577366 If it's in one TRU chances are it will be in others.
>>9577345 Inflation, anon. 22.99 is now 26.49
>>9577381 Since when were TVC 22.99 even? I haven't bought a new release since Maul and he was 12.99
>>9577392 Wait what the fuck. this is one of those tiny 3.75 figures? And they want 26 fucking bucks?
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>>9576661 I keked aloud, thanks
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None of you better order that TVC Boba Fett, you are just asking for Hasbro to crank the prices up to Japanese levels.
>>9577238 >>9577255 This is ridiculous, there's already an unjustifiably priced Boba figure that hasn't released yet but at least that one has a few extra accessories. This one is a standard release that they're saying is deluxe but it really isn't at all and is double the price. Worst part is it's Boba so people will eat it up and it won't matter. I think I'll skip this one at least.
>>9577415 >Worst part is it's Boba so people will eat it up and it won't matter. Customers are cattle before Hasbro. They will charge 40 for the next one.
>>9577418 I wouldn't even be surprised
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>>9577418 >>9577424 >fans scalp and price gouge on after markets >be surprised companies raise the prices seeing how they make the product you deserve this
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>>9577255 >once the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy kek.
>>9577020 they need to hurry up and get to my boi
How the fuck do they justify that price when pic related is $16
>>9577466 jazzwares fortnites have way more articulation
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>>9577466 Because it's Boba Fett. It's not like people aren't going to be paying 4x that price secondhand when Hasbro inevitably doesn't make enough and the initial preorders get sold out by bots. Just for CC to come in here and brag about how easily he got the figure and how much it's worth the price.
>>9577395 After taxes, that's as much as a joytoy space marine
>>9577483 Hasbro is trying to bleed people dry before everyone sours on Boba Fett after this new series completely ruins him
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>>9577497 I'm gonna be honest after the last 2 episodes I'm soured enough and really just want some Pykes, Raiders and Fennec and everything else can fuck off.
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>>9577379 that's not how that works and also that doesn't answer the question
>>9576853 It is if it’s not about toys. If you want to bitch about the movies, there’s another place for that.
>>9577535 shut the fuck up you insufferable faggot
>>9577642 >Target exclusive So it's an Ebay exclusive then?
>>9577238 >>9577255 Wait, they're not even bothering to throw in some token extra like the stormtrooper helmets on the other one? It's just a straight up regular figure with zero pretense but at twice the price?
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>Fleet Trooper 4-pack, Bo-Katan wave, and 3 misc. restocks all shipped at once Is there any better feeling than getting a ton of toys in at once bros?
>>9577255 >once the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy >once OH NONONONONONO AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>9577744 boba fett? more like boba feed
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>>9577454 Dude would pegwarm hard
George Lucas wanted everyone to hate Boba Fett. he named the character after a shithead school bully he dealt with. gave him no real personality, made him a villain, had him die like a bitch. He only relented on the popularity because money was to be made, now the entire canon has to bend over backwards for a character intended to be thrown away.
>>9578059 >George Lucas wanted everyone to hate Boba Fett. Gonna need a source for that. His design was far and away the best/coolest of the bounty hunters and he had a speaking role where he spoke equally with Vader. Those two alone were enough of an indication of how much of a badass this guy was and it would be obvious to anyone that people would gravitate towards him. It's like suggesting that people were supposed to hate Grievous. Even Crimson Corsair had a bit of a following despite 0 worthwhile action figures just because he looked neat in the 4 seconds he was on screen.
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I swear they are doing this as payback for not funding the Rancor. They want to make up the loss one way or another so why not double the MSRP for toys of one of the most popular characters all of a sudden knowing dip shit collectors out there will still buy it.
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>>9577466 >>9577470 Right. If this line was articulated as the FN minifigs, I would buy them up. But Hasbro wants to kill the SW license with the constant exclusives, repaints, and subpar kids toys.
>>9578094 Google. I'm not spoonfeeding you stuff from countless interviews that anyone can find.
I bet you grab the motorized cart at a fucking Walmart, too.
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>>9578166 Just googled it and the only thing that came up is a random Pinterest post saying Robert A Fett was George's bully. No source no other interviews, searching Robert A Fett with George Lucas brings up nothing but the same Pinterest post and unrelated info. So either your that dude on Pinterest making shit up or you got it from Pinterest and believed it blindly unless there's another source that Google can't find
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>>9577255 I can't even tell the difference in these fucking figures anymore.
