Quoted By:
<@I_AM_ABIB> is it mod abuse if I ban someone who low-effort flames me
<@yournamehere> not if you report it, then respond to the report :^)
<@Aeolian> It's not mod abuse if you're banning yourself
<huloxia> self-abuse is very much a real problem Aeolian
<huloxia> if you see a self-abusing mod send them to mod camp
<huloxia> an island filled with various site mods
<@Aeolian> Kinky
<CaptainDreamcast> strange animal noises coming from the discord mod tent
<huloxia> dont get bullied by the bodybuilding forums mods
<@DOTDOTDOT> if you ever talk shit about me i will mod abuse you
<@DOTDOTDOT> in minecraft
<@DOTDOTDOT> if i EVER see logs of me on /qa/ you're fuckin dead pal
<@DOTDOTDOT> dead in minecraft