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Board Culture

!d8k8o8ZXCw No.28027 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we talk board culture?

Why does this term even exist? I know that every board has a different set of interests and thus it's inevitable that they be a little bit different, but why is acting toxic and cancerous suddenly passable under the excuse of "board culture"?


/v/ is generally terrible, what with everyone literally hating video games and having minimal discussion about them.

/a/ is full of elitist neckbeard fags that have awful taste in everything according to themselves, and don't even allow Toonami threads even though Toonami is anime.

/tv/ is chock full of garbage 24/7 and is almost 100% void of any relevant discussion.

/pol/ leaks over into every single board and derails any otherwise passable discussion.

What will the "culture" of this board be?