Quoted By:
>nationalist, anti-immigration save for "hub" countries such as Canada or Singapore
>don't think Jews are the problem so much as American leftists, a lot of which just so happen to be Jews
>don't really like Americans in general
>glad to see the west return to the right
>Brexit was in every party's best interest
>it's clear by now that blacks just cannot properly integrate into a first world society, and that we'd all be better off if they returned to Africa
>Brits generally seem to know what they're doing, wouldn't mind returning to their rule
>100% fine with Japan owning all of the Far East countries China does not
>instead of worrying about climate change in some indeterminable amount of time in the future, we should focus on cleaning up pollution today
>Justin Trudeau needs to be removed from office posthaste and replaced with someone who is willing to actually put in some work as PM
>Italy and Greece should probably be dissolved at this point
>modern feminism is bogus
>Mexicans generally seems to be an OK people, definitely not the worst minority in the U.S.
And finally:
>Asuka is better than Rei, but they're both pretty cute