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Important poll concerning our board mascott

No.28496 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

-Option 1:
A cuter anime shota/trap-like/moe-like/etc version of number 1 on pic related like here: [lewd alert] >>>/i/482663 [/lewd alert] like he's straight out of /cm/
Something that even border-line straight or just bisexual man would find appealing

-Option 2:
A cute grown up anime woman with big assests (the opposite of what a loli has) and with the designs that you see on pic related

Option 1 has gray hair because he was a mature man who got stuck in a shota body after an incident and the only trace left is his hair color
We included the mature man origin story because he represents us, adult /vip/pers who can afford to buy passes

The shota form that option 1 is imprisoned in currently is also a metaphore of the young age of the board /vip/ since it's the youngest amongst other boards and the adult /vip/ers are stuck inside a young board

Option 2 is a grown up woman and not a loli because again she represents us /vip/pers

The female gender of option 2 may allow her to be remembered more because we are on 4chan afterall

Both versions mock other tans and call them poorfags. They pretend to be rich while they only get caught having 15 to 20 dollars on them at all times.
They both brag about their clover pin on their chests that only them has and don't miss a chance to show it off

We are at a more stable very close to the final design of option 1, while option 2 still has a lot of modifications to be done to her

The hair color and the design details and the personality/background of our mascott can change later on. What won't change is the gender that will be decided now

The threads where they were born: >>20307 (scroll down) and >>23418 and >>14262