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What Board Are You From?

No.2246 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your home board(s)? How are they faring?

/tg/ - It is better now that Quests are gone. Still great conversations to be had about world building and all sorts of stuff. /TG/ has always been one of the best boards on 4chan and the fa/tg/uys some of the nicest.

/tv/ - It is shit now. Wasn't ever great but it was better than this. Needs splitting since mods can't handle it.

/v/ - Vee has always been hateful shit but it's increased population has made it even worse. At least they broke off a couple boards of shit like Generals. It was 90% Generals on the front page at one point before that.

/co/ - You can usually get a conversation about whatever comic or cartoon you want here and it won't be drowned by people who hate it. Still has good threads and people share uploads of shows and comics still. The comic book and cartoon centric people usually don't bother each other if they don't like both. Pretty good board.