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No.6625 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
To the idiot(s) spamming "VIP QUALITY" shit:
Please stop.
This is pointless, and frankly embarrassing.
I mean, what is the point? You're not going to turn this place into a reincarnation of the dis boards. All you're doing is proving that you have a moderately large SJIS folder and know a few ancient memes. Doing it here, in front of a bunch of Pass users (many of which are so newfaggy that they started browsing after the textboards were deleted) who couldn't care less.

We all know you're going to drop the whole thing in a couple of days' time. You are not going to successfully integrate any of this VIPPER shit into the posting culture here. It just makes you look like a complete ass and a tryhard, so please stop now. There are entire websites dedicated to that outdated crap, filled with dumb teenagers who are actually interested in these fossils, go do it all there.