>>9770157if scale world wasnt so expensive id have goten a few of them, but they made of of my favs be these stupid exclusive sets and i didnt think paying more then a figma + shipping + import customs for small static candy toys was worthwhile.
the fact they scale together is nice but also a bummer they choose such an odd scale? 1/24 or 1/18 and i couldve found things to make diorama displays, but i never see 1/20 for things.
not shitting on the line nessesairily, just the very dumb price range for msot of these. seen some locally at shops too and seems a lot of people dont feel like paying that much even for the less exclusive ones. since all in all, the costs are just to much to warrant it for many.
if you do have the funds and such for it i wont shit on you.
im personally a 1/12-ish collector, i dont need it strictly, but a close-enough range works.
moncolles are neat if you just want something of said mon and dont care for scale. but finaly owning a large gyarados that wasnt the same size as a pikachu made me happier then i thought.