Quoted By:
/b/ when Millhouse was still not a meme
/mu/ when Animal Collective was popular, so I think 2007-2008-ish, and stopped browsing around 2010 when Fantano dickriding and mainstream hip hop started ruining the board.
/v/ starting around 2007 and up until /vg/ was created and all the good posters went there
/a/ since around 2012 when I started watching anime, now the board I spend the most time on.
/ck/ off and on over the years, mostly for the beer and junk food threads.
/w/ off and on over the years, any time I want a new wallpaper or have a request. Most underrated board on 4chan with a great community.
/co/ any time there's a season of The Venture Bros airing, but not much other than that.
/tv/ for the Hell's Kitchen threads.
[s4s] since its inception, /qa/ also and /q/ before that.
/pol/ since around 2015 during the Canadian election and during this shit show of an American election.
/int/ sporadically over the years for country tribalism and "walled world" threads and that stuff.
Oh and /b/, I started with /b/ in 2007. Those were good times. I especially miss the OC threads of which there were many, even if it was usually the same joke made over and over (lol "the game")