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vip IRL

No.110287 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lets crowdfund a digital billboard in Jew York and stream it scrolling all posts itt 24/7
Posts with trips will get a spotlight from time to time and flamboyantly flash whatever inane shit it's written.
A medium digital billboard is 5k and a large one 15k for 4 weeks.

Donate crypto here;

possible FAQ:

>Are you serious?
Dead serious.

>If there's not enough money what will happen to the donations?
I will donate it to the Red Cross

>How long does it take once money is gathered?
2-4 weeks depending on the spot

>Will you run away with the money?
No, but it's up to you to believe me, I won't create a gofundme or whatever the fuck.
If you wanna go through the hassle you're free to replicate the idea in another thread.