>>74360 (OP)Welcome to /vip/. I hope you like it here. Please note that when you start a thread, you kill one by someone else, so act responsibly.
Frogposters don't get hassled as hard here as they do on other boards, but there are a few arachnophobes around. Posting spiders really upsets them.
Those guys are kind of insufferable dicks anyway, and the frogs and spiders keep harmful insects away. You are now one of the elites and can do as you please.
There is a petition to get improvements for the board so we can have it really swank in here. We have already gotten the drawing tool, but my pet peeve is sound webm
and larger file sizes so we can shine above the other boards. When Hiro sees the light, he will realize that it will help sell Gold Passes.
Here is a link to the petition...