Day six, poured one beer but not before removing 1 cup from it. I'm almost down to 0 beers per day.
However Fridays I can already tell are going to be the hardest, because that's usually when I unwind after the work week and drink a bunch while playing Elden Ring. Ah well, I can do this.
>>124871Good for you mane. 10 per night's nuts, your health must not be doing too good right now. I'm already doing bad with my health because I've been drinking 3-5 beers per night, 6 on weekends. Get too tired when working out, get out of breath more easily, get light headed and see spots when I stand up too fast, and of course the beer belly. That stuff is really starting to subside though after only 6 days, well except for the beer belly, although I don't feel bloated all the time like I did a week ago.