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I have following pokemons that people can clone for them self in exchange for one of their own cloned mon:
Bank stuff:
-Shiny 6IV Calm Prankster Whimsicott
-Shiny 5IV (3IV+2x30IV's because of some HP) Bold Articuno
-Shiny 5IV Jolly Landorus (KOR)
-Shiny 6IV Timid Thundurus (JPN)
-Shiny 6IV Naughty Latias
Kalos native stuff:
-Shiny 5IV Jolly Sneasel w/ Fake out, Ice punch breed moves
-Shiny 5IV (3IV+2x30IV becouse of HP Ice) Timid Charizard w/ Charizardite Y
-Shiny 5IV (4IV+0Spe) Brave Marowak w/ Thick club
Kalos non shiny X-exclusive competitive mega pokemons all 5IV:
-Adamant Tyranitar w/ Tyranitare
-Adamant Scizor w/ Scizorite
-Timid Manectric w/ Manectite
I'm looking for following cloned stuff:
-Y-exclusive mega pokemons with the megastone
-5/6IV competitive bank legendaries such as Cresselia, Latias, Latios, Heatran.
-any IV'd uber legendaries, kyurem, darkrai etc. the mons that you can't even use in battle spot
-Charizardite X because I gave my own away
-5IV shiny kalos native competitive pokemons
And I can't clone unfortunately, I can only let people clone my pokemons.
Looking forward for some cloning now :)