>>9577682 That's correct! If a character's standard loadout is more than a single blaster or lightsaber, it now will be under the deluxe SKU. Thank you for supporting Star Wars The Vintage Collection ™!
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>>9578166 everything you said was bullshit
>nobody mentioned it was an exclusive >no announcement of what store it was exclusive to >it's actually regular TVC price and doesn't come with the rerarded helmet accessories >sells out instantly, actual seconds because target has no defense against bot scalpers >website crashes and target cannot say if there will or will not be more stock available >all this less than 24hrs after announcement I feel so fucking bad for TVC collectors, holy shit. They could've actually salvaged the anger from making the normal release a deluxe by just having this thing be at least somewhat available, but nope.
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>>9578362 >it's actually regular TVC price It's $20.99 on targets website so it's still more expensive than the normal $13.99 got TVC
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>>9578371 Really glad I didn't want this one Jesus fuck
Apparently he's up AGAIN, so good fucking luck boys, he'll probably be gone by the time I post this.
>>9578362 Even $20.99 is way too much. At least the other deluxe packs included shit that made it feel like you were getting more for the extra cost.
>>9578443 Feels like it's just exclusive pricing because fuck you. I never see target exclusives period because leaf, but all the gamestop exclusives are like $7+ more expensive for no fucking reason whatsoever.
>>9578445 Why isn't Boba Fett just in a regular fucking lineup? Why is it always an exclusive or some bullshit?
>>9578445 That makes it more shitty because even the exclusive Droids figures Target just had were $15. What is justifying this $6 increase? Fucking ridiculous. And of course I'm not surprised at all by all these dumb cucks ordering him anyways.
>>9578450 Because fuck you. You didn't buy enough ROTJ TBS Deluxe Bobas. We can't justify making him mainline anymore. Faggot.
>>9578466 Wait for CC to show up and claim it's because there's 5% new tooling over the deluxe release.
>>9578486 >Wait for CC to show up and claim it's because there's 5% I don't really feel like arguing with you, but you come off like pic related.
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>>9578489 Look you can admit you don't frequent the threads and don't know about our resident retard that we all joke about instead of trying to make some hamhanded stretch about how anyone mad at this line is an Eltingville character.
>>9578489 CC has been persona non-grada in these threads since the retard decided to spoiler the cameo at the end of Mando season 2 when making a new thread the morning the episode came out
>>9571958 As a Yuropoor, I'd imagine it being pretty awful.
That said, I'm hoping to get the Emperor's Throne Room set (or two) since it just popped up at a local store for literally twice the US price. Why do we non-US regions must suffer like this?
>>9572827 That could well be the case, but what's preventing Hasbro from reverse-engineering their own work? (other than that they're a bunch of cheap fucks)
>>9572880 >>9573049 I'd unironically buy a new (or "new") PhotoReal Qui-Gon. Would be sweet to finally have that hip articulation, tho.
>>9573296 I guess the Naboo Royal Guards pegwarmed rather hard because I was able to snag three a few years ago for a decent price. Honestly, it's a neat figure, a shame people didn't army-build it, but I guess clones are obviously cooler.
>>9576734 Cool! I'm hoping to grab one of each Droids figure in the near future as well since, much to my surprise, they're showing up at the one place that sells TVC anymore. Unfortunately the pricepoint is forcing me to postpone getting seconds to open.
>>9577658 kek
>>9578222 Really gotta wonder what type of plastic Hasbro uses when it's more expensive and less durable than competitors'...
>>9578486 >Wait for CC to show up and claim it's because there's 5% new tooling over the deluxe release. You forgot the part where he claims that he was able to lazily roll out of bed an hour after the drop and still secure two of them (with his neetbux)
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>>9578539 Hilariously I just went to go look after posting this
>>9578408 and he's sold out again. I work from home so I would've been able to get him if I collected TVC, but I can't imagine being one of the actual collectors of the line right now. Imagine hearing "figure drops 1pm tomorrow who knows where," and then it sells out instantly, you go back to work, only to find out 45mins later that it's back up and gone again?
>>9577901 Boba Feed? More like “Boba’s Feed & Seed” (Formerly “Jango’s Tango & Bango”)
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>>9578821 >AOTC will be 20 years old this May >tfw Hasbro still won't have a Zam Wesell in Black Series for the anniversary Anonymous
>>9577238 Where are his scars?
>>9578834 Hasbro can’t afford the paint apps dude, it would cost millions
>>9578842 kek they are painted on the BoBF figure. They really couldn't make a scarred sculpt? They're already getting reuse out of it. They could even use it on a Tusken Fett.
