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Disco Elysium

No.127950 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I started playing this just a day or 2 ago and it's been interesting, but not in the most exciting way. You're supposed to solve a murder with an Asian partner, but the amnesia of a guy with horrible alcohol and drug problems is much more enticing so I want to find out more and more info about him. So far all I've got is that he's named Harry Du Bois and he has been a good cop until he burnt out from stress. I'm trying to find his gun, but my only lead right now is that it was sold to some woman. I think it might be the girl near the dock, but I'm not sure. Could be because she uses the word "pig" a lot and that came up during the conversation with the owner of the pawn shop. I need to learn more though so I'm going to update this more as I go on for fun. I need to make use of this pass since I have one now.
Also I guess it's kind of important that I chose the Thinker archetype for Harry. I didn't want to choose the others since they didn't feel like the way to experience my first playthrough.
(If I'm redditspacing a bit, I apologize. I'm a college boy and the lectures paired with the amount of work that gets put on me makes it a bit more natural.)