>>9696808There is no such thing as protection. If you open up packages in perfect condition, you'll find that figures nearly immediately break. Time is a factor, and that spiderman is already toast and doesn't look as it did on shelves, whether due to plasticizer leakage or paint reacting.
Toys are durable goods, but even the government says most durable goods have a life of 5 years. Unless its a metal tool something is rarely kept in use longer. Therfore theres no benefit to make packaging or figures last forever. Theres only a few perfect star wars MOC figures.
The best possible thing you can do is store your toy in a cold (very cold), faraday cage, with no oxygen, hopefully having a noble or inert gas. Alternatively you can seal your figures in a gel, at cold temperatures, provided they recieve no light. The gel should not be made from water however, or any reactive substance.
If you follow these methods your toys will last forever.