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thank you to everybody over the past 23 days who has tuned into my blog i am honoured that i inspired somebody to make their own blog too despite its short life span
i have learned that i am a very boring person and my usual routine is the same few things every day and now i will go into a bit more detail now that i have had some time to reflect:
-my little brother is kind of a bitch but it is ok to have him around sometimes
-i still have no idea what happened to the coffee or why it tasted weird some of the times
-i do not know why i got sick that one day i remember i felt really terrible after that nap and it took over a day to not feel terrible i suspect something else was at play because i nap almost every day and i do not ever remember feeling that terrible just from a nap
-i was upset at first that my keyboard was damaged beyond repair by my niece but it was staying at my parents house anyways and i was not really using it so in hindsight it was not a big deal she is only 6 and then my parents also bought me a new keyboard later so no harm no foul i also felt very guilty about being upset about this especially after the fact
-i like spending time with my family including my cousin i wish i could see her dog more he is large and friendly
i also learned i do not know how to blog or maybe it is because i do the same things every day but i enjoyed the experience and i also enjoy my daily routine so i probably will not change anything about it
well that is it this was fun thank you guys i do not know when i will blog here again next
happy new 2022 to most people