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>>9578861 Anon please understand! Hasbro is a small family owned and operated company.
>>9578861 which is funny because he eventually got healed in BOBF but his appearance is Mando was all before he was fully healed.
>>9575603 >>9575613 Get shot in the back, Jin. Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong. But she didn't do 5 guys.
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>>9578914 he still has scars though
>>9579037 fuck off diosoth, jin did nothing wrong
>>9579056 Holy shit, fuck off psycho
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>>9579057 jin saotome did nothing wrong, diosoth
Paul seething over Hasbro raising prices in Joe Biden's American>why aren't these adult collector only toys $12!? Bossfight Studios charge $20 to $30+ for their adult collector figures.
>>9578517 He got piled on by a bunch of people a while back, got his feelings hurt and reported a bunch of them to try to get them banned, then he laid low for a while, same as he does every time this happens, only to pop back up again. Now that I've pointed it out, he'll do it once more. Just focus on actual toys and quit bringing him up. Last I'm done speaking of him.
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>>9578879 Cruisin' Mos Espa
In my DeLorean
War's over
I'm a peacetime Mandalorian
The story has stumped Star Wars historians
Deep in debate
Buffet plate at Bennigan's
Rhyme renegade
Sure to penetrate
First and second offense, I won't hesitate
Got a job to do, and Darth's the guy that delegates
Got somethin' against Skywalker, someone he really hates
I don't give a fuck
I'm after Solo
For all I care, he could be hidin' at Yoda's dojo
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
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>>9579130 I never left. The threads just have too much shitposting usually going on, such your post which is just more shitposting in an already regularly out of control general.
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>>9575263 I think it should be bigger than that.
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>>9578520 >I'd unironically buy a new (or "new") PhotoReal Qui-Gon. I'd buy an actual new one, so long as it had ankle rockers. At this stage all of TVC should have ankle rockers, or at least all Jedi and troopers. The upcoming AOTC reissues are disheartening precisely because it means we're unlikely to get proper updates of them.
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>>9579037 And here I assumed you killed yourself. Darn.
>>9579083 Anyone with half a brain knows that The Vintage Collection is a children's line.
So says the great Scott Spector Creative Neitlich!
>>9578834 Removed by bacta tank, no seriously, he finally healed on the past episode.
>>9579331 Kill yourself CC
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we need a black series Droideka
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>>9577744 Hahaha this is funny to me because Fett means fat in German
>>9579341 Yea but this figure is based on his appearance before that happened
This is definitely going to be the next Haslab project, isn't it? Haslab's geared towards adult TVC collectors who love spending to fill out rosters and scenes. Jabba's Palace and the Cantina were the two locales filled with dozens of memorable background characters that've turned into figures over the years. Jabba's Palace is likely going to be split into multiple small playsets with dual use for RotJ and BoBF and most of the big collectors are using all those figs to populate their Barges already. That basically just leaves the Mos Eisley Cantina for big Haslab projects, doesn't it? What are their other options even?
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>>9579362 This. Still he has scars after healing.
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>>9579375 Someday maybe but not so soon after this one.
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>>9574658 >this based mfer was voiced by DAVID FUCKING TENNANT Anonymous
>>9579375 pointless. the bar's already released in tiny sections and since the tables booths and chairs are all simple shapes in flat mono colors any rando 3d printer on etsy will send you a bunch.
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>>9578834 This looks like the rock who someone punched in the nose.
>>9579375 Hasbro is so stupid they won’t do another TVC Haslab because the BS Rancor didn’t get funded
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>>9579349 I'm not Crimson Commander, sexy and and toned though he may be.
>>9579396 Fuck, if they just tossed in unpainted, unassembled parts of the bar and booths with the $27 Bobas I couldn't complain at all.
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>>9579424 They'll keep up TVC ones and maybe start adding in replica stuff like the Ghostbusters proton pack. Making giant figures or vehicles for BS was always a misadventure in the making.
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>>9579424 My BS AT-ST dream, crushed.
I'll get flak for saying this, but give us a to-scale-with-figuress Millenium Falcon interior playset without fussing over fitting it into the constraints of a toy vehicle. Scenes within the Falcon are the most iconic and most commonly seen in Star Wars movies barring random Tattooine locales too empty to make a playset out of.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9579479 >I'll get flak for saying this, but give us a to-scale-with-figuress Millenium Falcon interior playset without fussing over fitting it into the constraints of a toy vehicle. I've wanted the same thing too, since it's impossible anyway to really do a full to scale Falcon with all the play features, and even if you did, the fact that it has to also be a vehicle will constantly get in the way of any display or play options. A playset or even a series of playsets could allow you to re-create specific scenes from the interior.
