>>45660690Is this the thread where we share stories about being made fun of for liking pokemon?
My family never cared that I liked it, but I went to a private independent Baptist (I still consider myself one, so I'm certainly not saying I hate the denomination) school and no pokemon merchandise was allowed. No conversation about it was officially allowed, but it wasn't really enforced. When I was in probably 7th grade, the pastor's wife told me it was based off of a Satanic religion after I was laughed at a bit for admitting I liked it. I countered by telling her that it was based on Satoshi Tajiri catching bugs as a child, but no one really cared.
For me, the problem wasn't really adults who hated it, but my schoolmates. During elementary and middle school (it was the same school), I was one of the only kids I knew of that liked pokemon. Whenever I would bring it up, I would usually be ridiculed. The other guys only cared about sports games and first-person shooters. I remember one incident where I talked about it once during a last period recess in middle school, and it apparently annoyed the only kid with a watch who we would ask what time it is as we anticipated when we could go home, but he refused to tell anyone until I said "Pokémon is gay!" For several minutes, everyone else pleaded with me to just say it, but I refused. I also remember an older kid who seemed to be a former fan demand to know what type I thought Lugia was (he didn't actually say its name, but I was fairly certain that that's what he was describing). I CORRECTLY said Psychic/Flying, but that motherfucker said it was wrong because it's a Water type and that I didn't actually know anything about pokemon. In high school I actually did meet some kids who liked it though and discussed it without ridicule.