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No.32415 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We try to add to our vip-tan /ss/ couple's personalities and stories.

Please come up with the smartest ideas.

Already existing personalities and stories:
>Shota vip-tan has gray hair because he was a mature man who got stuck in a shota body after an incident and the only trace left is his hair color
>The mature man origin story was included because he represents us, adult /vip/pers who can afford to buy passes
>The shota form he is imprisoned in currently is also a metaphore of the young age of the board /vip/ since it's the youngest amongst other boards and the adult /vip/ers are stuck inside a young board
>They both pretend to be rich while they only get caught having 15 to 20 dollars on them at all times
>They mock other tans and call them poorfags. But secretly they love them and want to help them (metaphore of /vip/pers wanting to save 4chan and other 4chan boards from death by supporting the site)
>They brag about their clover pins on their chests that only them have and don't miss a chance to show it off