>>9876273Out of my accursed interview at LAST - just got home - didn't get the job, but eh, can't win 'em all.
Now I can fucking think straight.
I'm thinking that we go completely original on this, anon!
I was thinking that it would be fun to just make up a design and go with it - a sort of "home-made" feel would be quite delightful, a bit of a LittleBigPlanet feeling.
At the end of the day, it's just a dinky camera with a dinky antenna hooked up to a 12V battery and transmitting to a phone VR headset - might as well make the most of the dinkyness!
Hell, if you want it'd be fun as shit to start a business selling these guys.
And I'm 100% serious, anon.
>>9876892Kek, thanks fren - do you think it might genuinely be a good idea to pitch it to a toy company?
DIY > all else, but hell, if I made money on this, I'd use it to create an open-source version so EVERYONE could do it for cheap.
But, my brain's just fucking obsessed with money right now because I am quite hungry.
At the end of the day, this is for fucking fun.
I genuinely want a fun hobby more than I want to make muh money.
EVERYONE should have the knowledge to make these.
It's a /toy/ revolution, anons.
This unironically how we bring back creative play into the physical world.
Video games have their place, but I really don't like them anymore.
They're too fucking limiting, and there's no tactile element.
You just aren't doing anything but clicking buttons.
And I know that playing with toys is "just moving pieces of plastic", but it just isn't the same.
The tangibility is just something else entirely.