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Daily Reminder on /pol/ threads

No.26328 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A lot of /pol/ hate threads are people from /pol/ getting you retards riled up.
Most other threads are CTR shilling to get /pol/ removed so they can then focus on the rest of the boards because they hate you all and want you to fall in line with the rest of the cucked websites.

Daily reminder the media wants us all gone not just /pol/.

Daily reminder that if /pol/ wasn't so popular we wouldn't spill out from our "containment" board.

Daily reminder that I'm not responding to anti /pol/ posts in this thread because you're either a shill for CTR or a fucking retard that can't understand your thought process is a product of falling in line with poorly paid shill posters and /pol/ trolls.

Oh and one last reminder... 4chan "culture" (etiquette?) is stronger than reddit and 9gag culture.
If you're so gay you think shit sites like reddit or 9fag will ever make us too normie you're new.

/pol/ leaked into mainstream not the other way around