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No.106693 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear Hiro,

I'm writing to you because I'm getting sick and tired of the useless janitors and moderators on 4chan. Here's the problem:

Everyone seem to use "off topic" as a way to delete what they personally dislike. For example, if there's a thread on /fit/ about a goal body, that thread may stay up. While another thread, at another time, with the same topic, will get deleted for "off topic".

You have to do something about the off topic bullshit. Mods and jannies don't need to argue, they don't need to explain. Sure, you can complain, but you'll never be met with arguments, only "accept" or "deny".

I think a lot of people using 4chan, regardless of board, are getting REALLY tired of mods and jannies abusing the off topic rule. Why not implement a function where you can actually contact the mods and jannies? Can still be completely anonymous. Just so that they actually have to explain their decisions. That way it'll become less subjective and less abused by irresponsible mods and jannies.