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/MOTU/ Masters of the Universe General: White Bread Hero

No.9818735 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to /motu/ General -- the most powerful thread in the universe!

Previous thread: >>9809577

Recent News
> Wun-Dar leaked, preorders any day now
> Mattel Creations Koldar preorders Noon Eastern 05/27/2022
> Leech and Snoutspout found on the US West coast
> Wave 9 Mantenna, Pig-Head, 200x He-Man and Skeletor released in Malaysia
> CGI Man-E-Faces and Ram Ma'am seen at Walmart retail
Mega Monstroid, Land Shark and Slime Pit Skeletor skull available from Amazon,
> Formo Toys and the late Mark Taylor LOP is now renamed as Legends of Dragonore

PREVIEWS not yet released:
> Origins King Randor, Whiplash, mini-comic Trap Jaw, brown Grizzlor, Digitino, Space Sumo
> Origins Roton
> Mega Dragon Blaster Skeletor, Thunder Punch He-Man, Ram Man, Webstor, toy colors Trap Jaw and Yellow-Lyn variant to be packed with Snake Mountain
> various Masterverse including PoP and Sun-Man with respectable wings



Thread Question: after Wun-Dar, do you want any figures of other main characters' predecessors, like Veena Kuduk Ungol, or a previous Man-At-Arms?