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>>9579479 >>9579495 Them trying to cram playsets into vehicles or novelty-shaped carrycase things has always bothered me.
Brings to mind the jail cell and kitchen in the barge. They're both cool af and have great detail and everything, but what the fuck does that matter if no one can see it? How they didn't make the top level of the barge removable so you could check out all the inside bits is beyond me
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9579495 Kill yourself
Anyone else use one of these for display? I always dug the Naboo scenes, the architecture and guard uniforms and everything were aesthetic as fuck. Thinking about filling in the "no hands play wand gimmick" gaps in the floor with putty and then repainting the whole thing.
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>>9579424 Sounds like a BS problem, not a TVC problem
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>>9579527 I would just cover the whole floor with some styrene cut to fit the shape and paint that. That way you can keep it original without damaging it incase you want to sell it later or something.
Sometimes I wish I was more into 1/6.
>>9579619 Like god damn the Hot Toys stuff recently has been fantastic.
>>9579619 Was that the Mando who appeared in, I think, one episode, and then never appeared again, even though he could’ve been very helpful during the assault on the star destroyer, because they wanted an Avengers Endgame-esque “ladies can do it too” scene and make it feel even more forced and not natural at all?
Anyways, here’s some toys
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>>9579695 Yeah. I find it funny because I don't think Koska has even a single line of dialogue during the assault, and Bo-Katan still had the entire fucking Deathwatch available to her. And they just kinda, chose not to utilize any of those assets. Seriously I enjoyed Mando, but holy shit it fell apart by the end. I'd just really like them to release a TBS Axe, so I can buy 3 and repaint them to make custom Deathwatch dudes.
>>9579619 Reusing Din's exact same thigh armor setup is lame. Would look better just leaving it off.
>>9579758 I dislike the pared down chestguard. Boba/Jango is the best style overall. Though Mando's beskar one is good.
>>9579758 >>9579764 This is why I'd really like to see more variations. Like I don't pine that much for the EU era of 100000 different Mandalorians with no uniform look besides gauntlets, jetpack and helmet, but it'd really be cool to see more shit like Heavy Infantry that fits with the TCW Deathwatch aesthetic.
>>9579769 But could you imagine if a Tor Vizsla Death Watch armor design shows up, and Boba, maybe remembering some stories and maybe even photos (whatever they’re called in Star Wars) or video (hologram) recordings his dad had of the Mandalorian Civil War he was in, and it canonizes even more aspects of the Open Seasons comic. And then there’s like a little duel/battle between some Mandos who follow old Death Watch and Boba Fett?
Of course I’m sure that they won’t do that, but still, it’s neat to think about.
>it's literally a Mando episode I mean not that I'm not glad to see him again but this is a weird thing to do in a show that already has serious pacing issues
>>9579910 >An episode of The Book of Boba Fett that doesn't have Boba Fett anywhere in it what the fuck are they even doing anymore
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>>9579910 That first scene made it the best episode of the show too kek
>Razor Crest ends up as a Haslab >Mando's new Naboo Fighter ends up as a retail TVC vehicle
>>9579931 They'll probably want $80 for it too
>>9579933 If they make it so it can be retooled into a regular Naboo Fighter, they could double dip with it.
>>9579931 So uh... where's he gonna carry his bounties?
>>9579938 In the little bubble where an astromech droid would go? It's where Grogu will live for now on.
>>9579941 But what if he has Grogu and a bounty with him? Also what if the bounty isn't a midget?
>>9579938 He's just gonna drag them behind the ship with the tow cable
>>9579910 Since he said he needed to visit Grogu before helping Boba, how much do you want to bet next week is another Mando episode with little or no Boba?
>>9579931 Wait, is that real? I haven't seen any full episodes of the Boba show yet. It seems kind of, I don’t know, weird for a Bounty Hunter to have such a small ship. Unless he’s not a hunter anymore?
>>9579964 He's still a bounty hunter and you see him claim a bounty in the episode.
>>9579964 You only need a head to claim a bounty as long as they're wanted dead
>>9579931 >>9579933 >>9579938 >>9579944 >>9579946 >>9579964 >>9579973 >>9579987 His new ship's badass. It's very Gundam like in that his previous ship gets trashed, only for him to build a significantly better one.
