>>120873I phrased that wrong. Everything in the world exists conditionally. I am not smart enough or don't have the language to explain that the world, in a monist sense, exists conditionally. Perhaps it does perhaps it doesn't.
But everything in the world lives in a conditional state. Everything depends upon something and therefor "deals" are made between beings. Beings interact with each other never on a singular level. Matter and substance has form and qualities. Dimensions, magnitude, attributes. There is not "just matter." There is matter that is a chair and that chair is conditionally a type of material, a color, a shape, etc. The shape will, on some level, be conditioned by its matter and also the matter surrounding it.
It is a matter of justice that no woman, or person for that matter, should love another unconditionally. The greatest parents ever do not love their children unconditionally. They condition their children to create the conditions under which the children can be loved - if they are seeking to love their children in the first place, that is.
The concept of unconditional love is yet another corner of the expression of nihilism.