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Daibadi/Polynian General: Back in Black (Again) Edition

!2ijLsbucRg No.9915215 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome back. Hope you're all doing well.

As most of us can see, the new Black Flesh bodies have been released. Black Flesh Clover and Montagne/Mare should be in the hands of anyone who ordered them. They're no accompanying Really/Arty who dropped last month. Again, for those who don't know or missed it, Vania is has gotten a re-issue and is up for Pre-Order at the moment. Marisa should also be the next release in the line according to the last information given by Daibadi. The official Polynian 4koma manga has been started. The first page is out now with more to come. The manga will be about the everyday life of Polys and will also give more details about them. We should hopefully be getting more news on following releases soon as we only have 2 figures up at the moment.

As always, here is the assistance e-mail for those who need it, so if any problem should arise, feel free to contact them over at "" or the shop you purchased the figure from.

Once again, feel free to share your photos and adventures, they add life and some fun to the thread. Also, welcome newcomers, we hope you enjoy your stay.

Last Thread:>>9793845