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>>9579931 Better look at the new Mando ship
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>>9579964 He probably won't be bounty hunting again for a while, taking off his helmet came back to bite him and now he has to return to mandalore to be let back into the cult.
>>9579925 It's literally to make a popular OG character (Boba Fett) look as lame as possible and their original characters (Mando, Fennec) "hella cool!". Boba staying in the pit, slowly being digested for thousand of years would be less humiliating.
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>>9580055 >slowly being digested for thousand of years would be less humiliating V O R E
>>9579987 What about Aliens that can survive without heads/regrow heads?
>>9580008 So, did he build the ship from scratch, using Naboo starfighter schematics he found? Or did he just find/purchase a fully functioning? Or did he cobble tihrher pieces of ships, and most of the pieces were like Naboo fighters? Or is it like when you make a car/bike from random pieces you found, and the “Naboo fighter” ship shape is actually just a generic ship shape?
Also, weren’t Naboo fighters actually not all they good, since, before Phantom Menace, Naboo did t really have much need for fighter-class ships, and the ships were mostly just for defense and light escorts? Like, aren't they “light fighters” (I forgot what the real term is) where they go for speed rather than armaments and armor, so their weapons are usually weaker/don’t have as much ammo, and have thinner hulls and maybe less shielding?
>>9579951 Nah, that's obviously an excuse to tie in with a future Mando ep I'd imagine and so the next episode can focus on setting up for the climax without having Mando hogging the spotlight.
Well, that's what I would hope they're doing, makes no goddamn sense why they'd have the penultimate episode not focus on Fett.
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>>9580069 I'm still waiting for Boba to show up.
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>>9579951 probably saving it for Mando S3. Next week is probably gathering more muscle. I'm hoping for at least Bossk to show up.
>still don't have full Beskar Mando or Child >Black Series would fit well with other characters, but doesn't have good accessories or helmet >SHF would be great standalone choice, but wouldn't match Black Series aesthetically >Mafex would be best of both, but armor is outdated and quality is spotty
>just a random season 3 mando episode oh ok. It's even funnier because now you have a direct recent comparison to how much of a weak bitch fett has become in comparison.
>>9580164 Boba did fuck up the bikers in the bar with only his raggedy pajamas on, didn't slice his leg open in the process either.
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>>9580066 He has that lady on Tatooine who fixed his Razor Crest scouting for replacement Razor Crest. She contacts him and tells him she has something like that. When he gets there it's a Naboo Fighter all in pieces. She says then that she's going to fix it up and customize it for him and make it better, getting parts from Jawas. Mando then gives a list of upgrade parts to the Jawas to find and customizes it with her, so it'll be faster than other ships, which he uses to get away from some New Republic police who pull him over during his test flight, escaping their X-Wings. They even put a hotrod engine in it.
>>9580171 >didn't slice his leg open in the process either. That felt like a shot at every 8 year old who thought they could use a lightsaber without training.
>leers in the general direction of TFA Rey Anonymous
>>9580270 Darksaber =/= Lightsaber
>>9580153 I have the SHF with my Black Series stuff and it looks fine. Alternatively you can get the BS version and then that cheap 6" version that's at Walmart in a white box that kind of looks like a scaled down Titan Heroes and swap that head onto the BS. A lot of people have been doing that and it looks pretty good. And I'm sure Hasbro is going to throw out a season 2 version which will have all of the accessories (as a deluxe pack of course).
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>>9579695 I assumed they put him in charge of the Gozanti they captured in S2e3 and that's why you don't see him afterwards
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>>9580312 >flattering angle that hides tiny head and thigh gap Anonymous
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>>9579935 or they can use an old naboo fighter, swap a couple of parts and call it a day
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>>9580405 Guess that Morak Boba Fett is them trying to coax us into paying that much. I can't really justify spending more than what I already am on Hasbro's stuff. At this point I'd rather just buy a few SHF/Mafex a year for my Star Wars fix which kind of sucks since new TVC sculpts have been really good and I was hoping to army build standard Phase II clones whenever they come out in Black Series. And when everything evens back out, there is no way Hasbro will all of a sudden lower the prices back to what they were pre-pandemic.
