>size: similar to Grand Max>bio:just like Fortress max has a younger brother Grand Max, Tidal Wave has a smaller sister named Tsunami, he rarely gets to fight with her, much to his displeasure, since megatron wants her conquering other planets across the galaxy, millions of stellar cycles with her older brother has given her a habit of repeatedly screaming her name in battle like her bigger brother Tidalwave .
Tidalwaves friend & ramjets less traitorous cousin, seaquake, has taken the mantle of watching over her for him, & updates him about any new problems that have come up through special intercoms.
>alt mode: same as Tidal wave>sex: Female>faction: Decepticon>color scheme: ocean blue & grey with yelllow highlights like tidalwaves show colors >bodytype: like Tidalwave but slimmer waist, thicker thighs, turrets form boobs & turrets at waist like tidalwave has similar helmet shape to tidalwave, but has two downward facing pigtail horns, female face, small chin with purple visor with yellow eyes underneath like her brother. has a light grey face big blue lips
>pack in figure/s: minicon seaquake , colors are like a seabeds colors (you pick)>gimmick/s: seaquake can ride in her you dont have to draw this guys, but Id be happy to see it ive had this idea for months and thought it was dumb at first but oh well fuck it.