Might as well complain about something here since there's seemingly no where else to:
What's the deal with 4chan straight up blocking VPNs from even loading the site? This started happening in late 2024 and it's the same across all devices and different browsers. It's extremely annoying because I can't even lurk anymore on VPN. I am forced to expose my wifi's IP address or use my phone's mobile data to load up threads, and after that updating threads works on VPN. Alternatively I can turn on my pass momentarily to force threads to load on VPN.
Also 4chan X has been giving me a specific problem lately: "please unblock
challenges.cloudflare.com to proceed" and I know it's some bullshit to get me to turn off my adblocker.
All the recent changes I've seen on certain boards to curtail "spammers" hasn't been very affective against them, it just makes it more inconvenient for regular posters that just give up because that 15 minute timer is so finicky and prone to resetting itself often.
>>131264This is specifically why I never renew
t. pass holder since 2021 but all my passes are less than a year old