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Littlemon team #13 to beat Alpha Sapphire E4+C
>usual restrictions like no potions in battle etc
>deathless the whole way
I'm not sure if I ever said this in previous posts, but it also has to be a reliable strat too of course.
>Spritzee tank edition
>who needs a full team anyway edition
This was a Gastly & Spritzee duo team originally. Gastly glass cannon + Spritzee tank = champions
And I've always known Slowpoke is somehow strong, but it has poor stats and it's part Psychic so it should be not suitable in this challenge at all. Yet it still was a key member.
Shinx has Intimidate which is always great. Axew was there only to kill Dragalgae.
Pretty nice team.
All time kill list
20: Mienfoo
17: Scyther
15: Munchlax
14: Gastly
11 - 13: Pancham, Shellos, Doduo, Torchic, Staryu, Wailmer, Torchic, Slugma