>>9982603Show Z has always been really helpful even if it takes some time, best not to bug them. A lot of Asian shops are like this where if you go against protocol they'll take offense and blacklist you. Mainly because contacting them from different sourses mucks up their filework
Pretty much every single Asian retailer I've brought from has been really helpful, from bigger ones like Show Z or TFS Express, to smaller operations like FansProjects now defunct store(they sent a whole new figure to replace my constructo core once) Meanwhile American companies have taken ages, mainly because they have to contact Chinese retailers same as you so they're basically another middleman. Worst was The Chosen Prime losing items from my warehouse(they found them, but it was months because I assume they were trying to find a replacement cheap instead of just paying the $10 extra for a scalped copy)
I've found the best place to contact them is directly on their website