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Homestead Claim
Claim Type: Original Creativity Claim (Ocla)
Unique Identifier: Zenoribbon
Full Property Name: Zenoribbon of Rainbow Road
Abbreviations: ZR, Zenoribbon
Description: Zenoribbon is a Mobius ribbon which exists as an ethereal entity. At the heart of Zenoribbon is an inclusive voluntary bond by which participants agree to exchange pieces of the ribbon specific supportive ways by consensus which are expected to benefit everyone on average in the long term. Zenoribbon is encouraged to be shared or otherwise exchanged with anyone as our freedom of association allows.
Claim Restriction: Only one Zenoribbon will be honorable as original so long as even one participant has memory of its existence. No further Zenoribbons will be created by me or those who extend this voluntary bond.
Energy Invested: Wrote "Rainbow Road" as first published 2020 Feb 13, which describes Zenoribbon as one of many ways to decentralize social power structures.
Time of Claim: 2020 June 26
Claimant Name: fractalosopher
Claimant Sharing Key: hqXdZnrTvicitWv4V/LH/9qA3nUMcl5PIbbdgclZ9cY=
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Hash: Application: SHA-512 by TweetNaCl:
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