[256 / 141 / ?]
>Sexy main RED edition: thread #2
This is a /vip/ thread for all things iDOLM@STER. Go ahead, post an im@s idol, and try out that shiny new 4chan pass before entering /@/.
>Previous VIP thread: >>73151
Archive of >>73151 : http://archive.today/ANV9A
>iDOLM@STER track of the year (IMPORTANT):
This is a /vip/ thread for all things iDOLM@STER. Go ahead, post an im@s idol, and try out that shiny new 4chan pass before entering /@/.
>Previous VIP thread: >>73151
Archive of >>73151 : http://archive.today/ANV9A
>iDOLM@STER track of the year (IMPORTANT):