It depends what you like. I went though a period of time buying really high end figures, from SoC, Sentinel, Hot toys, SHF, Yamato/Arcadia, etc. I didn't want to buy lower end figures. But I also ended up not really playing with those figures as much out of not wanting to rub paint off joints, deteriorate parts, etc.
Then over the last few years NECA and Hasbro improved significantly. And I started buying more and more of those. And I was having fun keeping them around my desk and just posing them even if they weren't as good. MOTU origins, a line I'd be a snob over and thought was stupid 5 years ago, is my current favorite line.
I think another thing is I always collected toys, so I like toys that are, well, toys. I like toy sculpts and uniquely toy aesthetics. Like MOTU is such a charming series to me because its so clearly originates as toys. I prefer face sculpts that are stylized than uncannily accurate to reality.
Where as, if you're more of a fan of media and came back to toys after an absence and want to return to figures based off properties you like, you may gravitate more to the most accurate and detailed versions you can find.