>>815934chan has been a part of my life for a very long time. I remember back when failguy would make cross-thread posts with portals and stuff on /b/. I owe /tg/ a lot for introducing me to a lot of my hobbies and subsequently a lot of my friends. I spend time on /vg/ and /v/ every day because I love videogames. I remember sitting up late watching other people do "raids" and silly things like that, but not participating because it "mean". I remember when 4chan was on the news, and the songs people made and stuff like that. I post in the cookalong threads on /ck/, I've been to /cgl/ meetups, I've spent more time that I should have bickering on /int/. Lots and lots of fun threads over the years. It's like an old friend.
So I wanted to support it. No captcha is just icing on the cake.