>>9574782>>9572958>>9573004>>9573706>>9573732This is a misconception a lot of people have about the scale because of hot toys and their pleather goods. But companies like Damtoys and Asmus make some winners you can pose dynamically and keep like that for ages. Hot toys and RAH were teh forerunners and they used to do fragile garbage figures, but now they make mostly quality stuff that isn't fragile, minus hot toys because they can get away with it. DAMTOYS Leon still holds up well on my shelf, a real quality figure that's not fragile in the slightest outside of some of the weapons.
One of the reasons 3A was so popular for a long period of time was because they were high quality cheap figures that you could fuck around with. I had a 12 inch WWR jungler grunt on my nightstand for years before I sold him, would play with him constantly.
3rd party "bootlegs" are where it's at. Unfortunately, op is a troll who is trying to garner scale wars bullshit, our resident troll who maons about poorfags, "muh 6 inch" makes those stupid shitposting faces, starts flames everywhere, the few 1/6 posters we have here don't make threads like this, he's doing this to piss you off and drive more of a wedge between the board because he can get away with trolling 24/7 here.
>>9573668>I have a bunch of medicom and threezero weeb character. But sadly there's are massive lack of comic style 1/6 scales.True and it's a damn shame, Three Zero and 3rd party companies have been making strides to remedy this, but I'm not happy with 3zero's quality lately. Sideshow's been getting better with comic stuff but SOOSOO 3rd party mostly beats them out.