>>53693obviously the places where horseposting is the point of the boards.
/horse/ and /trash/
Therefore, keep horseposting in the places where horseposting is okay, with no need to further it.
Like previously stated, we don't need to be overly autistic screaming "REEEEEEE PONIES, REEEEE HORSEFUCKERS, REEEEEE REEEEEEE REEEEE" because like /pol/, /mlp/ has ingrained itself into the site itself. There are horsefuckers everywhere,
It's a bit of a conspiracy however that doesn't mean that /vip/ needs to entertain horseposting.
We can be polite, while not tolerating it here.
isn't that what it means to be /vip/?
Then again, this is 4chan, autism runs extremely deep here.