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To Bill gates and co, I believe in you and I will not hate you anymore but instead I will love you.
I believe in you and in all of us.
I want to believe in the ones that lead our world. That they still have a fraction of their personalities that is good and knows what is right and what isn't.
I like to think that the those that have a lot of money are more responsible of the well being of Earth since it obvious that you have more power.
Bill and co, I know that you are trying to do good but you aren't, you can't reset the world and establish a "New World Order" with such ugly behavior or do it in such ugly way.
How can we pretend to be a better species if we don't even take care of our pairs ?
This Pyramidal system bring the worst from all of us. But I don't even blame the system to be honest, I blame every human being on this planet that do not care about others and that is lacking of compassion.
Why would Bill gates and Co move any finger for people that act also selfish or are stupid. I understand them.
This is why I strongly BELIEVE that WE as species should live by those 2 words that are "Compassion and Evidence" and stick to it like our life would depend on it.
From those 2 words our society should be build on.
Everyone can see that we are often confronted toward the easy path and the right path.
Mainly we are confronted to favorize a selfish choice or an altruist one.
Spiritually speaking, it sounds to me like a consciousness test and this is a simulation.
But without going to far in speculation Imagine one second, If Humanity live by Compassion and Evidence our future as species would be beautiful.
I will do everything in my power to spread this idea that will resonate in every soul like PURE LOGIC AND EVIDENCE.
The Pyramidal system has to perish.
Remember to Love instead of Hate.
In Life I trust, In Compassion and Evidence I thrive.
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Youtube links to see :
I believe in you and in all of us.
I want to believe in the ones that lead our world. That they still have a fraction of their personalities that is good and knows what is right and what isn't.
I like to think that the those that have a lot of money are more responsible of the well being of Earth since it obvious that you have more power.
Bill and co, I know that you are trying to do good but you aren't, you can't reset the world and establish a "New World Order" with such ugly behavior or do it in such ugly way.
How can we pretend to be a better species if we don't even take care of our pairs ?
This Pyramidal system bring the worst from all of us. But I don't even blame the system to be honest, I blame every human being on this planet that do not care about others and that is lacking of compassion.
Why would Bill gates and Co move any finger for people that act also selfish or are stupid. I understand them.
This is why I strongly BELIEVE that WE as species should live by those 2 words that are "Compassion and Evidence" and stick to it like our life would depend on it.
From those 2 words our society should be build on.
Everyone can see that we are often confronted toward the easy path and the right path.
Mainly we are confronted to favorize a selfish choice or an altruist one.
Spiritually speaking, it sounds to me like a consciousness test and this is a simulation.
But without going to far in speculation Imagine one second, If Humanity live by Compassion and Evidence our future as species would be beautiful.
I will do everything in my power to spread this idea that will resonate in every soul like PURE LOGIC AND EVIDENCE.
The Pyramidal system has to perish.
Remember to Love instead of Hate.
In Life I trust, In Compassion and Evidence I thrive.
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Youtube links to see :