Crimson Commander !!uoqqXVkn8aK
>>9580405 Brian Flynn from Super7 said this was happening industry wide when he raised his prices to $50 and toy collectors ridiculed him for saying it and accused him of ripping people off for doing it, but Super7 seems to keep getting vindicated on their decisions. Flynn said the market was crazy and that he had even explored trying to produce action figures in the US, which would have cost the same price due to the ever increasing prices of materials and inflation. The only thing holding it back was that no American factories were equipped physically for toy production since it had all been outsourced for decades. So toys would still be expensive, but Americans would make them again, and they would flood the market in a matter of weeks instead of months with no need to wait for ships from China. Most toy production according to Flynn will have to move out of China within the next decade due to price increases.
>>9580405 Why is the "pandemic" increasing manufacturing costs? Isn't the "pandemic" over already? Hasn't it effectively been over for months?
>>9580278 Legitimately curious, and not being a snarky cunt when I ask, but would you mind explaining how? I was under the impression that it being called the Darksaber was just a name given to the weapon, but that it is still a lightsaber before anything else. It just happens to be one designed and created by a Mandalorian, with a different style blade, but the theoretical stuff having to do with the crystal inside of it, and how it manifests the will, emotions, and psychology of it's wielder all track pretty much the same.
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>>9580540 At this point the pandemic is just an excuse for companies to get away with price hikes.
>>9579858 signifcantly better than the weird pacifist mandalorians f*loni invented
>>9580055 Literally how Filoni works. Made Grievous, Dooku, Jango, Boba all lame as fuck, then shilled his gay OCs, or characters that he completely transformed so that they might as well be his OCs, likr Ventress or Maul.
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>>9580539 Jesus that article
>and that’s a good thing, goy Anonymous
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>>9580278 >>9580555 the first ever appearance of the Dark Saber in TCW episode “The Mandalore Plot” has Pre Vizsla revealing it for the first time and literally saying the words “this lightsaber”
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>>9580586 Gonna have to totally disagree with you. I love Open Seasons and have had the issues since they came out but one of the only changes from the TCW that I thought was better than the EU was taking the Death Watch from retarded barbarians with no motive other than “we wuz retarded barabeians n sheeit” to being some guys trying to reclaim their heritage from some cultural ruining (and very short sighted) hippies. It made the Death Watch far more interesting and the pacifist government didn’t do anything to the established Mandalorian warriors of before or after the era (you would barely even know it happened in Rebels or Mando, didn’t make them pacifists in the long run at all).
>>9580592 the fuck are you talking about? Grievous is badass in Clone Wars. the episode about Grievous' lair is almost like a fucking horror movie (while still being family friendly)
I'll grant you about Dooku, though. He basically does nothing in the show.
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>>9580626 Grievous is also literally no different whatsoever in TCW than he was in ROTS
Mando mogged Boba. Star Wars is crazy.
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>>9580732 Mando pretty much is was made to fill the void of the original Boba. Boba’s the OG but he has been made redundant. Doesn’t help that BOBF wasn’t used as an opportunity to give him more balls instead of making him a teddy bear.
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>>9580055 Becoming more and more lame is the running theme with Boba Fett.
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>>9580540 oh sweatie, it was never about the virus
I know people will shit on my for saying this, but the Book of Boba Fett episode 5 was fan service done right. Everything seems so well connected in terms of the world building. I really appreciate that. The OT, PT, animation and video games are seamlessly linked
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>>9581096 Imagine if the other episodes were this good and Boba wasn't a buffoon.
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>>9580055 >Boba staying in the pit, slowly being digested for thousand of years would be less humiliating. Fucking savage. Too bad it's true.
>>9580153 nigger are you living under a rock
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>>9581143 Not everyone cares about 3.75", unfortunately.
>>9579931 >overclocked hot rod Naboo fighter that roars like a muscle car and looks like it's one errant sneeze away from shaking apart in midair Alright you fucks you got me. That's pretty rad.
>>9581320 I'm actually mad how much better this episode was than the rest of the show. Like, you could have been this good the entire time? What the fuck?
Rodriguez did a pretty great job with his episode of the Mandalorian. Is he just that bad?
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>the best episode since 2 is an episode that doesn't feature Boba at all and is just a Mandalorian episode Wow!
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>>9581380 I agree. While the episode was a fucking phenomenal Mandalorian episode, it was a dog shit Book of Boba Fett one. This whole thing baffles me to no fucking end. But hey, at least we got a fun Mando episode where he gets a sick new ship and some interesting set up for Mando season 3.
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>>9581389 NEW THREAD
>>9581389 Anonymous
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>>9580066 Just watch the episode
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>>9577134 >>9577080 What the hell is this obsession with wanting people to die? Someone disagrees or you disagree and you cry like like bitch? Grow the fuck up coward!