>>9718894>and the moment your votes aren't useful to the Big Guys, they'll drop you as quickly as they supported youhmmm ironic don't you think?
after all what did your leader do once he got elected, oh yeah disavowed you, then let all you morons rot in jail while a rapper who made a music video of him killing you guys
Now let's recap what my leaders have done
>in 1967 Interracial marriages became lew across the USA >Pride parades in all major cities>Gay marriage across the board in 2015>2018 you can serve openly as a Trans gender in the military>2021 once the adults got back in the white house, did an executive order so you can't deny Transgender athletes from participatingand what did your guy do
>oh yeah recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel>banned anti Semitic speech on collage campusesYeah I guess you right, your side is defiantly going to win XD
>You can't reproduce Funny you of all people saying that given you won't have kids since you repulse Women, and have the maturity of a little kid, besides don't need to reproduce, we are an idea and we will spread and continue on through our beliefs, the pen is mightier then the sword you see
Just look at any company in the past six years and ask yourself, have they become less progressive or more progressive, and you'll have your answer on who is really winning
Lia Thomas Still has her gold Medal, and even the cis hags who complained because they where bad at the sport still praise her
Lego will continue making LGBTQP+ models, and you'll just have to cope and seethe in your basement about