>>9704645I have the Mario, Luigi and DK from the Mario Kart 64 line and all three are sticky like hell, though in different places. DK is sticky all around, whereas Mario and Luigi have some hope. Mario's hands are painted in a glossier white paint whereas Luigi's are matte: for Mario, only the left hand seems to have attracted some gunk whereas for Luigi originally both hands were sticky as hell. Legs are a pain point for both, whereas torso are arms seem fine. Additionally Luigi's face is fine but Mario's eyes seem to have caught some gunk. So weird. I washed these with generic dish washing soap like last year and unlike with some other figures, it helped here, but obviously it's not a permanent solution. Honestly, as crazy as it might seem, I'd like to find some customizer and pay them a bit of money to make casts of the hands and legs in a more durable material, probably ABS plastic (though I'm aware it can/will get yellow over time). Luckily the hands are the same for both figures.
I just want my darn figures to not fall apart on their own! They told us when we were kids that plastic is forever and apparently "forever" is less than twenty years in normal people time!