>>48401If you've known about it, then why come and ask us questions mate about what we use?
Mind you there are folks here who have pretty much everything their heart desires, we're just not that willing to share with cunts.
Here's the thing, I'd be delighted to help; but you took my bait. You'll respond with >pretending to be retarded then I'll say something along the lines of gtfo or something; banter will be had and nothing will really progress as per thread topic or actual intended desire.
You won't find much here with a sour attitude friendo, the same can be said of any situation online and in real life.
I'd love to help you, but you have no brain when it comes to brokering information and therefore aren't really the effort.
Maybe someone else will stop by the thread in the next 65 days and give you an answer.
Maybe not.
We're few and far between in this desert of ours friend :3