>>9996014>no churo?>>10042332>My dollar tree is loadedI dunno about the rest of you anons but he's impossible to find. Even in 'fully loaded' stores.
>>10001924>I dont mean to take away from Final Faction's thunder, but is anyone else keeping up with "the corps" ?>>10003771>If you can find themIf they weren't US exclusive Walmart exclusive, I feel like they'd be a much more popular toyline than they are. I'd love to keep up with the line but as it is I'm not paying 30 bucks plus shipping to get a single bootleg 3 3/4 GI Joe figure.
But like, is that Kano with a fucking drill arm? Honestly I might have to get him for 40 USD.
>>10001924>Its all cyborgs, robot attack pets, and mad max vehicles now.I really wish this line existed outside of vague references on 4chan. Like... fuck that sounds cool, and there was an alien line too right? And a dinosaur one? And an actual Xenomorph alien queen? Fuck man. Sounds like they'd be a cool toy line if they were real.
>>10019652>One of the places where I think the Final Faction design team shot themselves in the collective foot is reuse.This is Corps' strength, like, all the characters are one of three or four bodies with arms, legs, and a new head. Even the girl, which is a phenomenal buck for the size and price, considering it has more articulation than most 6 inch 35 dollar figures, is reused all over the place except for head. Shame the male bucks are mix and match modern-ish or 5 poa.
Upside, the armour packs seem to be trying to fill that re-use or re-buy void, since you can still buy multiples of the same toy and have them be visually different after the fact.
>>10035078>>wants 6" Snake Bite & PumaThis is way past the price point of corps or final faction but I literally have Pandora on preorder solely because she looks sorta like a tweaked 6 inch snake bite.