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This thread is to serve as a reposity counters to LEFT/CRYPO MARX/WOKE - ismi - ist etc bleats of npc
tldr reject the definial words - use your semiotic spade to dig out the meanings of works .. leave them with nothing
feel free to add to the thread good counters
How to deal with someone calling you racist or saying 'that's racist', and some tactics for general NPC bleats.
If someone accuses you of being racist and you respond to the accusation directly, you have already lost.
I am going to give you some tools to deal with such accusations or claims.
In any situation or conversation, whether it be a debate, submission, family table talk, or discussion with friends:
If you ever get asked anonymously, 'what do you think about X?' or 'do you think Y is good?'
If someone tells you 'you are z-ist, z-phobic, or whatever
You can never just answer that question. The reasonif you answer yes or no or addressing the accusation or claim, you have lost 90% of the grounds/argument.
This is because you are agreeing with all the definitions, e.g., what is racism, that it is a natural bad, etc.
You have to get out your semiotic spade and dig out all the meanings,
dig out their foundations.
The NPC has been programmed from before the womb via their NPC parents' views and state/school views to bleat out racism or whatever is a natural bad.
Your answer should always be
Your answer should always be:
NPC, what do you think you mean when you say 'racism'?
Most, if not all, NPCs have never really considered what it means.
Then follow that line and ask them, 'Why do you think racism is wrong?'
So, you're against the freedom of choice of an individual to think?
Then give an example: Why do people call a certain type of car a Toyota and not a car made in, say, Japan, known for its reputation of being very reliable and good to run and made at factories A, B, and C?"
Then give an example about Ladas or insert another example of a bad car.