Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[12 / 1 / ?]


!!w3mCbi55DIx No.112160 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>>Yesterday. Solar booked
>>Arm eblow endon healing brachoradialis insertion point. Enthesis isssue, Taken abotu a week to heal or 7 days. I would like to keep lift, but must rest it.

Listen to DUNE WAVE to goto sleep.

>>DREAM::Super powers - training - other surpised I can resist. Avoid guy walking around super market, base back down in corridor or some such.

>>Study calls, but from other subject - als ohad already done so glad I did not have to do. [PTSD for study agian]

>>0716 UP
>>S sets
>>Recovered last of FUNDS the 7 + back ups of different computers paid for itself in one hit over last few days

>>When Will normies hard close borders until we sort out this covid shit.

>FOOD one sugary coffee mix.
