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Broke into GF's computers and found out everything about the Gen 8 games. Here we go.
>Game takes place in America again.
>Megas are removed.
>Breeding is removed too as it is too sexual.
>Villian teams are removed.
>Gyms are still removed too.
>Champion and Elite 4 is removed too.
>McDonalds is added as a replacement for pokemon centers, however each time you heal the pokemon speed gets lower.
>Your mom accompanies you on your journey too.
>Just how benches were the key feature in X and Y, porta-potties get added to the game.
>A new minigame is made where every time you walk past a portapotty you have a long unskippable 10 minute cutscene of you taking a shit with your mom giving you tips and wiping your ass, to support potty training.
>The battle facility is called the Battle Ground which is really a playground, you get BP by yelling very nice compliments into your microphone, battling is removed here because it supports violence.
>You can also say nice things to your mic to catch pokemon at a 100% catch rate.
>Swearing into the mic automatically deletes your save file.
Looks like a great game to me!